![]() Consumer Information Regulations; Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; Rollover Prevention |
Barry Felrice
Federal Register
28 June 1994
[Federal Register: June 28, 1994] ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 49 CFR Part 575 [Docket No. 91-68; Notice 03] RIN 2127-AC64 Consumer Information Regulations; Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; Rollover Prevention AGENCY: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), DOT. ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking (Consumer Information Regulation); Termination of rulemaking (Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY: As part of its comprehensive efforts to address the problem of light vehicle rollover, this agency is proposing a new consumer information regulation that would require that passenger cars and light multipurpose passenger vehicles and trucks be labeled with information about their resistance to rollover. This information would enable prospective purchasers to make choices about new vehicles based on differences in rollover risk; motivate manufacturers to give more priority to rollover stability in designing their vehicles; and inform motorists that they can reduce the risk of injury in a rollover by wearing their safety belts. NHTSA believes that this would reduce the number of injuries and fatalities from rollover accidents. DATES: Comment Date: Comments must be received by August 29, 1994. ADDRESSES: Comments should refer to the docket and notice number of this notice and be submitted to: Docket Section, Room 5109, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590. (Docket Room hours are 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday through Friday.) FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Gayle Dalrymple, Office of Vehicle Safety Standards, NRM-11, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590. Telephone: (202) 366-5559. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Table of Contents I. The Rollover Crash Problem II. Relationship to Other Agency Activities A. Agency Efforts to Address the Rollover Crash Problem B. Consumer Information Activities III. Background A. Statutory Requirement for Rulemaking B. ANPRM and the Planning Document C. Comments on the ANPRM and the Planning Document IV. Summary A. Summary of Agency Decision Not to Propose a Vehicle Standard B. Summary of Proposed Consumer Information Regulation V. Agency Analysis of the Vehicle Stability Metrics A. Identification of Vehicle Stability Metrics B. Analysis of Importance of Factors 1. Additional Analyses since the ANPRM 2. Predictive Power of the Metrics VI. Decision Not to Propose a Vehicle Stability Standard A. Estimates of the Benefits of a Standard 1. Rollover Risk Reduction 2. Predicted Single Vehicle Accident Rate 3. Injury/Fatality Rate Reduction B. Estimates of the Costs of a Standard C. Conclusions VII. Proposed Consumer Information Regulation A. Rationale B. Proposed Label C. Stability Metrics 1. Critical Sliding Velocity 2. Tilt Table Angle D. Timing of Information Provided by the Manufacturers and NHTSA E. Benefits F. Costs VIII. Final Stage Manufacturers and Alterers IX. Rulemaking Analyses and Notices A. Executive Order 12866 and DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures B. Regulatory Flexibility Act C. Paperwork Reduction Act D. National Environmental Policy Act E. Executive Order 12612 (Federalism) F. Civil Justice Reform X. Effective Date of Final Rule XI. Submission of Comments I. The Rollover Crash Problem Rollover crashes occur for many reasons, and involve the interaction of a variety of factors including the driver, the roadway, the vehicle, and environmental conditions. The relationship of these various factors to rollover crashes can be examined by analyzing data from various sources. The agency estimates that there were 220,000 rollover crashes involving passenger cars, and multipurpose passenger vehicles and trucks under 4,536 kilograms (10,000 pounds) gross vehicle weight rating (collectively, ``light trucks'') in 1991. These resulted in 9,186 fatalities; 56,000 occupants of these vehicles received serious, incapacitating injuries. These numbers have remained relatively constant over the past six years. Ejections are responsible for 63 percent of the fatalities. Safety belts are used by only 13 percent of the fatally injured occupants. Of the 220,000 rollover crashes, 207,000, or 94 percent, were single vehicle crashes and 192,000 of these, or 93 percent, occurred off the road. Various accident studies have indicated that loss of vehicle directional control is a prelude to rollover in 50 percent to 80 percent of all rollover crashes. For the years 1985-1991, small cars had the greatest number of rollover fatalities, followed by standard-size pickup trucks. However, pickup trucks and sport utility vehicles have fatality rates per million registered vehicles between two and three times as great as that of passenger cars. The difference between the numbers of rollover fatalities and the rollover fatality rates for particular vehicle types is a result of the relative proportions of various types of vehicles in the fleet. There are currently many more small cars than pickup trucks and sport utility vehicles on the road today. (A more extensive discussion of rollover statistics, and the sources for this information, can be found in