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On This Day in Automotive History: January 17

On This Day in Automotive History
January 17

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Birthdays: Charlie Arnold (1875), Billy Carlson (1889), John Duff (1895), Edoardo Teagno (1902), Nace Mattingly (1921), John Riseley-Prichard (1924), George Landry (1924), Harry Hyde (1925), Everett Brashear (1927), Eugene Willbanks (1928), Al Terrell (1930), Squirt Johns (1930), Jim Hall (1934), Dick Beinlich (1935), Mickey Rupp (1936), Rauno Aaltonen (1938), Vern Slagh (1940), Nick Mason (1944), Al Schill Sr. (1945), Ed Miller (1945), Lindsay Owen-Jones (1946), Terry Senneker (1948), Lake Speed (1948), Greg Toepfer (1951), Michael Benjamin (1953), Tim Weaver (1956), Jean-Francois Leroch (1956), Sam McMahon III (1958), Mike Messer (1960), Gary Pedley (1960), Guy Holmes (1961), Rob Hodes (1961), Barry Awtey (1962), John Dillon (1963), Cameron Cassels (1969), Sam Roebuck (1969), Louis Machiels (1971), A.J. Alsup (1976), Mark Eaton (1976), Casey Heavrin (1977), Mike Leaty (1980), Brent Brevak (1988), T.J. Reaid (1990), Miki Monras (1992), Jessica Brunelli (1993), Bryce Walker (1994), Gar Robinson (1995), Dylan Cappello (1996), Devlin DeFrancesco (2000)

1893: The second convention of the National League for Good Roads is held in Washington, DC, to advocate creation of a National Highway Commission. General Roy Stone is acting secretary of the league, which was formed last October in Chicago, IL.

1969: Director of Public Roads Frank Turner signs Project Prospectus No. 1 for a demonstration project to demonstrate the savings, efficiency, and accuracy of using "Aerial Analytical Triangulation Methods Utilizing Stereocomparators and Electronic Computers."

1970: FHWA issues implementing instructions for the Urban Highway Public Transportation Program established by Section 111 of the 1970 Federal-Aid Highway Act. The section allows Federal-aid highway funding for "the construction of exclusive or preferential bus lanes, highway traffic control devices, bus passenger loading areas and facilities, including shelters, as well as fringe and transportation corridor parking facilities to serve bus and other public mass transportation passengers.

1992: The film Freejack was released.

1994: The Northridge Earthquake strikes the Los Angeles area at 4:31 a.m., lasts less than 1 minute, and snaps segments of I-5, I-10/Santa Monica Freeway (the busiest in the world), and other highways. Secretary of Transportation Federico Pea and Administrator Rodney E. Slater, dispatched by President Bill Clinton, are the first Federal officials to arrive at the site.

2009: The Google Self-Driving Car Project was launched. In 2016 it would become Waymo.

2025: Canoo filed for chapter 7 bankruptcy.

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