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On This Day in Automotive History
April 16

April 15 « Go to » April 17

Birthdays: Lou Fink (1889), Louis Gerard (1899), Gigi Premoli (1908), Jack Russell (1917), Dan Eames (1918), Bob Flock (1918), Dick Gibson (1918), Dean Layfield (1919), Benny DeRosier (1920), Tommy Moon (1925), Bob Cortner (1927), Carl Cardey (1933), Bob Glass (1934), Jigger Sirois (1935), Thierry Perrier (1950), Frank Sharp (1950), Paolo Giangrossi (1953), John Bowe (1954), Marc Gindorf (1957), Robin Hayes (1961), Lukas Lichtner-Hoyer (1962), Johnny Saathoff (1963), Tom McGlynn (1964), Beth Baldwin (1966), Steve Smith (1966), Matthias Czabok (1967), Alan Metni (1967), Harold Fair Jr. (1969), Randy Holt (1969), Mark King (1969), Martin O'Connell (1972), Cougar Jacobsen (1973), Takuma Koga (1977), Christijan Albers (1979), Dange Hanniford (1981), Tatiana Papis (1981), James Winslow (1981), Ashley Parlett (1983), Paul Di Resta (1986), Matt Dusenberry (1987), Clint Mills (1987), Josh Masterson (1991), Matt Dooley (1996), Andrew Engberson (2000), Kyle Sieg (2001)

1926: The Ohio State Highway Commission opens bids for construction of a 4-mile section of the Lincoln Highway east of Delphos. Although the State had wanted a macadam surface, Bureau of Public Roads refused to participate in anything less permanent than concrete on this major highway. Bids are $71,322 for oil-bound macadam, $72,156 for tar-bound macadam, $84,367 for Kentucky asphalt, and $91,982 for concrete. After some hesitation, the State awards the contract to G.H. Heffner for concrete construction.

1932: The film The Crowd Roars was released.

1938: Chief Thomas MacDonald transmits a report to Colonel James Roosevelt discussing the feasibility of direct toll roads, with excess condemnation, on lines drawn by Roosevelt's father, the President, on a national map-the report is the predecessor to part one of Toll Roads and Free Roads.

1958: President Dwight D. Eisenhower signs the Federal-Aid Highway Act, increasing Interstate construction funds and suspending the pay-as-you-go-feature of the Federal-aid highway program for FY's 1959-60 as part of an economic stimulus package.

1963: A motorcade of dignitaries from the United States, Canada, and Central and South America travels from Panama City to Mexico City in three buses to officially open the Inter-American Highway. The highway is now paved for 2,664 miles and the remaining 478 miles have an all-weather surface, making travel between the U.S. and Panama City possible at any time of year.

1969: The film Hell's Belles was released.

2016: The Challengers released the album Hot Rod Album, a collection of songs that were recorded for a 1964 album that was never released.

2021: The fourth season of Fast & Furious Spy Racers was released on Netflix.

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