the ``Addendum to Technical Assessment Paper,'' NHTSA 1994, which is in Docket No. 91-68, Notice 03.) II. Relationship to Other Agency Activities A. Agency Efforts To Address the Rollover Crash Problem The agency believes that no single type of rulemaking or other agency action could solve all, or even a majority of, the problems associated with rollover. Accordingly, it is pursuing a broad range of actions to address those problems. First, NHTSA has published an NPRM to reduce the potential for injuries to the head from contact with upper interior components (58 FR 7506, February 8, 1993). The comment period was reopened to December 1, 1993 (58 FR 54099, October 20, 1993) and a public hearing was held on November 15, 1993. As explained in the Addendum to Technical Assessment Paper, NHTSA's research indicates that head injuries are the most prevalent type of injury associated with rollovers. The agency expects to issue a final rule on this subject in late 1994. Second, with respect to anti-lock brake systems, the agency has published an advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM) for light duty vehicles (January 4, 1994, 59 FR 281). (``Light duty vehicles'' include cars, vans, pickup trucks and sport utility vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating of 4,536 kilograms (10,000 pounds) or less.) Since most vehicles involved in rollovers lose their longitudinal stability before leaving the roadway, where they then trip and roll over, and since anti-lock brake systems are designed to enhance the longitudinal stability of a vehicle, a requirement for anti- lock brakes could reduce the number of rollovers. NHTSA's preliminary evaluation of rear-wheel anti-lock brake systems, the type of anti-lock brakes most often found on light trucks, indicates that anti-lock brakes on light trucks are effective in reducing the number of nonfatal single vehicle accident rollovers for almost every type of truck, under any type of road condition. Reductions of single vehicle accident rollovers were typically in the range of 30 percent to 40 percent. NHTSA is continuing to analyze the data and a comprehensive report of the findings will be published at a later date. (The preliminary evaluation is available in Docket No. 70-27-GR-026.) Third, as noted above, ejections are a frequent occurrence in fatal rollover crashes. To attempt to reduce the frequency of ejections, the agency is conducting research on glass/plastic side windows and improved door latches. Preliminary research results should be available within the next year to enable NHTSA to determine if rulemaking should be pursued in these areas. Fourth, the agency is conducting research on improvements to vehicles' roof strength that could reduce head and neck injuries. A decision whether to begin rulemaking on this subject is expected in 1994. Fifth, as noted above, safety belt use is very low among persons fatally or seriously injured in rollover crashes. NHTSA promotes increased use of safety belts through public awareness and education efforts and by supporting the implementation and enforcement of state safety belt use laws. Agency occupant protection awareness and education activities include national media campaigns; outreach through national health, medical, civic, and intergovernmental organizations; and, administration of Section 402 state highway safety program funds. The agency promotes effective state safety belt usage laws by conducting evaluation studies and demonstration projects, training law enforcement personnel, and by administering the Section 153 state incentive grant program. In addition, NHTSA has contracted with the Advertising Council to prepare two ``Vince and LarrySM'' (the agency's safety belt ``spokespersons'') public service announcements (PSAs) for television, and one ``Vince and LarrySM'' PSA for radio, on the specific benefits of safety belts in rollover crashes. One of the television PSAs and the radio PSA were available at the end of March, 1994. The other television PSA will be available approximately six months later. These safety belt initiatives will supplement the other actions to address the rollover problem. Sixth, it is well known that rollover crashes have a high incidence of alcohol involvement. The agency has numerous programs and activities aimed at reducing alcohol-related crashes, injuries, and fatalities, which follow two fundamental strategies: information-education (such as Advertising Council PSAs on television) and laws-enforcement-sanctions (such as .08 BAC, sobriety checkpoints, and increasingly severe sanctions for repeat offenders). Section 410 grants to states provide incentives to states to use these strategies. These combined strategies have been effective as alcohol-related fatalities have decreased 30 percent over the past 10 years. Seventh, and finally, the agency is issuing this notice regarding vehicle stability requirements and consumer information. B. Consumer Information Activities NHTSA believes that consumer and manufacturer behavior can be affected through the provision of consumer information regarding vehicle safety. The agency's experience with the New Car Assessment Program (NCAP) demonstrates the power of consumer information. Under the NCAP Program, the agency tests the ability of vehicles to protect their front seat occupants in frontal crash tests. The tests are similar to those conducted