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On This Day in Automotive History: July 22
On This Day in Automotive History
July 22
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July 23
Birthdays: Dan Wurgis (1884), Dorino Serafini (1909), Jerry Kubik (1913), Gino Bianco (1916), Hal Ruyle (1919), Don Ostendorf (1925), John Barber (1929), Frank Burnett (1931), John Wagstaff (1932), Bill Morton (1938), Alex Trebek (1940), Dennis Firestone (1944), Merv Treichler (1944), Larry Clement (1945), David Deacon (1949), Frank Bigelow (1954), Chris Campanella (1959), Calvin Fish (1961), Alexandre Yvon (1961), Greg Usher (1963), Craig Baird (1970), Ron Young (1970), Stephen Bell (1971), Melanie Snow (1972), Rodney Benefield (1973), Julien Briche (1974), Ian James (1974), Dale Evonsion (1975), Brad Graham (1975), Lucas Luhr (1979), Dexter Canipe Jr. (1980), Scott Dixon (1980), Leh Keen (1983), Chris Reese (1983), Pier-Luc Labbe (1989)
1909: In West Newton, Massachusetts, OPR inspects an experimental pavement that had been built during the summer of 1908 with a binder made from a mixture of molasses, oil, and lime. The inspector finds that the road is "in a very good condition, except at a rather sharp curve where the surface had just started to pick up under traffic."
1911: Office of Public Roads writes to the Iroquois Iron Works of Buffalo, New York, about the need for a 400-gallon kettle for an experimental project to resurface a road in Chevy Chase, Maryland, with bituminous macadam. "This section of road is traversed practically every day by the President and several members of his Cabinet, and a great many senators and representatives, as well as other persons high in official life at the Capital, and we believe will be a very good location for demonstration work." Funds are, however, limited. "We are wondering if you could make any concession on prices in consideration of the fact that this is to be a demonstration and experimental job." The letter adds, "If we were sure our appropriations will be continued through a period of years, we would buy a good outfit. If you have some good, second-hand kettles which you could rent to us, I think perhaps they might do."
1935: The film Death Drives Through was released in the UK.
1963: The song “Little Deuce Coupe” by The Beach Boys was released. It would go on to be the title track of their fourth album.
1991: The last
Pontiac 6000 was produced.
2003: Brad Paisley released his album Mud on the Tires, including a title track.
Mastretta unveiled the pre-production