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Announcement of Fiscal Year 2023 Low or No Emission Program and Grants for Buses and Bus Facilities Program and Project Selections

Publication: Federal Register
Agency: Federal Transit Administration
Byline: Nuria I. Fernandez
Date: 5 July 2023
Subjects: American Government , Buses

[Federal Register Volume 88, Number 127 (Wednesday, July 5, 2023)]
[Pages 43003-43008]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2023-14193]



Federal Transit Administration

Announcement of Fiscal Year 2023 Low or No Emission Program and 
Grants for Buses and Bus Facilities Program and Project Selections

AGENCY: Federal Transit Administration (FTA), Department of 
Transportation (DOT).

ACTION: Notice; Announcement of Project Selections.


SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of Transportation's (DOT) Federal Transit 
Administration (FTA) announces the award of a total of $1,689,864,104, 
including $1,216,941,397 to projects under the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 
Low or No Emission Grant Program (Low-No) and $472,922,707 to projects 
under the Grants for Buses and Bus Facilities Program (Buses and Bus 
Facilities Program) and provides administrative guidance on project 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Successful applicants should contact 
the appropriate FTA Regional Office for information regarding applying 
for the funds or program-specific information. A list of Regional 
Offices can be found at https://www.transit.dot.gov/about/regional-offices/regional-offices. Unsuccessful applicants may contact Kirsten 
Wiard-Bauer, Office of Program Management at 202-366-7052, or email: 
ftalownobusnofo@dot.gov within 30 days of this announcement to arrange 
a proposal debriefing. A TDD is available at 1-800-877-8339 (TDD/FIRS).

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Federal public transportation law (49 U.S.C. 
5339(b)) authorizes FTA to make competitive grants for the Buses and 
Bus Facilities Program. Federal public transportation law (49 U.S.C. 
5339(c)) authorizes FTA to make competitive grants for the Low-No 
    Federal public transportation law (49 U.S.C. 5338(a)(2)(N)) 
authorized $383,544,933 in FY 2023 funds for the Buses and Bus 
Facilities Program. The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023, 
appropriated an additional $90,000,000 for the Buses and Bus Facilities 
Program in addition to the authorized amount noted above. After the 
oversight takedown of $4,099,509, the total funding available is 
$469,445,424 for the Buses and Bus Facilities Program. FTA is also 
making additional prior year(s) funding available for this round, 
bringing the total available funding to $473,075,256.
    Federal public transportation law (49 U.S.C. 5338(a)(2)(N)) 
authorized $73,056,178 in FY 2023 funds for the Low or No Emission 
Grant Program; an additional $1,029,000,000 appropriated under the 2021 
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (enacted as the Infrastructure Investment 
and Jobs Act, Public Law 117-58) after accounting for the authorized 
takedown for administrative and oversight expenses and the Office of 
Inspector General (OIG). The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 
(Pub. L. 117-328), appropriated an additional $49,625,000 for the Low 
or No Emission Grant Program after accounting for the authorized 
oversight takedown in addition to the authorized amount noted above. 
Further, due to less funding being requested than funding available 
during the FY 2022 competition for low-emission projects, $69,668,939 
of FY 2022 Low-No Program funds remained available for award, of which 
$69,192,987 is reserved for low-emission projects as required by 
statute. After the oversight takedown and transfer to the OIG, and the 
addition of prior year(s) funding, a grand total of $1,221,466,973 was 
made available for the Low-No program in FY 2023.
    On January 27, 2023, FTA published a joint Notice of Funding 
Opportunity (NOFO) (88 FR 5400) announcing the availability of 
approximately $469 million in FY 2023 Buses and Bus Facilities Program 
funds and approximately $1.22 billion in Low-No funds. Consistent with 
the NOFO, which stated that FTA ``may award additional funding that is 
made available to the programs prior to the announcement of project 
selections,'' FTA is electing to add prior year(s) unallocated funds 
for Buses and Bus Facilities Program and Low-No to this funding 
opportunity. These funds will provide financial assistance to states 
and eligible public agencies to replace, rehabilitate, purchase, or 
lease buses, vans, and related equipment, and for capital projects to 
rehabilitate, purchase, construct, or lease bus-related facilities. For 
the Low-No Program, projects must be directly related to the low or no-
emission vehicles within the fleet. In response to the NOFO, FTA 
received 475 eligible project proposals totaling approximately $8.7 
billion in Federal

