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On This Day in Automotive History: March 6
On This Day in Automotive History
March 6
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March 7
Birthdays: Joe Matson (1881), Bill Schindler (1909), Piero Carini (1921), Jimmy Stewart (1931), Bud Crothers (1935), Bob Akin (1936), John Hamson (1936), Eddie Hill (1936), Smokey Snellbaker (1938), William Ferguson (1940), Jean-Louis Ravenel (1943), Paul Miller (1945), Marvin Lewis (1949), Stuart Huffman (1950), Mark Hutchins (1950), Peter Lovett (1950), Edouard Sezionale (1952), Jesus Pareja (1955), Vinicio Salmi (1956), Mitchell Clark (1961), Bob DeLorme (1961), Kenny Alfano (1962), Kurt Luby (1963), Keith English (1968), Don Pickering (1971), Brian Weeks (1972), Clay Collier (1975), Sebastien Crubile (1975), Rob Smith (1975), Chris Weinkauf (1975), Tim Bell (1979), Aaron Scott (1979), Westley Huffman (1981), Nick Jones (1981), Amanda Fischbeck (1982), Trey Starks (1996),
RC Enerson (1997), Owen Smith (2000), Tyler Ankrum (2001), Christian Bogle (2001)
Gottlieb Daimler died.
1913: Director Logan Page presides as the Second National Good Roads Federal-Aid Convention opens at the Raleigh Hotel in Washington. Following a reception by President Woodrow Wilson at the White House, the first speech of the afternoon is by M. de Pulligny, France's Chief Engineer of Roads and Bridges, who outlines the road building methods of that country.
1934: President Franklin Roosevelt transmits a report to Congress on the reconnaissance survey for the proposed Inter-American Highway from Panama to the United States (requested in the Inter-American Highway Act, March 4, 1929). A Bureau of Public Roads engineering party had established an office in Panama on July 1, 1930, and completed field work by May 1933.
1943: Based on a field survey in February, Senior Highway Engineer H. A. Stoddart of PRA completes a report on disabled U.S. Army and contractor equipment along the Whitehorse Division of the Alaska Highway, resulting from the haste of construction and the difficulty of securing repair parts.
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