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NWH finally reports on Friday's crash

Emergency Services Vehicles McHenry County, Illinois

NWH finally reports on Friday's crash

Gus Philpott
Woodstock Advocate
November 12, 2013

Finally, the Northwest Herald has reported on last Friday night's crash that totaled a McHenry County Sheriff's Department squad car.

At 12:34PM the first article appeared, and then it was updated at 12:39PM. I'll give the Northwest Herald a break and assume that they didn't get the information from MCSD until today.

In another crash two days earlier, a squad car was rear-ended and totaled in Crystal Lake. MCSD reports that squad car was rear-ended by a van traveling 40MPH. From the picture that appeared in the paper last week, I seriously doubt that. There wasn't enough damage to the rear of the squad car for a 40MPH impact. To total the squad car, all that has to happen is that the repair cost exceeds the value of the vehicle.The van driver was cited, but he wasn't identified.

In Friday night's crash, no mention is made of any citations. Why did the deputy swerve to avoid another car? Was the other car in its lane or out of its lane? Obviously, if the other driver was at any fault, he or she would have been cited.

How fast was the female deputy traveling when she attempted to turn onto Pioneer Road? Too fast for a safe turn? Maybe? You think?

And isn't it amazing that the Northwest Herald is not providing a reader comment box? Why not?

No driver's are identified. Not even the deputies are identified. Why shouldn't they be? And why wasn't the 71-year-old van driver identified in the first crash?

When MCSD withholds information and identities, it just fuels suspicion that something is fishy. A dead fish smells after four days; so does this.

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