[[Page 43004]]

funds. Project proposals were evaluated based on each applicant's 
responsiveness to the program evaluation criteria outlined in the NOFO.
    Based on the criteria in the NOFO, FTA is funding 83 projects, as 
shown in Table 1, for a total of $1,216,941,397 for the Low-No Program 
and 47 projects, as shown in Table 2, for a total of $472,922,707 for 
the Buses and Bus Facilities Program. A minimum of 15 percent of the 
amounts made available for the Buses and Bus Facilities Program are set 
aside for projects located in rural areas, which is reflected in FTA's 
selections. A statutory cap of 10 percent for any one applicant in the 
Buses and Bus Facilities Program is also reflected. A minimum of 25 
percent of the amounts made available for the Low-No Program are set 
aside for projects related to the acquisition of low-emission buses or 
bus facilities other than zero-emission vehicles and related 
facilities, which is reflected as well. Recipients selected for 
competitive funding are required to work with their FTA Regional Office 
to submit a grant application in FTA's Transit Award Management System 
(TrAMS) for the projects identified in the attached tables to quickly 
obligate funds. Grant applications must include only eligible 
activities applied for in the original project application. Funds must 
be used consistent with the competitive proposal and for the eligible 
capital purposes described in the NOFO.
    In cases where the allocation amount is less than the proposer's 
total requested amount, recipients are required to fund the scalable 
project option as described in the application. If the award amount 
does not correspond to the scalable option, the recipient should work 
with the Regional Office to reduce scope or scale the project such that 
a complete phase or project is accomplished. Recipients may also 
provide additional local funds to complete a proposed project. A 
discretionary project identification number has been assigned to each 
project for tracking purposes and must be used in the TrAMS 
    Selected projects are eligible to incur costs under pre-award 
authority no earlier than the date projects were publicly announced. 
Pre-award authority does not guarantee that project expenses incurred 
prior to the award of a grant will be eligible for reimbursement, as 
eligibility for reimbursement is contingent upon other requirements, 
such as planning and environmental requirements, having been met. For 
more about FTA's policy on pre-award authority, please see the current 
FTA Apportionments, Allocations, and Program Information at https://www.transit.dot.gov/funding/apportionments. Post-award reporting 
requirements include submission of Federal Financial Reports and 
Milestone Progress Reports in TrAMS (see FTA Circular 5010.1E). 
Recipients must comply with all applicable Federal statutes, 
regulations, executive orders, FTA circulars, and other Federal 
requirements in carrying out the project supported by the FTA grant. 
FTA emphasizes that recipients must follow all third-party procurement 
requirements set forth in Federal public transportation law (49 U.S.C. 
5325(a)) and described in the FTA Third Party Contracting Guidance 
Circular (FTA Circular 4220.1). Funds allocated in this announcement 
must be obligated in a grant by September 30, 2026.
    Technical Review and Evaluation Summary: The FTA assessed all 
project proposals submitted under the FY 2023 Buses and Bus Facilities 
Program and the Low-No Program competition according to the following 
evaluation criteria. The specific metrics for each criterion were 
described in the January 27, 2023, NOFO:

1. Demonstration of Need
2. Demonstration of Benefits
3. Planning/Local Prioritization
4. Local Financial Commitment
5. Project Implementation Strategy
6. Technical, Legal, and Financial Capacity

    For each project, a technical review panel assigned a rating of 
Highly Recommended, Recommended, or Not Recommended for each of the six 
criteria. The technical review panel then assigned an overall rating of 
Highly Recommended, Recommended, Not Recommended, or Ineligible to the 
project proposal.
    Projects were assigned a final overall rating of Highly Recommended 
if they were rated Highly Recommended in at least four categories and 
did not receive a Not Recommended rating. Projects were assigned a 
final overall rating of Recommended if the projects had three or more 
Recommended ratings and no Not Recommended ratings. Projects were 
assigned a rating of Not Recommended if they received a Not Recommended 
rating in any criteria. A summary of the final overall ratings for all 
475 eligible project proposals is shown in the Overall Project Ratings 
table below.

