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Category: Vehicle Model
Wikipedia: Czinger 21C
Description: A sports car produced by Czinger beginning in 2021 with a scheduled production run of 80 cars.
Page Sections: History · Photographs · Article Index


The following section is an excerpt from Wikipedia's Czinger 21C page on 28 June 2023, text available via the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

The Czinger 21C is a hybrid sports car developed using artificial intelligence and 3D printed by the American car manufacturer Czinger Vehicles. Manufacturing began in 2021, with a planned production run of 80 units and deliveries starting Q1 2023.

Designed, developed and built in Los Angeles, California, the Czinger 21C launches the new brand Czinger Vehicles named after its founder Kevin Czinger. The car was to be presented at the Geneva Motor Show in March 2020, but the show was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It was instead presented on March 11, 2020, in London during a special event.

Czinger Vehicles will produce only 80 units in two configurations: a road variant and a track variant called "Lightweight Track".

The 21C has a driver's seat in the central position and an in-line passenger seat behind that of the driver, minimizing the width of the cockpit. The brake calipers and suspension components are combined into a single unit called the BrakeNode.

The 21C has a hybrid gasoline engine consisting of a bespoke twin-turbo V8 of 2.88 liters (176 cu in) capacity in the rear central position associated with two electric motors located on the front and powered by a lithium titanate battery. The combination provides 1,250 horsepower (932 kW; 1,267 PS) at 10,500 rpm transmitted to the rear wheels via a seven-speed sequential transaxle with hydraulic actuated multi-plate clutch. A 1,350 horsepower (1,010 kW) horsepower option is also available.


Czinger 21C Subject:  Czinger 21C
Photographer:  Liam Walker
Event:   Goodwood Festival of Speed
License:  Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International
Caption:  A Czinger 21C taken at the Goodwood FOS 2022. T-Knight behind the wheel.
View image of Czinger 21C · 2.3MB
Czinger 21C Subject:  Czinger 21C
Photographer:  Stacy Sheff
Location:   Los Angeles, California
License:  Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication
View image of Czinger 21C · 5.8MB
Czinger 21C Subject:  Czinger 21C
Photographer:  Stacy Sheff
Location:   Los Angeles, California
License:  Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication
View image of Czinger 21C · 5.9MB

Article Index

31 May 2023Czinger Vehicles--Grant of Petition for Temporary Exemption From Certain Requirements of FMVSS No. 205, Glazing Materials
NHTSA is granting a request from Czinger for a temporary exemption from FMVSS No. 205's abrasion resistance requirements for windshields for its first vehicle model, the 21C.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Byline: Sophie Shulman
Topic: Czinger 21C

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