under Standard No. 208, Occupant Protection, to determine whether vehicles meet the Standard's injury criteria, except that the Standard's tests are conducted at 30 mph, while NCAP tests are conducted at 35 mph. Several manufacturers have informed the agency that they view it as important to perform well in the NCAP tests, even though there is no regulatory requirement to do so. The decline in the injury scores in NCAP tests over time for all manufacturers, as reported in ``Report on the Historical Performance of Different Auto Manufacturers in the New Car Assessment Program Tests,'' NHTSA, August 1993, can also be attributed partially to NCAP. The agency believes that further safety improvements could be gained through providing consumers with information about additional aspects of new vehicle safety performance. NHTSA recently conducted a series of 15 focus groups, comprised of members of the public, to examine the type and format of desired consumer information about vehicle safety. (See ``Focus Groups on Traffic Safety Issues: Public Response to NCAP,'' S.W. Morris & Company, Inc., August 1993, which can be found in Docket No. 79-17, Notice 01, or ``New Car Assessment Program--Response to the NCAP FY 1992 Congressional Requirements,'' Report to the Congress, December 1993, which can be found in Docket No. 97-17, Notice 39). One of the topics examined was the current NCAP and how it could be improved. In response to the results of the focus group work, the agency has changed the format for NCAP test results. The new format responds to consumer demand for reporting results in a way that is less technical and easier to understand. The focus groups also indicated that the agency's consumer safety information activities should be expanded to include additional kinds of crashes, including side impacts and rollovers. The potential importance of providing broader safety information about new light duty vehicle performance can be seen from figures regarding the proportion of fatalities in each of the three most important types of crashes. In 1991, frontal crashes accounted for 39 percent of all fatalities involving light duty vehicle occupants, rollover crashes for 30 percent, and side impact crashes for 25 percent. Together, these three types of crashes account for 94 percent of all fatalities. Information on performance in all three types of crashes could provide consumers with a comprehensive, balanced picture of the safety of new vehicles. As part of its efforts to expand its consumer safety information programs, NHTSA has sought participation and guidance from the general public on the types and format of safety information to be provided to consumers. On January 3, 1994, the agency published a request for comments on whether to supplement the agency's efforts by holding a public meeting to discuss, among other items, the expansion of the NCAP program to other crash modes (59 FR 104). Based on the foregoing, the agency plans to supplement this rollover proposal with a future proposal for requiring that each new vehicle have a window sticker providing information not only on vehicle rollover resistance, but also on frontal and side impact crash performance. III. Background A. Statutory Requirement for Rulemaking The NHTSA Authorization Act of 1991 (the Act) (part of the Intermodel Surface Transportation Efficiency Act) requires the agency to address several vehicle safety subjects through rulemaking. One of the subjects, set forth in section 2503(1), is protection against unreasonable risk of rollovers of passenger cars, multipurpose passenger vehicles, and trucks with a gross vehicle weight rating of 8,500 pounds or less and an unloaded vehicle weight of 5,500 pounds or less. Section 2502(b)(2)(A) of the Act required that NHTSA publish, no later than May 31, 1992, an ANPRM or a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) on this subject. The January 3, 1992, ANPRM fulfilled this mandate. Section 2502(b)(2)(B)(i) of the Act provides that the agency must complete a rulemaking action on rollover within 26 months of publishing the ANPRM. The ANPRM was published on January 3, 1992; thus, this rulemaking action was to have been completed by March 3, 1994. Section 2502(b)(2)(B)(ii) of the Act provides that this rulemaking will be considered completed when NHTSA either publishes a final rule or decides and announces that it is not promulgating a rule. B. ANPRM and Planning Document NHTSA announced in its January 3, 1992 ANPRM on the rollover problem that it was considering various regulatory actions to reduce the frequency of vehicle rollovers and/or the number and severity of injuries resulting from vehicle rollovers (57 FR 242). The agency requested comments on potential regulatory actions in the areas of: (1) Improved stability; (2) improved crashworthiness; and (3) consumer information. NHTSA said that it might issue a rule or rules in any one of these three categories, or in any combination of them. The ANPRM discussed the agency's statistical analyses of the interaction of driver characteristics, vehicle stability metrics, roadway and environmental conditions. The notice described the following vehicle stability metrics as having a potentially significant role in vehicle rollover: center of gravity height; static stability factor; tilt table ratio; side pull ratio; wheelbase; critical sliding velocity; rollover