The New York Times
March 16, 1919
INDIANAPOLIS, March 15.-Seven cars and drivers have been nominated thus far in the Liberty Sweepstakes 500-mile race to be staged on the Indianapolis Motor Speedway on May 31. This number of entrants at this date, according to General Manager T. E. Myers, of the Indianapolis Speedway, indicates a big field and a spirited fight for the $50,000 in prizes which go to the first ten men across the tape.
The men who have entered for the race are: Durant, Mulford, Brown, Christiaens, Chassagne, Goux, and Earl Cooper.
The race will be international in its scope and either in cars or drivers will be representative of the United States, England, Belgium, Italy and France. The event will mean the reopening of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, which was closed in 1917, and since given over to war work purposes.
That the year is to show a wonderful awakening in motor racing is the statement of General Manager Myers, who is already getting big reservations from all parts of the country for seats at the Indianapolis event. The races in California indicate the returning interest in motor racing. The recent purchase by Cliff Durant and Eddie Hearne, the California sportsmen, of the car which was tooled to the championship in 1915 by Gil Anderson, indicates beyond doubt that this car will be entered and prove a dangerous contender in the Indianapolis event.
"The field is sure," said Myers, "and the interest in the event is broad. We expect the biggest crowd this year ever, due to the rebirth of sporting enthusiasm following the dark months of the war."