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Environmental Impact Statement: Dallas and Kaufman Counties, Texas

Publication: Federal Register
Agency: Federal Highway Administration
Byline: Michael T. Leary
Date: 22 July 2024
Subjects: American Government , The Environment, Roads & Highways
Topic: Interstate Highway System

[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 140 (Monday, July 22, 2024)]
[Pages 59179-59180]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2024-16026]



Federal Highway Administration

Environmental Impact Statement: Dallas and Kaufman Counties, 

AGENCY: Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), Federal Highway 
Administration (FHWA), Department of Transportation.

[[Page 59180]]

ACTION: Federal notice of intent to prepare an Environmental Impact 
Statement (EIS).


SUMMARY: FHWA, on behalf of TxDOT, is issuing this notice to advise the 
public that an EIS will be prepared for a proposed transportation 
project to construct the East Branch extension of the President George 
Bush Turnpike (PGBT), connecting Interstate Highway 30 (I-30) to I-20 
in eastern Dallas County, Texas. The project sponsor is the North Texas 
Tollway Authority (NTTA).

Manager of Planning/Environment, 5900 W Plano Pkwy., Plano, Texas 
75093; Phone (214) 224-2434 or email at chancock@ntta.org. NTTA's 
normal business hours are 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. (central standard time), 
Monday through Friday.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The environmental review, consultation, and 
other actions required by applicable Federal environmental laws for 
this project are being, or have been, carried-out by TxDOT pursuant to 
23 U.S.C. 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated December 9, 2019, 
and executed by FHWA and TxDOT.
    The purpose of the proposed project is to reduce congestion and 
improve mobility between I-30 and I-20 in eastern Dallas County while 
contributing to improved system linkage within the Metropolitan 
Planning Area. The proposed project is needed because local roadways 
are insufficient for local and regional traffic movement (traffic 
congestion/capacity issues); increases in corporate, industrial, and 
retail development, population growth, and residential developments 
create a higher demand for roadways (increasing transportation demand); 
and incomplete roadway networks increase deficiencies and decrease 
mobility (deficient system linkage).
    The proposed project would construct the East Branch extension of 
the PGBT, a six-lane, limited-access toll road on new location, 
connecting I-30 to I-20 in eastern Dallas County, Texas. Each 
alternative is approximately 11 miles long.
    The EIS will evaluate a range of build alternatives and a no-build 
alterative. Project build alternatives are located in Dallas and 
Kaufman Counties and would pass through the municipalities of Garland, 
Dallas, Sunnyvale and Mesquite. The proposed project would provide a 
limited-access toll road, with discontinuous one-way frontage roads on 
each side within an anticipated right-of-way width of 400 feet. The 
typical section would consist of three 12-foot (ft.) wide travel lanes 
in each direction and 10-ft. wide inside and outside shoulders. Grade-
separated interchanges would include 14-ft. wide ramps with 4-ft. wide 
inside shoulders and 8-ft. wide outside shoulders. Bridges and 
overpasses along the main lanes would have a minimum vertical clearance 
of 16.5 feet with minimum vertical clearance over railroads at 23.5 
feet. Sections of the new roadway may be elevated or not include 
frontage roads to lessen impacts.
    Both build alternatives would result in potential impacts to 
wetlands and waters of the US, floodplain/floodway encroachment and 
need for compensatory storage, conversion of farmland to transportation 
use, cultural resources, wildlife/habitat, air quality, traffic noise, 
the visual environment, induced growth, and cumulative effects.
    The proposed action may require issuance of an Individual or 
Nationwide Permit under section 404 of the Clean Water Act, section 401 
Water Quality Certification, section 402/Texas Pollution Discharge 
Elimination System Permit; conformance with Executive Orders on 
Environmental Justice (12898 and 14096), Limited English Proficiency 
(13166), Wetlands (11990), Floodplain Management (11988), Invasive 
Species (13112); and compliance with section 106 of the National 
Historic Preservation Act, section 7 of the Endangered Species Act, the 
Migratory Bird Treaty Act, section 4(f) of the US Department of 
Transportation Act (49 U.S.C. 303), section 6(f) of the Land and Water 
Conservation Act (54 U.S.C 200305(f)(3)), title VI of the Civil Rights 
Act, and other applicable Federal and State regulations.
    The NTTA and TxDOT anticipate issuing the Draft EIS for public and 
agency review in November 2025 and completing the study process with a 
combined Final EIS and Record of Decision by July 2026.
    TxDOT will issue a single Final Environmental Impact Statement and 
Record of Decision document pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 139(n)(2), unless 
TxDOT determines statutory criteria or practicability considerations 
preclude issuance of a combined document.
    In accordance with 23 U.S.C. 139, cooperating agencies, 
participating agencies, and the public will be given an opportunity for 
continued input on project development. A public scoping meeting is 
planned for August 20, 2024, 5:30 p.m. (central standard time), at the 
Mesquite Convention Center located at 1750 Rodeo Drive, Mesquite, TX 
75149. The public scoping meeting will provide an opportunity for the 
public to review and comment on the draft coordination plan and 
schedule, the project purpose and need, the range of alternatives, and 
methodologies and level of detail for analyzing alternatives. It will 
also allow the public an opportunity to provide input on any expected 
environmental impacts, anticipated permits or other authorizations, and 
any significant issues that should be analyzed in depth in the EIS. In 
addition to the public scoping meeting, a public hearing will be held 
after the draft EIS is prepared. Public notice will be given of the 
time and place of the meeting and hearing.
    The public meeting will be conducted in English. If you need an 
interpreter or document translator because English is not your primary 
language or you have difficulty communicating effectively in English, 
one will be provided to you. If you have a disability and need 
assistance, special arrangements can be made to accommodate most needs. 
If you need interpretation or translation services or you are a person 
with a disability who requires an accommodation to attend and 
participate in the public meeting, please contact Mr. Brian Sanfilippo, 
NTTA Project Communications Manager, at (214) 224-2481 no later than 4 
p.m. CT, August 15, 2024. Please be aware that advance notice is 
required as some services and accommodations may require time to 
    The public is requested to provide public comment on alternatives 
or impacts and on relevant information, studies, or analyses with 
respect to this proposed project. Comments may be provided in writing 
by mail to Craig Hancock at the NTTA, located at 5900 W Plano Pkwy., 
Plano, Texas 75093 or by email to chancock@ntta.org. Comments must be 
received by September 19, 2024.

(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Program Number 20.205, 
Highway Planning and Construction.)

    Authority: 23 CFR 771.123(a).

Michael T. Leary,
Director, Planning and Program Development, Federal Highway 
[FR Doc. 2024-16026 Filed 7-19-24; 8:45 am]

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