prevention metric; braking stability metric; and percent of total vehicle weight on the rear axle. A vehicle stability metric is a measured vehicle parameter that presumably is related to the vehicle's likelihood of rollover involvement. To supplement the ANPRM, a Technical Assessment Paper that discussed testing activities, testing results, accident data collection, and analysis of the data was placed in the docket on January 6, 1992. A description of the individual metrics can be found in the Technical Assessment Paper. (Note: For the remainder of this notice, ``tilt table angle'' is used in place of ``tilt table ratio,'' regardless of the term used in any other document. NHTSA is using ``tilt table angle'' because the agency is proposing tilt table angle as one of the possible measurements to be used in the proposed consumer information regulation. Tilt table angle is the angle at which the last uphill tire of a vehicle lifts off a tilting platform. Tilt table ratio is the tangent of the tilt table angle and is believed to be harder for the average consumer to understand.) During the development of the ANPRM and subsequent to receiving and analyzing comments to the ANPRM, it became obvious that no single type of rulemaking could solve all, or even a majority of, the problems associated with rollover. This view was strengthened by the agency's review and analysis of the comments on the ANPRM. To emphasize this conclusion and inform the public further about the complicated nature of the light duty vehicle rollover problem, the agency released a document titled ``Planning Document for Rollover Prevention and Injury Mitigation'' at a Society of Automotive Engineers meeting on rollover on September 23, 1992. The Planning Document gave an overview of the rollover problem and a list of alternative actions that NHTSA was examining to address the problem. Alternatives for regulatory action and a schedule for decisions on each were included. The current status of the presented alternative actions was discussed earlier in this notice. The document was placed in Docket No. 91-68; Notice 02, on the same day. NHTSA published a notice in the Federal Register announcing the availability of the Planning Document and requesting comment (September 29, 1992; 57 FR 44721). C. Comments on the ANPRM and the Planning Document Forty-two comments concerning the ANPRM and the Planning Document were received. A Summary of Comments was placed in the docket on September 15, 1993. Ten commenters addressed the Planning Document, eight of whom had also commented on the ANPRM. Responses to the Planning Document, for the most part, were abridged forms of the commenters' responses to the ANPRM. All the commenting vehicle manufacturers asserted that, while stability metrics are statistically related to the rates with which single vehicle accidents result in rollovers, they are not causally related to rollover. Therefore, the manufacturers asserted, the agency cannot issue a regulation based on any one of these metrics solely because of its statistical correlation with accident data. Automotive Testing, BMW, Ford, GM, the American Automobile Manufacturers Association (AAMA, then known as the Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Association), and VW claimed that stability metrics are insufficient by themselves to explain a vehicle's degree of involvement in rollover crashes. These commenters stated that driver and environmental factors outweigh the contributions of vehicle factors to the likelihood of a single vehicle accident becoming a rollover. Nevertheless, most commenters addressed the relevancy of several of the individual metrics the agency considered for a vehicle stability rulemaking. Tilt table angle, one of the metrics being proposed in this notice, appeared to be more acceptable to the commenters than the other stability metrics. While side pull ratio was favored by Automotive Testing, Chrysler, GM, and Nissan, all these commenters also commented favorably on aspects of tilt table angle. Static stability factor was favored by only Perrone Forensic Consulting, who also commented favorably on tilt table angle. All other commenters who indicated a preference among the metrics discussed in the ANPRM favored tilt table angle. However, Chrysler, Ford, GM, Isuzu, and VW claim vehicle changes made to improve a vehicle's tilt table performance may degrade a vehicle's control and handling attributes. Chrysler said that the repeatability of results from the tilt table procedure was unknown. On the other hand, Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety, the International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers, and GM stated they believe that the procedure is repeatable. Chrysler and AAMA also commented that the tilt table test is not a standard practice and its measurement error has not been established. Commenters did not respond directly to the idea of using critical sliding velocity, which is also being proposed for use in this notice. However, most manufacturers commented that center of gravity height (a measurement necessary to calculate critical sliding velocity) is difficult to measure and that the measurement is not repeatable. Therefore, according to these commenters, any metric which uses center of gravity height would be impracticable. The commenters also focussed on crashworthiness improvements. By far the most