Fords or Chevies |
Gus Philpott
Woodstock Advocate
July 26, 2009
From a local reader. Any truth to this?
"Lowen has done it again.
"In case you haven't heard or seen.
"The squad cars are being switched over from Ford Crown Victorias to Chevy Impalas because the County has them and Woodstock wants to try them out.
"Think of this logic - if they're going to need dealership repair, the nearest dealership will be Gary Lang after Reichert's closes, which means having to travel over to McHenry with two vehicles to drop off and return back to Woodstock; or will Gary Lang provide pick up for the city.
"The PD should stay with Crown Victorias and use the local Ford dealership instead of the money for repairs and parts being spent elsewhere."
Comments, anyone? So much for "Buy Local." And don't forget the trip back to pick up the car after Gary Lang has worked on it!