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On This Day in Automotive History: September 9

On This Day in Automotive History
September 9

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Birthdays:Johnny Thompson (1924), Tommy Spychiger (1934), J.C. Spradley (1935), Jean-Claude Caillaud (1936), Doug Cooper (1938), Felix Sabates (1942), Junior Hanley (1944), Sumner McKnight (1946), Reed Kryder (1947), Bob Ward (1947), Danny Fair (1952), Carl Harr (1953), Tom Klauer (1954), Jeff Hammond (1956), Ludwig Heimrath Jr. (1956), Martin Snow (1957), Rich Segvich (1962), Tim Stratmeyer (1967), James Sofronas (1968), Jerry Nadeau (1969), Peter Field (1970), Jerry Nadeau (1970), Goran Visnjic (1972), Jason Leatherwood (1974), Woody Howard (1981), Sean Stafford (1985), Cory Eliason (1991), Jann Mardenborough (1991), Dorian Boccolacci (1998), Naveh Talor (2001)

1948: At the Book-Cadillac Hotel in Detroit, Michigan, the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) presents its Meritorious Award to Thomas H. MacDonald. In accepting the award, he recalls how he helped form the AAMVA. "Indeed it seems only yesterday when I used to meet with the pioneers of the AAMVA as they struggled and sweated out their plans to band together into a national body."

1957: The Connecticut General Life Insurance Company sponsors a conference on "The New Highways: Challenge to the Metropolitan Region," September 9-11 (generally called "The Hartford Conference"). The conference turns out to be the first formal confrontation between the highway community and city planners and critics, led by Lewis Mumford. The planners and critics, not the highway community, receive the favorable press coverage. Mumford, in a scathing denunciation of the Interstate Program, comments that the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 "was jammed through Congress so blithely and lightly . . . because we Americans have an almost automatic inclination to favor anything that seems to give added attraction to the second mistress that exists in every household right alongside the wife--the motor car."

1966: President Lyndon Johnson signs the Highway Safety Act, providing new support for Federal-State safety programs, and the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act.

2014: Mercedes-Benz introduced the Mercedes-AMG GT.

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