favorable crashworthiness countermeasure cited by the commenters was increased seat belt use to prevent ejections. In general, commenters believe that more benefits could be gained through increased seat belt use than through any vehicle related crashworthiness or crash avoidance countermeasure. Some commenters also favored improved roof structures including roll bars or cages, but Ford, GM, Nissan, and VW believe the installation of a roll bar or cage raises the vehicle's center of gravity and decreases rollover stability. Other suggestions were for improved glazing, improved latch/ lock/hinge systems for doors, anti-lock brakes, bumper height regulations, removal of drunk and otherwise impaired drivers from the road, stricter enforcement of speed limits, and improved public awareness of the causes of rollover crashes as ways to reduce rollover casualties. Finally, Chrysler, GM, AAMA, and Toyota claimed that labeling vehicles with a stability metric would be simplistic and could mislead consumers, giving them a false sense of security in a vehicle labeled with a high stability metric (i.e., a metric indicating comparatively high resistance to rollover). These commenters believe that consumers could consider the metric to be an absolute measure of rollover likelihood, regardless of driver behavior or roadway conditions. IV. Summary A. Summary of Agency Decision Not To Propose a Vehicle Standard In analyzing whether to proceed with a vehicle stability rulemaking, the agency identified several criteria that had to be met before proposing a safety standard. First, the identified vehicle metrics had to have a causal relationship to the likelihood of rollover. For example, center of gravity height affects rollover likelihood; the color of the vehicle does not. Second, the metric had to have a statistical relationship to rollover frequency. Third, improvement in the metric should result in significant safety benefits at a reasonable cost without having the effect of necessitating the radical redesigning of one or more types of vehicles. As discussed below, the agency identified two metrics that met the first two criteria, but not the third. To determine whether it was appropriate to propose a new vehicle safety standard, NHTSA examined the complex interactions between driver behavior, vehicle properties, and roadway characteristics which result in rollovers. The suitability of a vehicle safety standard based on rollover stability depends on the importance of rollover stability, as represented by a vehicle metric, relative to other rollover influences, such as vehicle handling properties, vehicle condition, the nature of the roadway and shoulder terrain, and driver behavior. The agency sought to determine whether vehicle stability metrics are significant variables in a statistical model of the risk of rollover. If they are, then a standard regulating stability might be justified, depending on the results of a comparison of benefits and costs for such a standard. After analyzing a number of static and dynamic rollover metrics, the agency concluded that two vehicle metrics, tilt table angle and critical sliding velocity, can account for about 50 percent of the variability in rollover risk in single vehicle accidents, after considering driver, roadway, and environmental factors. (Rollover risk is the number of single vehicle rollovers involving a particular make/ model divided by the number of single vehicle crashes of all types involving the same make/model.) This statistical analysis was conducted on all light duty vehicles treated as a group. However, analysis of accident data indicated that certain subgroups of light duty vehicles are more likely to roll over than other subgroups. For example, sport utility vehicles and compact pickup trucks tend to be the most likely vehicles to roll over. Large passenger cars tend to be the least likely to roll over. The importance of this difference is that if significant benefits are to be achieved, then changes in the metric should be made that affect passenger cars since nearly 60 percent of rollover fatalities occur in those vehicles. The agency's analysis showed that setting a performance level high enough to affect passenger cars, would require redesign of nearly all sport utility vehicles, vans, and pickup trucks. Using a single value of one of these metrics as the performance standard for all light duty vehicles would have resulted in the radical redesign of the characteristics many, and in some cases all, vehicles of certain classes. That degree of redesign would have raised issues of public acceptance and possibly even the elimination of certain classes of vehicles as they are known today. To avoid this consequence, the agency then examined whether several values for these metrics, each applying to a different class of vehicles (e.g., one value for passenger cars and a different value for light trucks) would be feasible. Since the statistical analyses discussed above were conducted on all light duty vehicles treated as a group, it was necessary to determine whether either of the stability metrics exhibited sufficiently high levels of correlation to assure the agency that a requirement applying to only one class of vehicle would be expected to reduce the incidence of rollovers for vehicles in that class. As explained later in this notice, the agency found that the statistical correlations