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Renzenberger, Inc.

Renzenberger, Inc.
Transportation Company

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Wikipedia: Renzenberger, Inc.

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A transportation company for train crews.


The following section is an excerpt from Wikipedia's Infinity Property & Casualty Corporation page on 29 March 2017, text available via the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Renzenberger, Inc. (United States, est. 1983), is a company that provides transportation services for the rail industry. It has over 1,800 vehicles operating in 34 states. Renzenberger drivers are required to transport railroad workers to and from the trains (i.e. BNSF_Railway freight trains). The railroad workers are the train's engineer, and conductor, that are called a "crew," because both are needed to drive a train. When a crew goes off-duty, the train is stopped at the nearest road crossing, and a crew is brought to relieve them, then the off-duty crew is taken to an assigned hotel, or railway yard.


5 May 2016
14-55944 Roderick Wright v. Renzenberger, Inc.
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
Roderick Wright and others appeal the district court's order granting in part and denying in part class action certification in a diversity putative class action alleging that Renzenberger, Inc. violated numerous California labor laws.
Download 14-55944 Roderick Wright v. Renzenberger, Inc. - 322MB - 30:41

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