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Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the Interstate Bridge Replacement Program

Publication: Federal Register
Agencies: Federal Highway Administration & Federal Transit Administration
Byline: Ralph J. Rizzo, Keith Lynch, Susan K. Fletcher
Date: 5 April 2023
Subjects: American Government , The Environment, Roads & Highways
Topic: Interstate Highway System

[Federal Register Volume 88, Number 65 (Wednesday, April 5, 2023)]
[Pages 20206-20207]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2023-07052]



Federal Highway Administration

Federal Transit Administration

Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the Interstate 
Bridge Replacement Program

AGENCY:  Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit 
Administration (FTA), USDOT.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: The FHWA and FTA are issuing this notice to advise other 
Federal, State, and local agencies, Tribes, and the public that a 
Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) will be prepared in 
accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for the 
Interstate Bridge Replacement (IBR) Program for proposed highway and 
high-capacity transit improvements between Portland, Oregon, and 
Vancouver, Washington, across the Columbia River in the Interstate 5 
(I-5) corridor, including the interstate bridge replacement and 
addressing changes that have occurred since the I-5 Columbia River 
Crossing (CRC) Project's 2011 Record of Decision (ROD).

    For FHWA: Thomas Goldstein, PE, Federal Highway Administration, 530 
Center Street NE, Suite 420, Salem, OR 97301; Telephone: (503) 316-
    For FTA: Jeff Horton, Federal Transit Administration, Region 10, 
915 Second Avenue, Suite 3192, Seattle, WA 98174; Telephone: (206) 220-
    For the IBR Program (ODOT/WSDOT): Chris Regan, IBR Environmental 
Manager, Interstate Bridge Replacement Program, 500 East Broadway, 
Suite 200, Vancouver, WA 98660; Telephone: (360) 556-7135.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The FHWA and FTA, as Federal joint lead 
agencies, the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), the 
Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), Metro, Southwest 
Washington Regional Transportation Council (RTC), Tri-County 
Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (TriMet), and Clark 
County Public Transportation Benefit Area Authority (C-TRAN), as local 
joint lead agencies, intend to prepare a SEIS for the IBR Program for 
proposed highway and high-capacity transit improvements between 
Portland, Oregon, and Vancouver, Washington, across the Columbia River 
in the I-5 corridor. Federal cooperating agencies in the preparation of 
the SEIS will be the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 
National Marine Fisheries Service, National Park Service, U.S. Army 
Corps of Engineers, U.S. Coast Guard (USCG), and U.S. Environmental 
Protection Agency. This analysis includes the interstate bridge 
replacement and addresses changes that have occurred since the 2011 CRC 
Project's ROD.
    The IBR Program builds on previous studies conducted for the CRC 
Project between 2005 and 2013. As identified in the CRC Project's ROD, 
the Selected Alternative (referred to as the Locally Preferred 
Alternative (LPA)) included: (1) two new bridges to replace the 
existing, functionally obsolete lift span bridges over the Columbia 
River; (2) improvements to seven I-5 interchanges (from south to north: 
Victory Boulevard, Marine Drive, Hayden Island, SR 14, Mill Plain 
Boulevard, Fourth Plain Boulevard and SR 500) and related enhancements 
to the local street network; (3) improvements to the existing I-5 
mainline bridge over the North Portland Harbor; (4) bicycle and 
pedestrian improvements throughout the corridor, including a multi-use 
path that would allow users to travel from north Portland into downtown 
Vancouver and destinations farther north; (5) extension of light rail 
transit from the Expo Center in Portland to Clark College in Vancouver 
and associated transit improvements; and (6) transportation demand and 
system management measures, including the use of tolls subject to the 
authority of the Washington and Oregon Transportation Commissions. 
After the CRC Project's ROD was published, two NEPA re-evaluations were 
prepared: one to increase the height of the Columbia River bridges, and 
another to evaluate a phased construction plan. Neither of these re-
evaluations found it necessary to prepare a SEIS.
    In 2014, ODOT and WSDOT suspended the CRC Project due to lack of 
funding needed to complete design and construction. In 2019, ODOT and 
WSDOT reinitiated the CRC Project as the IBR Program. The needs 
identified in the CRC Purpose and Need statement are still pertinent to 
the IBR Program. As a result, the Purpose and Need statement for the 
IBR Program remains the same as in the CRC Project's 2011 Final EIS and 
ROD. On December 29, 2021, FHWA and FTA completed a re-evaluation 
concluding that, due to changes in the physical environment, community 
priorities, and regulations that have occurred since the 2011 CRC 
Project ROD, and potential design changes or refinements to the CRC 
Selected Alternative, the IBR Program may result in new or changed 
significant impacts that were not evaluated in the CRC Project's Final 
EIS and ROD. Therefore, pursuant to 23 CFR 771.130(a), FHWA and FTA 
have determined that a SEIS is necessary to identify and disclose any 
new significant impacts and mitigation associated with the IBR Program.
    The CRC Project's EIS, ROD, and two re-evaluations, the Purpose and 
Need statement, and the 2021 re-evaluation for the IBR Program are 
available on the

[[Page 20207]]

IBR Program website at CRC Environmental Documentation.
    The IBR Program SEIS will incorporate the CRC Project's NEPA 
analyses and other relevant information, as appropriate. The focus of 
the IBR Program SEIS will be limited to areas and issues that have 
resulted in changes to impacts and mitigation, including the following: 
proposed modifications to the bridge design, interchanges and lane 
configurations, and transit options; changes in existing conditions; 
safety considerations; and updated regulations/policies and permitting 
requirements, including USCG bridge clearance requirements. The IBR 
Program SEIS will provide updated information on the affected 
environment, environmental consequences, and mitigation measures for a 
modified LPA; coordination activities and input from Federal, State, 
and local agencies; consultation with Tribes; and public involvement. 
The SEIS will follow the same process and format as the CRC Project's 
EIS, except that in accordance with 23 CFR 771.130(d), additional 
scoping is not required. Per 40 CFR 1506.13, the SEIS will follow 
Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations that were in effect 
when the original Notice of Intent was published for the CRC Project on 
September 27, 2005.
    The IBR Program has and will continue to offer extensive 
opportunities for public, agency, and tribal involvement, building on 
past NEPA compliance and associated outreach. The IBR Program has 
established a Community Advisory Group, Equity Advisory Group, and 
Executive Steering Group that meet regularly to provide input on 
changes since the CRC Project EIS and ROD, and to develop strategies 
for the IBR Program to address those changes.
    Public involvement is a critical component of the IBR Program and 
will occur throughout the SEIS process in compliance with NEPA and 
other applicable environmental laws, Executive Orders, regulations, and 
policies. One or more public hearing(s) will be held during the public 
comment period following the publication of the Draft SEIS. The Draft 
SEIS will be made available for public, agency, and Tribe review and 
comment prior to the public hearing. After public review of the Draft 
SEIS, FHWA, FTA, ODOT, WSDOT, Metro, RTC, TriMet, and C-TRAN anticipate 
issuing a combined Final SEIS/ROD pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 139(n)(2) and 
23 CFR 771.124.
    Authority: 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.; 23 U.S.C. 139.

    Issued on: March 28, 2023.
Ralph J. Rizzo,
FHWA Division Administrator, Olympia, WA.
Keith Lynch,
FHWA Division Administrator, Salem, OR.
Susan K. Fletcher,
Acting FTA Regional Administrator, Seattle, WA.
[FR Doc. 2023-07052 Filed 4-4-23; 8:45 am]

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