                                             Overall Project Ratings
                                             [Eligible submissions]
                                                                        Bus           Low-No           Total
Highly Recommended..............................................             184             158             342
Recommended.....................................................              34              23              57
Not Recommended.................................................              47              29              76
    Total.......................................................             265             210             475

    As outlined in the NOFO, FTA made the final selections based on the 
technical ratings as well as geographic diversity, diversity in the 
size of transit systems receiving funding, additional considerations/
administration priorities including climate change, the creation of 
good-paying jobs, an application's zero-emission fleet transition plan 
supporting a full fleet transition, procurement methods to reduce 
customization, and the Justice40 initiative.
    As further outlined in the NOFO, in some cases, due to funding 
limitations, proposals that were selected for funding received less 
than the amount originally requested.

Nuria I. Fernandez,

[[Page 43005]]

                             Table 1--FY 2023 Low or No Emission Project Selections
                                 [Note: some projects have multiple project IDs]
      State               Recipient                 Project ID             Project description        Award
AL...............  Alabama Agricultural    D2023-LWNO-001..............  Upgrade infrastructure       $8,122,850
                    and Mechanical                                        and facilities to
                    University.                                           include solar power
                                                                          and purchase battery
                                                                          electric buses.
AR...............  City of Jonesboro,      D2023-LWNO-002..............  Replace diesel buses          1,010,372
                    Arkansas.                                             with hybrid electric
AZ...............  City of Tucson, Sun     D2023-LWNO-003..............  Replace diesel buses         21,490,560
                    Tran.                                                 with CNG.
AZ...............  Regional Public         D2023-LWNO-004..............  Replace diesel and CNG       13,295,699
                    Transportation                                        buses with battery
                    Authority.                                            electric buses, and
                                                                          workforce training
                                                                          for new technologies.
CA...............  Alameda-Contra Costa    D2023-LWNO-011..............  Retrofit a Training          25,513,684
                    Transit District.                                     and Education center
                                                                          to include a bus
                                                                          maintenance and a
                                                                          zero emission
                                                                          technologies learning
                                                                          space. Purchase fuel
                                                                          cell electric buses.
CA...............  City of Anaheim.......  D2023-LWNO-006..............  Purchase battery              3,609,800
                                                                          electric buses,
                                                                          install charging
                                                                          equipment, and
                                                                          construct Bus Rapid
                                                                          Transit stops.
CA...............  City of Santa Rosa....  D2023-LWNO-007..............  Replace diesel buses          9,899,120
                                                                          with battery electric
                                                                          buses and install
CA...............  Golden Empire Transit.  D2023-LWNO-010..............  Purchase CNG buses....        5,750,351
CA...............  North County Transit    D2023-LWNO-005..............  Purchase hydrogen fuel-      29,330,243
                    District (NCTD).                                      cell electric buses
                                                                          (FCEB) and create an
                                                                          program in
                                                                          partnership with a
                                                                          local college.
CA...............  State of California on  D2023-LWNO-008..............  Purchase hybrid               3,400,000
                    behalf of Glenn                                       electric buses.
                    County Transportation
CA...............  State of California on  D2023-LWNO-009..............  Purchase CNG buses....        3,248,500
                    behalf of Kern
                    Regional Transit.
CO...............  City of Colorado        D2023-LWNO-015..............  Replace diesel buses          3,199,038
                    Springs dba Mountain                                  with hybrid electric
                    Metropolitan Transit.                                 buses.
CO...............  Mesa County...........  D2023-LWNO-013..............  Purchase CNG buses....        1,162,000
CO...............  The Colorado            D2023-LWNO-014..............  Purchase propane                753,118
                    Department of                                         vehicles and
                    Transportation (CDOT)                                 associated
                    on behalf of Mountain                                 maintenance facility
                    Express Transit.                                      upgrades.
CO...............  The Colorado            D2023-LWNO-012..............  Purchase battery              1,145,951
                    Department of                                         electric bus and a
                    Transportation (CDOT)                                 charger.
                    on behalf of the Town
                    of Winter Park.
CT...............  State of Connecticut    D2023-LWNO-016..............  Purchase battery             26,437,120
                    Department of                                         electric buses,
                    Transportation.                                       related charging
                                                                          infrastructure and
                                                                          associated facilities
                                                                          and power upgrades.
DC...............  Washington              D2023-LWNO-017/D2023-LWNO-    Purchase battery            104,000,000
                    Metropolitan Area       018.                          electric buses,
                    Transit Authority.                                    convert an existing
                                                                          facility to a fully
                                                                          battery-electric bus
                                                                          facility and fund
                                                                          workforce development.
DE...............  Delaware Transit        D2023-LWNO-019..............  Purchase battery              8,740,728
