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Pre-WWII Racing Topics:  Indianapolis 500


The New York Times
May 5, 1915

All American Made Except Ten—Trials May 21, 22, and 23.

INDIANAPOLIS, May 4.—Two additional mail entries have been received for the next Indianapolis 500-mile race, increasing the total count for that event to forty.

They are a third Duesenberg, entered by F. S. Duesenberg of Minneapolis, Minn., no driver named, and a Shambaugh special, entered by Charles Shambaugh of Lafayette, Ind. Shambaugh will drive his car.

An "unknown" car was entered at the eleventh hour by an Indianapolis man, but is not officially listed, inasmuch as the owner desired his name withheld until he ascertained whether his car would be finished in time.

Rene Thomas, who cabled his entry to the Speedway management early in the Spring, is not coming after all. Thomas, after failing originally to interest the Delage factory in loaning him a car, tried to raise the necessary capital to buy the machine, but failed in that also.

It is not thought, however, that he will be missed, as Dario Resta, winner of the last Vanderbilt and Grand Prize races at San Francisco, is counted on as being more than able to fill his shoes. The elimination trials will be held May 21, 22, and 23.

The list of cars and drivers follows:

Car.  Made in                    Driver.
Maxwell, America....................Carlson
Maxwell, America..............Rickenbacker
Maxwell, America....................—————
Mercedes, Germany................De Palma
Sunbeam, England..................Coatalen
Sunbeam, England..............Chassagne
Du Chesnau, America................Brown
Duesenberg, America...................Alley
Duesenberg, America..................O'Donnell
Cornelian, America..............Chevrolet
Delage, France................J. De Palma
Stutz, America.....................—————
Stutz, America.....................—————
Stutz, America.....................—————
Peugeot, France....................Resta
Peugeot, France....................—————
Peugeot, France....................—————
Bergdoll, America................E. Bergdoll
Bergdoll, America................G. Bergdoll
Mercer, America....................Pullen
Mercer, America.................Ruckstell
Mercer, America..................Nikrent
Bugatti, Germany...............Oldfield
Bergdoll, America................Haupt
Emden, America..................—————
F. R. P., America..................Hughes
F. R. P., America...................Keene
F. R. P., America..................Whalen
Sebring, America................—————
Sunbeam, England...............Grant
Sunbeam, England............Limberg
Cino-Purcell, America..................Cox
Burman, America................Burman
Harroun, America.....................Orr
Mulford, America................Mulford
Cino, America....................McNay
Kleinert, America................Klein
Mais, America....................Mais
Duesenberg, America................—————
Shambaugh, America................Shambaugh

All the drivers selected are Americans except Coatalen, (England.) Chassaque, (France.) and Resta, (England.)

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