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Drift, Baby, Drift


Drift, Baby, Drift

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Preview Version
June 8, 2012
Duration: 28:39
By Mister Vegas
Directed by Omari Jett
Full-length film will be available at the 2012 Palm Springs International ShortFest Film Market June 19-25, 2012
Drift, Baby, Drift is an exploratory documentary surveying the "Drifting" subculture in Southern California. Included will be in-depth interviews from Professional Formula D Driver Taka Aono and Former Formula Driver & Judge Ernie Fixmer. Directed by Omari Jett
Come and experience the tire-screeching, high-octane, clutch gripping motorsport of Drifting in this documentary film is exploring the subculture of Drifting in Southern California in the greater Los Angeles area with interviews from professional and amateur drivers. Making his directorial debut Omari Jett introduces the audience to a visceral and intoxicating collage of images.
Omari Jett is not only a visionary documentary director but also wrote a distopic science-fiction screenplay. What's awe-inspiring is that his first documentary and his first short-film were essentially directed, produced, edited and financed with a one-person film crew of himself.

This video is available under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) License
Download Drift, Baby, Drift (Preview Version) at The Internet Archive

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