                    Corporation.                                          electric and hydrogen
                                                                          fuel cell buses.
FL...............  City of Ocala.........  D2023-LWNO-020..............  Purchase battery             16,166,822
                                                                          electric buses and
                                                                          associated charging
                                                                          and facility
                                                                          upgrades, including
                                                                          expansion of existing
                                                                          maintenance facility.
GA...............  Georgia State           D2023-LWNO-021..............  Purchase battery             22,286,745
                    University.                                           electric buses and
HI...............  Honolulu Department of  D2023-LWNO-022..............  Purchase battery             20,000,000
                    Transportation                                        electric buses and
                    Services.                                             chargers.
IA...............  City of Dubuque.......  D2023-LWNO-024..............  Purchase battery              2,359,072
                                                                          electric buses and
IA...............  City of Iowa City.....  D2023-LWNO-023..............  Replace aged transit         23,280,546
                                                                          facility and replace
                                                                          diesel buses with
                                                                          battery electric
IL...............  Champaign-Urbana Mass   D2023-LWNO-027..............  Purchase hybrid               6,635,394
                    Transit District.                                     electric buses.
IL...............  Illinois Department of  D2023-LWNO-026..............  Purchase battery-            12,299,377
                    Transportation on                                     electric paratransit
                    behalf of 24                                          buses and associated
                    subrecipients.                                        charging
                                                                          infrastructure for 24
IL...............  Rockford Mass Transit   D2023-LWNO-025..............  Purchase hybrid               4,094,652
                    District.                                             electric buses.
IN...............  Indianapolis Public     D2023-LWNO-028..............  Purchase hybrid              19,040,336
                    Transportation                                        electric buses.
                    Corporation (IndyGo).
KS...............  Topeka Metropolitan     D2023-LWNO-029..............  Purchase battery              7,305,526
                    Transit Authority.                                    electric buses.
LA...............  New Orleans Regional    D2023-LWNO-030..............  Purchase battery             71,439,261
                    Transit Authority.                                    electric buses and
                                                                          infrastructure; build
                                                                          out microgrid; re-
                                                                          tool the maintenance
                                                                          program and provide
                                                                          workforce development.
MA...............  Berkshire Regional      D2023-LWNO-033..............  Purchase hybrid               2,212,747
                    Transit Authority.                                    electric buses and
                                                                          maintenance facility
MA...............  Lowell Regional         D2023-LWNO-032..............  Purchase hybrid               6,859,296
                    Transit Authority.                                    electric buses.
MA...............  Southeastern Regional   D2023-LWNO-034..............  Purchase hybrid              11,560,000
                    Transit Authority.                                    electric buses.
MA...............  The Brockton Area       D2023-LWNO-031..............  Purchase battery             10,694,736
                    Transit Authority.                                    electric buses and
                                                                          related charging
MD...............  University of           D2023-LWNO-035..............  Purchase battery             39,863,156
                    Maryland, College                                     electric buses and
                    Park.                                                 related charging
MI...............  Interurban Transit      D2023-LWNO-036..............  Purchase CNG buses....        6,197,180
MN...............  Metro Transit.........  D2023-LWNO-037..............  Purchase battery-            17,532,900
                                                                          electric buses to
                                                                          replace diesel buses,
                                                                          as well as chargers,
                                                                          equipment, and
                                                                          workforce development.
MN...............  Minnesota Department    D2023-LWNO-038..............  Purchase propane buses        1,456,970
                    of Transportation on                                  and supporting
                    behalf of 2 rural                                     fueling
                    transit agencies.                                     infrastructure.
MN...............  White Earth             D2023-LWNO-039..............  Bus replacement with            723,171
                    Reservation Business                                  fareboxes.
MS...............  City of Hattiesburg...  D2023-LWNO-040..............  Replace diesel buses          6,455,325
                                                                          with battery electric
                                                                          buses and purchase
                                                                          associated charging
MS...............  Coast Transit           D2023-LWNO-041..............  Purchase propane buses        1,760,000
                    Authority dba MS
                    Coast Transportation
MT...............  Missoula Urban          D2023-LWNO-042..............  Replace the current          39,142,124
                    Transportation                                        operations facility
                    District.                                             with a new
                                                                          Administration Base.
NC...............  Cape Fear Public        D2023-LWNO-045..............  Purchase CNG buses....        2,860,250
NC...............  North Carolina          D2023-LWNO-044..............  Construction of an            3,326,067
                    Department of                                         operations and
                    Transportation on                                     maintenance facility
                    behalf of ICPTA.                                      for propane vehicles.
NC...............  Research Triangle       D2023-LWNO-043..............  Purchase charging             1,672,000
                    Regional Public                                       equipment and
                    Transportation                                        associated facility
                    Authority.                                            rehabilitation.