of the metrics with rollover accident data within a class of vehicles was not so consistent as for all vehicles grouped together. This weakening of the predictive ability of the metric is, to some extent, the result of the smaller range of the metric within any class of vehicles together with the inherent variability in the data. Based on this analysis, and the general analysis of costs and benefits discussed later, the agency determined that proposing a standard specifying one minimum stability value for cars and others for various classes of light trucks could not be justified. The agency also determined that, considering the costs and benefits involved, proposing a safety standard specifying a single minimum stability value for both cars and light trucks could not be justified. While light trucks have lower stability measurements than cars do, the greatest number of rollover-related deaths and injuries occur in passenger cars because of their larger population size. Therefore, if the agency wished to set a stability minimum high enough to realize significant reductions in the number of fatalities in all light duty vehicles, it would have to set the minimum above the stability number of most light trucks. The costs of such a standard, in terms of the cost of vehicle redesign and the loss of consumer-desired attributes, were determined to be very high, as entire classes of light trucks would probably need to be substantially redesigned to meet such a standard. This redesign could result in the elimination of some vehicle types, e.g., sport utility vehicles, as they are known today. Based on this analysis, NHTSA has decided not to propose a vehicle stability rule, and is deferring any further action on this subject until such time as information becomes available demonstrating the cost effectiveness of such a rule. The agency may reinitiate such a rulemaking upon receipt of such information. This termination of rulemaking on vehicle stability fulfills the statutory mandate of section 2502(b)(2)(B)(i). However, through the consumer information proposal being published today, and the other actions mentioned above, NHTSA is continuing to take a comprehensive approach to reducing rollover casualties. B. Summary of Proposed Consumer Information Regulation While NHTSA is terminating rulemaking on a vehicle stability standard, NHTSA believes that the correlation between stability and rollover risk is significant enough to justify proposing a consumer information regulation to relieve the possibility of uninformed risk. The agency believes that informing consumers of the relative resistance of different vehicles to rollover will influence consumers to purchase more stable vehicles and encourage manufacturers to improve the stability of their vehicles. The agency believes that these results are possible based on its assessment of how consumers and manufacturers reacted to the provision of frontal crashworthiness information through the New Car Assessment Program. The consumer information regulation being proposed by the agency would require manufacturers of passenger cars and light trucks to label their vehicles with information relating to rollover stability. To that end, manufacturers would be required to report a stability metric for each vehicle make/model to NHTSA by January 1 of each year. Manufacturers would decide how to group vehicle make/models for the purpose of reporting stability metrics for those groups. To ensure that the information is neither understated nor overstated, the reported stability metric would be measured with a specified procedure and an accuracy tolerance on reported data would be required. NHTSA would use the information reported by manufacturers to provide the manufacturers with the ranges of metrics for both passenger cars and light trucks by April 1 of each year. For comparison purposes, these ranges would be included on vehicle labels. New vehicles manufactured after September 1, 1996 would be required to have a prescribed window label listing the metric of the labeled vehicle, the range of that metric for cars and the range for light trucks. In addition, prescribed language on the label would explain the significance of the metric, warn consumers that all vehicles can and do roll over, and remind consumers to always wear seat belts. The proposed regulation would also require manufacturers to include the information on the vehicle label in the vehicle's owner's manual. The agency requests comment on whether or not the proposed vehicle label should be a permanent sticker, in addition to the window label which would be removed after first sale. If a commenter believes the label should be permanent, NHTSA requests comment on whether the permanent sticker should be required on all vehicles, or only some subset of vehicles with lower rollover stability. Finally, NHTSA requests suggestions on placement and size of a permanent sticker. A permanent sticker would be useful to purchasers of used vehicles and drivers of rental vehicles. NHTSA is considering two metrics for providing information regarding rollover stability: critical sliding velocity and tilt table angle. Critical sliding velocity is a measure of the minimum lateral (sideways) vehicle velocity required to initiate rollover when the vehicle is tripped by something in the roadway environment, e.g., a curb. Tilt table angle is the angle at which the