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Sarah Sullivan

Category: Person
Description: An attorney for the U.S. Postal Service.
Page Sections: Article Index

Article Index

30 June 2023Notice of Availability of Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for Next Generation Delivery Vehicles Acquisitions
The U.S. Postal Service announces availability of the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement which analyzes the environmental impacts for a modification to the Postal Service's February 2022 Record of Decision to purchase 50,000 to 165,000 purpose-built, right-hand drive vehicles to replace existing delivery vehicles nationwide that are beyond the end of their service life.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: U.S. Postal Service
Byline: Sarah Sullivan
29 September 2023Notice of Availability of Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for Next Generation Delivery Vehicles Acquisitions
The U.S. Postal Service announces availability of the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement which analyzes the environmental impacts of a range of alternatives for a modification to the Postal Service's February 2022 Record of Decision to purchase, over ten years, 50,000 to 165,000 purpose-built, right-hand drive vehicles to replace existing delivery vehicles nationwide that are beyond the end of their service life.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: U.S. Postal Service
Byline: Sarah Sullivan
11 December 2023Notice of Availability of Updated Record of Decision for Next Generation Delivery Vehicles Acquisitions
To replace existing delivery vehicles nationwide that have reached the end of their service life, the U.S. Postal Service has determined that it will implement the Preferred Alternative set forth in its Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement. The Preferred Alternative is the purchase and deployment of a mixed fleet of Commercial Off-the-Shelf and Next Generation Delivery Vehicles.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: U.S. Postal Service
Byline: Sarah Sullivan

The Crittenden Automotive Library