[[Page 43006]]

NM...............  City of Albuquerque...  D2023-LWNO-046..............  Purchase battery             18,262,255
                                                                          electric buses and
NM...............  New Mexico Department   D2023-LWNO-047..............  Purchase hybrid               2,063,160
                    of Transportation on                                  electric buses.
                    behalf of North
                    Central Regional
                    Transit District.
NV...............  Regional                D2023-LWNO-048..............  Purchase hydrogen fuel        8,784,606
                    Transportation                                        cell buses and
                    Commission of Washoe                                  associated fueling
                    County.                                               infrastructure.
NV...............  Tahoe Transportation    D2023-LWNO-049..............  Purchase hybrid               3,400,000
                    District.                                             electric buses and
NY...............  Niagara Frontier        D2023-LWNO-050..............  Purchase battery             28,947,368
                    Transportation                                        electric buses and
                    Authority.                                            charging
OH...............  Ohio Department of      D2023-LWNO-051..............  Purchase battery             29,331,665
                    Transportation (ODOT)                                 electric buses,
                    on behalf of 10                                       charging
                    subrecipients.                                        infrastructure and
                                                                          associated facilities
OH...............  Southwest Ohio          D2023-LWNO-052..............  Purchase hybrid               9,806,428
                    Regional Transit                                      electric buses.
OK...............  Central Oklahoma        D2023-LWNO-054..............  Purchase CNG buses....        4,278,772
                    Transportation and
                    Parking Authority
                    (COTPA), dba EMBARK.
OK...............  City of Norman,         D2023-LWNO-055..............  Purchase CNG                    776,714
                    Oklahoma.                                             paratransit vehicles.
OK...............  Comanche Nation.......  D2023-LWNO-053..............  Vehicle replacement...          300,000
OK...............  Seminole Nation of      D2023-LWNO-056..............  Purchase propane              6,407,460
                    Oklahoma.                                             vehicles, a new
                                                                          maintenance facility
                                                                          and a propane fueling
OR...............  Oregon Department of    D2023-LWNO-057..............  Purchase hybrid                 181,250
                    Transportation on                                     electric vehicles for
                    behalf of Central                                     microtransit services.
OR...............  Rogue Valley            D2023-LWNO-058..............  Purchase hybrid               3,937,500
                    Transportation                                        electric buses.
OR...............  Salem Area Mass         D2023-LWNO-059..............  Purchase battery              6,586,104
                    Transit District.                                     electric buses and
PA...............  Southeastern            D2023-LWNO-060/D2023-LWNO-    Improve utility              80,000,000
                    Pennsylvania            061.                          infrastructure at six
                    Transportation                                        bus facilities.
PR...............  AUTORIDAD               D2023-LWNO-062..............  Purchase battery             10,000,000
                    METROPOLITANA DE                                      electric buses.
                    AUTOBUSES (PRMBA).
RI...............  Rhode Island Public     D2023-LWNO-063..............  Purchase hybrid               5,000,000
                    Transit Authority.                                    electric buses.
SC...............  Charleston Area         D2023-LWNO-064..............  Purchase battery             25,906,730
                    Regional                                              electric buses,
                    Transportation                                        chargers, and
                    Authority.                                            facility improvements
                                                                          for workforce
SC...............  Greenville Transit      D2023-LWNO-065..............  Purchase CNG buses and        6,341,306
