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Notice of Availability of Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for Next Generation Delivery Vehicles Acquisitions

Publication: Federal Register
Agency: U.S. Postal Service
Byline: Sarah Sullivan
Date: 30 June 2023
Subject: American Government

[Federal Register Volume 88, Number 125 (Friday, June 30, 2023)]
[Pages 42401-42402]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2023-13941]



Notice of Availability of Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact 
Statement for Next Generation Delivery Vehicles Acquisitions

    Pursuant to the requirements of the National Environmental Policy 
Act (NEPA) of 1969, the Council on Environmental Quality's regulations 
implementing NEPA (40 CFR parts 1500-1508), and the Postal Service's 
regulations for NEPA compliance set forth at 39 CFR part 775, the U.S. 
Postal Service announces availability of the Draft Supplemental 
Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) which analyzes the environmental 
impacts of a range of alternatives for a modification to the Postal 
Service's February 23, 2022, Record of Decision (ROD) to purchase, over 
ten years, 50,000 to 165,000 purpose-built, right-hand drive vehicles--
the Next Generation Delivery Vehicle (NGDV)--to replace existing 
delivery vehicles nationwide that are beyond the end of their service 
life. A minimum of 10 percent of those vehicles would be battery 
electric vehicles (BEVs).
    As our Preferred Alternative, the Postal Service proposes in this 
Draft SEIS to modify the current ROD in three primary ways: (1) 
substantially increase the minimum BEV commitment to 62 percent, (2) 
reduce the total number of vehicles proposed for purchase at this time 
to 106,480, purchased over six years, and (3) include a mix of both 
NGDV and commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) vehicles. This Draft SEIS also 
analyzes an NGDV-only Alternative with 62 percent BEV commitment, 
purchased over eight years, as well as a ``No-Action'' Alternative, 
which would proceed with the existing decision under the ROD.
    The Postal Service is soliciting comments on the Draft SEIS during 
a 45-day public comment period. Comments should be received no later 
than August 14, 2023.
    In addition, the Postal Service will also conduct a virtual public 
hearing on July 26, 2023. Registration information will be made 
available 15 days prior to the hearing date at the following website: 
    Interested parties may view the Draft SEIS and the prior NGDV ROD 
at http://

[[Page 42402]]

uspsngdveis.com/. Interested parties may mail or deliver written 
comments, containing the name and address of the commenter, to: Mr. 
Davon Collins, Environmental Counsel, United States Postal Service, 475 
L'Enfant Plaza SW, Office 6606, Washington, DC 20260-6201, or at 
NEPA@usps.gov. Note that comments sent by mail may be subject to delay 
due to Federal security screening. Faxed comments are not accepted. All 
submitted comments and attachments are part of the public record and 
subject to disclosure. Do not enclose any material in your comments 
that you consider confidential or inappropriate for public disclosure.


1. U.S. Postal Service, Notice of Availability of Record of 
Decision, Next Generation Delivery Vehicles Acquisitions (87 FR 
14588; Mar. 15, 2022).
2. U.S. Postal Service, Notice of Intent to Prepare a Supplement to 
the Next Generation Delivery Vehicles Acquisitions Final 
Environmental Impact Statement (87 FR 35581; June 10, 2022).
3. U.S. Postal Service, Notice to Postpone Public Hearing and Extend 
Public Comment Period for Supplement to the Next Generation Delivery 
Vehicles Acquisitions Final Environmental Impact Statement (87 FR 
43561; July 21, 2022).

Sarah Sullivan,
Attorney, Ethics & Legal Compliance.
[FR Doc. 2023-13941 Filed 6-29-23; 8:45 am]

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