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Automotive News Briefs

Date: 6 November 1927
Subject: Pre-WWII Racing
Topics: Chevrolet, Stutz

The New York Times

ANNOUNCEMENT is made by F. E. Moskovics, President of the Stutz Motor Car Company, that a twenty-four hour stock car race will be held over the Indianapolis Motor Speedway at a date to be named late this month between a Black Hawk Stutz speedster and a Boulogne type Hispaño-Suiza.

Mr. Moskovics states that Major H. U. D. Seagrave, who drove his English car at the rate of 203.79 miles per hour at Daytona last Winter, and Charles T. Weymann will drive the foreign car. Gil Anderson will be one of the Stutz drivers.

The New York Times

IN closing last week's sixteenth year of motor activity the Chevrolet Motor Company announced that it would build this year 1,000,000 cars, or more than the combined output for its first sixteen years of existence. In the first year five cars were built.

General Motors took over Chevrolet in 1918. The 1926 production was 732,147 cars and trucks. That record was equaled this year on Aug. 12.

More than 100,000 persons are now directly employed in producing, selling and servicing Chevrolet cars.

The Crittenden Automotive Library