                    Authority d.b.a.                                      a CNG station.
SD...............  South Dakota            D2023-LWNO-066..............  Purchase propane buses        1,276,628
                    Department of
                    Transportation on
                    behalf of RCPT, PHT,
                    and PT.
TN...............  City of Knoxville.....  D2023-LWNO-067..............  Purchase and install          3,645,000
                                                                          overhead bus charging
TX...............  City of Beaumont......  D2023-LWNO-068..............  Purchase CNG buses....        2,819,460
TX...............  City of Brownsville...  D2023-LWNO-069..............  Purchase hybrid               4,738,886
                                                                          electric buses.
TX...............  Conroe Connection       D2023-LWNO-070..............  Purchase CNG vehicles.        4,500,000
TX...............  Dallas Area Rapid       D2023-LWNO-071/D2023-LWNO-    Purchase CNG buses....      103,000,000
                    Transit (DART).         072.
TX...............  Metropolitan Transit    D2023-LWNO-073..............  Purchase CNG buses and       40,402,548
                    Authority of Harris                                   CNG/RNG fueling
                    County (METRO).                                       station.
TX...............  Port Arthur Transit/    D2023-LWNO-075..............  Purchase battery              5,001,700
                    City of Port Arthur.                                  electric buses,
                                                                          chargers, and
TX...............  San Antonio             D2023-LWNO-076..............  Purchase propane              3,187,200
                    Metropolitan Transit                                  paratransit vehicles.
TX...............  Texas Department of     D2023-LWNO-074..............  Purchase buses and            7,443,765
                    Transportation on                                     develop five facility
                    behalf of 29 rural                                    projects throughout
                    transportation                                        Texas.
TX...............  The City of Waco (dba   D2023-LWNO-077..............  Purchases battery             3,133,129
                    Waco Transit System,                                  electric buses and
                    Inc).                                                 charging stations.
UT...............  Utah Transit Authority  D2023-LWNO-078/D2023-LWNO-    Purchase CNG buses and       17,055,353
                                            079.                          associated equipment.
VA...............  City of Alexandria....  D2023-LWNO-080..............  Purchase battery             23,984,700
                                                                          electric buses and
                                                                          charging equipment;
                                                                          fund workforce
                                                                          development and
VA...............  Loudoun County........  D2023-LWNO-081..............  Purchase CNG buses and       13,880,910
                                                                          a CNG/RNG fueling
VT...............  Vermont Agency of       D2023-LWNO-082..............  Purchase battery             22,469,312
                    Transportation                                        electric buses.
WA...............  King County Metro       D2023-LWNO-084..............  Purchase battery             33,552,634
                    Transit.                                              electric buses.
WA...............  Whatcom Transportation  D2023-LWNO-083..............  Purchase hybrid               9,644,865
                    Authority (WTA).                                      electric buses.
WI...............  City of Beloit........  D2023-LWNO-086/D2023-LWNO-    Purchase battery                653,184
                                            087.                          electric bus.
WI...............  City of Madison.......  D2023-LWNO-085..............  Purchase battery             37,962,840
                                                                          electric buses,
                                                                          chargers, solar
                                                                          panels, and bus depot
WY...............  Wyoming Department of   D2023-LWNO-088/D2023-LWNO-    Purchase battery                945,178
                    Transportation on       089.                          electric buses and
                    behalf of Teton                                       chargers.
    Total........  ......................  ............................  ......................    1,216,941,397

