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Automotive News Briefs
27 August 1925

Publication: Automotive Daily News
Topic: Chevrolet

Plants of the Chevrolet Motor Company are operating day and night shifts and are striving to increase output.

Exports $60,000,000 Autos to Tropics
Publication: Automotive Daily News

Dateline: New York, New York

New York, Aug. 24.—Exports of $60,000,000 worth of American automobiles to the tropics in the fiscal year just ended, coupled with the fact that practically all our airplanes and one-half of our wireless apparatus exported go to that section, suggests, says the Trade Record of the National City Bank, that the people of the tropical world are finding in these new devices a partial solution of their transportation problem. The tropical and subtropical belt, which stretches around the globe between the 30th parallel of north latitude adn the 30th parallel of south latitude, has about 600,000,000 people.

Publication: Automotive Daily News

Demand for plate glass continues good in Pittsburgh, and distributors appear to be satisfied with present prices.

Moon Reduces Prices
Publication: Automotive Daily News
Topic: Moon

Chicago, Aug. 26.—The Moon Motor Car Company has announced price reductions of $50 on the touring car and $250 on the sedan.

Henry Ford

New Ford Angle
Publication: Automotive Daily News
Topic: Henry Ford

Henry Ford has just been eulogized from the a new angle. This time it is in connection with his interest in the advancement of aviation. J. Gainor, president of the National Association of Letter Carriers, in Detroit a few weeks ago, said: “Thanks to Mr. Ford's patriotism, America will be in the front rank of preparedness in event of another war.”

Publication: Automotive Daily News

It is announced that South Dakota will use motorized snowplows to keep its roads open this winter.

The Crittenden Automotive Library