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On This Day in Automotive History: July 6
On This Day in Automotive History
July 6
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Birthdays: Carl Limberg (1883), Charlie Merz (1888), Cyrus Patschke (1889), Cuth Harrison (1906), Pete Romcevich (1906), Glenn Dunaway (1914), Robert Mougin (1919), Gwyn Staley (1927), Ron Gautsche (1935), Larry Pries (1939), Delma Cowart (1941), Bob Potter (1941), Carl Lux (1943), Mike Duvall (1949), Bruce Hamilton (1949), Dana Carter (1952), Willie Elliott (1954), Shawn Balluzzo (1956), Michael McCann (1962), Bryan Goewey (1963), Joe Dan Bailey (1964),
Rick Johnson (1964), Randy Porter (1964), Ron Sheridan (1964), Doug Walker (1965), Gary Smith (1968), Tim Brown (1971), Laurent Pasquali (1975), Todd Kluever (1978), Mark Bakaj (1981), Fabien Rosier (1984), Colin Garrett (2000), Rasmus Lindh (2001)
1944: F.H. Jackson, Principal Engineer of Tests for PRA's Division of Physical Research, heads a team in California studying the causes of the disintegration of concrete structures in California, Oregon, and Washington. Defects, some of which appeared after only 3 or 4 years of service, require intensive review to ensure freedom from these troubles on future projects. The problem in California appears to be exposure to the alkali-aggregate reaction, a problem that Jackson believes can be solved by application of the principle of air entrainment.
1962: Lucky Starr released his EP Lucky's Been Everywhere, which was four versions of the song “I've Been Everywhere” for Australia, Great Britain, New Zealand, and the United States.