[[Page 43007]]

                          Table 2--FY 2023 Buses and Bus Facilities Project Selections
                                 [Note: some projects have multiple project IDs]
      State               Recipient                 Project ID             Project description        Award
AZ...............  Northern Arizona        D2023-BUSC-001/D2023-BUSC-    Maintenance facility        $16,358,000
                    Intergovernmental       002.                          improvements.
                    Public Transportation
CA...............  City of Norwalk--       D2023-BUSC-003..............  Bus stop improvements.        1,055,365
                    Norwalk Transit
CA...............  Marin County Transit    D2023-BUSC-004..............  Electric vehicle             31,535,000
                    District.                                             charging and
                                                                          maintenance facility.
CA...............  San Francisco           D2023-BUSC-005..............  Electric vehicle             30,128,378
                    Municipal                                             infrastructure.
                    Transportation Agency.
CA...............  Santa Cruz              D2023-BUSC-006..............  Purchase hydrogen fuel       20,381,950
                    Metropolitan Transit                                  cell electric buses
                    District.                                             and construct a
                                                                          hydrogen fueling
CA...............  Solano County Transit.  D2023-BUSC-007..............  Purchase battery             12,458,500
                                                                          electric buses and
CA...............  State of California on  D2023-BUSC-008..............  Purchase electric             2,162,886
                    behalf of Fresno                                      charging
                    County Rural Transit                                  infrastructure,
                    Agency.                                               including solar
CA...............  State of California on  D2023-BUSC-009..............  Purchase replacement          2,932,500
                    behalf of Kern                                        buses.
                    Regional Transit.
CO...............  The Colorado            D2023-BUSC-010..............  Rehabilitating a              1,506,618
                    Department of                                         vehicle storage
                    Transportation (CDOT)                                 facility to include a
                    on behalf of ECO                                      geothermal heating
                    Transit.                                              system.
CO...............  The Colorado            D2023-BUSC-011..............  Purchase replacement            233,760
                    Department of                                         buses.
                    Transportation (CDOT)
                    on behalf of San
                    Miguel Authority for
FL...............  City of Tallahassee...  D2023-BUSC-012..............  Purchase battery             20,370,793
                                                                          electric buses and
                                                                          associated facility.
IA...............  Iowa Department of      D2023-BUSC-013..............  Purchase battery             17,853,710
                    Transportation (Iowa                                  electric buses and
                    DOT) on behalf of                                     associated facilities
                    MTA, RBT, HIRTA,                                      and equipment.
                    SWITA, and Coralville.
IL...............  Illinois Department of  D2023-BUSC-014..............  Replacement of               12,600,000
                    Transportation on                                     paratransit vehicles.
                    behalf of 33
IL...............  Madison County Mass     D2023-BUSC-015..............  Purchase replacement          1,080,000
                    Transit District.                                     buses.
IN...............  Fort Wayne Public       D2023-BUSC-016..............  Facility                      1,280,000
                    Transportation                                        rehabilitation,
                    Corporation.                                          including new fuel
                                                                          storage system.
IN...............  Greater Lafayette       D2023-BUSC-017..............  Purchase hydrogen fuel        7,598,425
                    Public Transportation                                 cell buses and
                    Corporation dba GLPTC.                                construct a fueling
KY...............  Kentucky                D2023-BUSC-018..............  Purchase expansion and       11,570,906
                    Transportation                                        replacement vehicles,
                    Cabinet on behalf of                                  transit equipment and
                    10 rural transit                                      facilities
                    agencies.                                             renovations for rural
ME...............  City of Bangor,         D2023-BUSC-019..............  Rehabilitation of a           7,852,320
                    Community Connector.                                  bus storage facility.
MI...............  Michigan Department of  D2023-BUSC-020/D2023-BUSC-    Vehicle replacements,           514,002
                    Transportation on       021.                          facilities upgrades,
                    behalf of 4 rural                                     and purchase and
                    transit agencies.                                     installation of
                                                                          scheduling and
                                                                          dispatch software.
MI...............  Michigan Department of  D2023-BUSC-022..............  Includes a transit           10,700,000
                    Transportation on                                     facility repair and
                    behalf of Interurban                                  expansion project,
                    Transit Authority.                                    and construction of a
                                                                          new multimodal rural
                                                                          transportation hub.
MN...............  City of Rochester,      D2023-BUSC-023..............  Construction of Park-         7,440,000
                    Minnesota.                                            and-Ride Transit
                                                                          Parking Deck.
MO...............  Kansas City Area        D2023-BUSC-024..............  Renovation for a bus         10,388,000
                    Transportation                                        storage and battery
                    Authority.                                            electric vehicle
                                                                          charging facility.
NC...............  City of Charlotte--     D2023-BUSC-025..............  Purchase battery             30,890,413
                    Charlotte Area                                        electric and hybrid
                    Transit System.                                       battery electric
                                                                          vehicles and
