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Nuria I. Fernandez

Category: Person
Wikipedia: Nuria I. Fernandez
Description: Administrator of the Federal Transit Administration.
Page Sections: Biography · Article Index


The following section is an excerpt from Wikipedia's Automotive Industries page on X March 2023, text available via the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Nuria I. Fernandez is a civil engineer who has served as the current Administrator of the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), a division of the United States Department of Transportation (DOT), since June 10, 2021. After she was appointed as Deputy Administrator of the FTA on January 21, 2021, she served as the acting Administrator until her confirmation in June. Fernandez has held leadership positions in large transit agencies, including as General Manager and Chief Executive Officer of the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA, 2014–2021), Chief Operating Officer of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA, 2011–2014), and Senior Vice President of Design and Construction for both the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) and Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA, 1994–1997).

Article Index

7 October 2021Fiscal Year 2021 Competitive Funding Opportunity: Innovative Coordinated Access and Mobility (ICAM) Pilot Program
This funding opportunity seeks to improve coordination to enhance access and mobility to vital community services for older adults, people with disabilities, and people of low income.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Federal Transit Administration
Byline: Nuria I. Fernandez
16 February 2022FY 2022 Competitive Funding Opportunity: Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program; Tribal Transit Program
As required by Federal public transportation law, funds will be awarded competitively for any purpose eligible under FTA's Formula Grants for Rural Areas Program, including planning, capital, and operating assistance for tribal public transit services in rural areas.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Federal Transit Administration
Byline: Nuria I. Fernandez
4 March 2022FY 2022 Competitive Funding Opportunity: Low or No Emission Grant Program and the Grants for Buses and Bus Facilities Competitive Program
FTA announces the opportunity to apply for approximately $1.1 billion in competitive grants under the fiscal year 2022 Low or No Emission Grant Program and approximately $372 million in FY 2022 funds under the Grants for Buses and Bus Facilities Program, subject to availability of appropriated funding.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Federal Transit Administration
Byline: Nuria I. Fernandez
18 March 2022Announcement of Fiscal Year 2021 Grants for Buses and Bus Facilities Program Project Selections
Federal public law (49 U.S.C. 5338(a)(2)(M)) authorized $289,044,179 in FY 2021 funds for the Grants for Buses and Bus Facilities Program.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Federal Transit Administration
Byline: Nuria I. Fernandez
12 April 2022Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 Competitive Funding Opportunity: Standards Development for Bus Exportable Power Systems (BEPS)
BEPS enable public transportation agencies, communities, and States to access resilient and flexible power options through bus fleet vehicles during major power disruptions.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Federal Transit Administration
Byline: Nuria I. Fernandez
2 June 2022Request for Information on Transit Bus Automation Research and Demonstrations
The FTA continues to research Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and Automated Driving Systems in public transportation use cases.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Federal Transit Administration
Byline: Nuria I. Fernandez
22 September 2022FY 2022 Competitive Funding Opportunity: Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) for Transit Buses Demonstration and Automated Transit Bus Maintenance and Yard Operations Demonstration
FTA is exploring the use of driving automation technologies in bus transit operations as described in the Strategic Transit Automation Research (STAR) Plan.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Federal Transit Administration
Byline: Nuria I. Fernandez
23 January 2023Notice of Recent Statutory Changes and Change of Date for the Annual Index for Inflation of the Monetary Thresholds for the Limited Federal Financial Assistance Categorical Exclusions
This notice also announces an amendment to the timeframe that FHWA and FTA will use for the annual index for inflation of the monetary thresholds for those CEs, from January (calendar year) to October (fiscal year) of each year.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: FHWA & FTA
Byline: Stephanie Pollack & Nuria Fernandez
27 January 2023FY 2023 Competitive Funding Opportunity: Low or No Emission Grant Program and the Grants for Buses and Bus Facilities Competitive Program
As required by Federal public transportation law, Low or No Emission Grant Program funds will be awarded competitively for the purchase or lease of low or no emission vehicles that use advanced technologies for transit revenue operations, including related equipment or facilities.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Federal Transit Administration
Byline: Nuria I. Fernandez
3 March 2023National Transit Database: Reporting Changes and Clarifications
The updates to NTD reporting requirements implement changes to Federal transportation law made by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, enacted as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, and are informed by input from the transit industry.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Federal Transit Administration
Byline: Nuria I. Fernandez
28 March 2023FY 2023 Competitive Funding Opportunity: Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program; Tribal Transit Program
The FTA announces the opportunity to apply for $8,935,753 in competitive grants for the Fiscal Year 2023 Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Federal Transit Administration
Byline: Nuria I. Fernandez
24 May 2023Notice of Meeting of the Transit Advisory Committee for Safety
TRACS is composed of up to 25 members representing a broad base of perspectives on transit safety necessary to discharge its responsibilities.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Federal Transit Administration
Byline: Nuria I. Fernandez
5 June 2023Designation of Transportation Management Areas
The FTA and FHWA are announcing that all urbanized areas with populations greater than 200,000, as determined by the 2020 Census, are hereby identified as Transportation Management Areas.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agencies: FHWA & FTA
Byline: Shailen P. Bhatt & Nuria Fernandez
16 June 2023Bus Compartment Redesign and Bus of the Future Initiatives; Meeting
Program grants totaling $1,600,000 to the International Transportation Learning Center and the New Orleans Regional Transit Authority to redesign a transit bus compartment to improve safety for operators.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Federal Transit Administration
Byline: Nuria I. Fernandez
5 July 2023Announcement of Fiscal Year 2023 Low or No Emission Program and Grants for Buses and Bus Facilities Program and Project Selections
The FTA announces the award of a total of $1,689,864,104, including $1,216,941,397 to projects under the Fiscal Year 2023 Low or No Emission Grant Program and $472,922,707 to projects under the Grants for Buses and Bus Facilities Program and provides administrative guidance on project implementation.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Federal Transit Administration
Byline: Nuria I. Fernandez
15 August 2023Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program; Tribal Transit Program
This notice seeks comments on how the FTA Tribal Transit competitive program and technical assistance to Tribes is administered. This notice also introduces FTA's consultation process and schedule for implementation.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Federal Transit Administration
Byline: Nuria I. Fernandez
19 September 2023Safety Advisory 23-1 Bus-to-Person Collisions
This safety advisory provides guidance on identifying specific hazards that may cause or contribute to bus-to-person collisions, completing a safety risk assessment, and developing mitigations to address the assessed safety risks for transit agencies.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Federal Transit Administration
Byline: Nuria I. Fernandez
31 January 2024Notice of Availability: Joint Development Circular C 7050.1C and Response to Comments
Section 5302(4)(G)(iv) provides that “if equipment to fuel privately owned zero-emission passenger vehicles is installed, the recipient of assistance shall collect fees from users of the equipment in order to recover the costs of construction, maintenance, and operation of the equipment.”
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Federal Transit Administration
Byline: Nuria I. Fernandez

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