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On This Day in Automotive History: October 19

On This Day in Automotive History
October 19

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Birthdays: Jap Clemens (1864), Ralph Dyer (1913), Gayle Warren (1922), Billy Myers (1924), Dave Mader (1930), Bob Malzahn (1930), Stub Fadden (1933), Tony Charnell (1937), Paul Dorrity (1943), Milton Grant (1948), Tony Mulvihill (1948), Harold Miller (1950), Didier Theys (1956), Billy Moyer (1957), Dana Patten (1957), Jayme Burgman (1958), Rick Fuller (1960), Roger Hurd (1961), Mark Norris (1962), Gary St. Amant (1962), John Jones (1965), John Young (1968), Roger Cross (1969), Hugh Plumb (1969), Randy Weaver (1969), Randy Gentry (1972), Brad Yunker (1974), Loic Deman (1977), Enrique Bernoldi (1978), Brian Brown (1978), Brian Rose (1979), Matt Box (1981), Heikki Kovalainen (1981), Guillaume Dumarey (1986), Dustin Delaney (1989), Paul-Loup Chatin (1991), Morgan Haber (1993), Kyle Kirkwood (1998)

1910: H.C. Wells, Office of Public Roads' Superintendent of Road Construction, addresses the North Carolina State Fair on good roads. “Good roads and civilization go hand in hand. So closely are roads related to the life of the community that they may well be taken as an index of its ethical, financial and industrial condition.”

1974: Over 5,000 people gather west of Sidney, Nebraska, for the “Golden Link” ceremony honoring completion of the last segment of I-80 in the State. “It's a vital link,” reads a historical marker, “between eastern and western Nebraska; a link that binds our state, culturally and economically, closer together.”

1982: John DeLorean charged with trafficking cocaine by the U.S. government.

1982: Administrator Ray Barnhart announces selection of 10 State highway agencies, each of which will work with a university to establish a Technology Transfer Center to help local transportation agencies. FHWA will provide $250,000 over a 2-year period to each of the States for their sponsorship of the selected universities.

1993: A 3-day symposium on "Recovery and Effective Reuse of Discarded Materials and By-Products for Construction of Highway Facilities" opens at the Red Lion Inn in Denver, Colorado. Sponsored by FHWA and EPA, the symposium includes sessions on recycling domestic and household waste, materials generated by highway construction and maintenance operations, and management of industry by-products. In the keynote address, Executive Director E. Dean Carlson urges the highway industry to work closely with the environmental community to identify and promote innovative and cost effective recycling strategies.

1994: Michael Cardone Sr. died.

2010: The ESPN 30-for-30 episode Tim Richmond: To the Limit first aired.

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