                                                                          associated charging
                                                                          infrastructure and
NC...............  City of High Point....  D2023-BUSC-026..............  Transit maintenance           1,200,000
                                                                          facility expansion
                                                                          and parking lot
NC...............  North Carolina          D2023-BUSC-027..............  Purchase battery              2,207,758
                    Department of                                         electric buses and a
                    Transportation on                                     charger.
                    behalf of AppalCART.
NC...............  North Carolina          D2023-BUSC-028/D2023-BUSC-    Intermodal transit              280,800
                    Department of           029.                          facility expansion.
                    Transportation on
                    behalf of Columbus
                    County Transportation.
NC...............  Town of Chapel Hill...  D2023-BUSC-030..............  Bus stop accessibility        2,160,000
                                                                          and infrastructure
NJ...............  New Jersey Transit      D2023-BUSC-031..............  Bus garage facility          47,000,000
                    Corporation.                                          improvements.
NM...............  New Mexico Department   D2023-BUSC-032..............  Operations and                5,945,553
                    of Transportation on                                  maintenance facility
                    behalf of North                                       improvements.
                    Central Regional
                    Transit District.
NY...............  New York City           D2023-BUSC-033..............  Bus stop                      6,000,000
                    Department of                                         rehabilitation and
                    Transportation.                                       safety improvements.
NY...............  Seneca Nation of        D2023-BUSC-034..............  Replace the Seneca            5,883,200
                    Indians.                                              Nation Department of
                                                                          operations facility.
OH...............  Greater Dayton          D2023-BUSC-035..............  Rehabilitation of a           4,492,904
                    Regional Transit                                      main bus garage, to
                    Authority.                                            include HVAC and roof
OH...............  METRO Regional Transit  D2023-BUSC-036..............  Construct new                37,808,113
                    Authority.                                            operations and
                                                                          maintenance facility.
OH...............  Western Reserve         D2023-BUSC-037..............  Bus garage                    4,313,552
                    Transit Authority.                                    construction and
OK...............  Oklahoma Department of  D2023-BUSC-038..............  Bus facility expansion        6,000,000
                    Transportation on
                    behalf of OSU Public
OR...............  Oregon Department of    D2023-BUSC-039..............  Purchase battery              6,424,808
                    Transportation on                                     electric vehicles and
                    behalf of Hood River                                  chargers and upgrade
                    County Transportation                                 vehicle storage
                    District.                                             facilities.
SC...............  South Carolina          D2023-BUSC-040..............  Replacement of 160           15,423,904
                    Department of                                         public transit
                    Transportation on                                     vehicles.
                    behalf of 25 rural
                    transit providers.
SD...............  South Dakota            D2023-BUSC-041..............  Purchase of                   1,006,750
                    Department of                                         replacement vehicles
                    Transportation on                                     that accommodate
                    behalf of ARL and                                     alternative fuels.
SD...............  South Dakota            D2023-BUSC-042/D2023-BUSC-    Construction of a new           320,000
                    Department of           043.                          bus storage facility.
                    Transportation on
                    behalf of Brookings
                    Area Transit
TN...............  Nashville Metropolitan  D2023-BUSC-044..............  Construction of the           5,000,000
                    Transit Authority.                                    Hickory Hollow
                                                                          Transit Center and
                                                                          Park & Ride Facility.
TX...............  Brazos Transit          D2023-BUSC-045..............  Zero-Emission Fleet           9,650,646
                    District.                                             Replacement Program.
UT...............  Utah Department of      D2023-BUSC-046..............  Bus Stop Redesign and         7,393,183
                    Transportation on                                     Rehabilitation.
                    behalf of Park City
VA...............  Transportation          D2023-BUSC-047..............  HRT Southside Bus            25,000,000
                    District Commission                                   Operating Facility.
                    of Hampton Roads.

[[Page 43008]]

VA...............  Virginia Department of  D2023-BUSC-048..............  VA Rural Transit Asset        4,690,010
                    Rail and Public                                       Management and Equity
                    Transportation (DRPT).                                Program.
WA...............  Skagit Transit System.  D2023-BUSC-049..............  Skagit Transit                5,000,000
                                                                          Operations and
                                                                          Facility Replacement
WA...............  Washington State        D2023-BUSC-050..............  Island Transit-               7,526,400
                    Department of                                         Engineering, Design
                    Transportation.                                       and Construction of
                                                                          the South Whidbey
                                                                          Island Transit
                                                                          Center, a new multi-
                                                                          modal transit hub.
WA...............  Washington State        D2023-BUSC-051..............  Procurement of                3,303,600
                    Department of                                         vehicles and bus-
                    Transportation on                                     facilities equipment.
                    behalf of 2 rural
                    transit agencies.
    Total........  ......................  ............................  ......................      472,922,707

[FR Doc. 2023-14193 Filed 7-3-23; 8:45 am]

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