last uphill tire of the vehicle lifts off a platform as the platform is increasingly tilted. NHTSA is proposing two different options for specifying stability information using these metrics. First, NHTSA may select one of the two metrics to appear on the label. For example, if the agency selected tilt table angle, it would require that the specific angle for each vehicle be shown on its label. Second, NHTSA may require the label to include a nonquantitative statement concerning the vehicle's rollover resistance based on one or both of the metrics. For example, instead of stating a specific angle, the label might use symbols such as one, two, or three stars. V. Agency Analysis of the Vehicle Stability Metrics A. Identification of Vehicle Stability Metrics The agency has concluded that the two metrics with the best correlation to accident statistics are tilt table angle, a static measurement, and critical sliding velocity, a metric calculated from static and dynamic vehicle measurements and expressed as velocity, i.e., units of feet per second, miles per hour, or kilometers per hour. Tilt table angle includes the influences of the vehicle's mass, center of gravity height, track width, and suspension movement, all of which are physically related to rollover stability. Because it does not require an independent measurement of center of gravity height, it is more practicable, less costly, and more repeatable than most static rollover metrics. Critical sliding velocity includes the roll moment of inertia as well as the various static factors mentioned above in its calculation. The Technical Assessment Paper found critical sliding velocity alone to have less correlation with rollover accident statistics than tilt table angle, but found it to be a statistically significant addition to a model already containing tilt table angle. However, an error in the computation of critical sliding velocity was made in the Technical Assessment Paper. When the logistic regression was repeated with the correct critical sliding velocity values and data for more vehicle make/models and additional accident years, NHTSA found the correlation of critical sliding velocity to accident statistics for all light duty vehicles grouped together and for the light truck and passenger car categories to be better than that for tilt table angle. The Addendum to Technical Assessment Paper contains the corrected analysis. B. Analysis of Importance of Factors 1. Additional Analyses Since the ANPRM Since the ANPRM, new vehicles have been added to the data base and their metrics measured. Several make/models have been tested in different configurations to determine the range of metrics within a make/model, given the different available original equipment options. Also included are several make/models of trucks and vans with anti-lock brakes as standard equipment and several make/models of high sales volume passenger cars equipped with anti-lock brakes. A complete list of all vehicles measured to date, their tilt table angles and critical sliding velocities, and the ratio of the number of rollovers involving a particular vehicle model to the number of single vehicle accidents involving the same model (RO/SVA) in Michigan from 1986 through 1990 can be found in Docket 91-68, Notice 2. 2. Predictive Power of the Metrics The agency performed two types of analyses attempting to separate the influence of driver characteristics, road, and environmental variables in the accident data so that the effect of vehicle rollover stability could be isolated. A logistic regression analysis individually considered every accident in a very large data base. Make/ models represented in a great number of accidents influenced the results more than make/models with fewer accidents. A linear regression analysis was also done on the rollover risk of make/models, adjusted for differences in driver and road characteristics within their individual accident data bases, but not weighted by differences in accident numbers. The two analyses are discussed in detail in the Addendum to Technical Assessment Paper. These analyses were conducted using three statistical models: (a) A model containing only driver, roadway, and environmental characteristics; (b) a model containing driver, roadway, and environmental characteristics, and critical sliding velocity; and (c) a model containing driver, roadway, and environmental characteristics, and tilt table angle. For the purposes of comparison, the analyses were limited to accidents involving those make/models for which the agency had both tilt table angle and critical sliding velocity data. This results in an equal number of accidents, or observations (88,397), in each statistical model. The logistic regression predicts whether a single vehicle accident will be a rollover based on the factors in a particular model. Then the predicted outcomes of the individual accidents are compiled to predict a rollover risk (rollovers per single vehicle accident) for each of the 128 make/models for which the agency has data on both metrics. This predicted risk is then compared to the actual risk known from accident data on these make/models. Two numbers are presented in the table below for each of the statistical models. The first is the percent variability explained by the comparison of the rollover risk predicted by the logistic regression model and the actual rollover risk. The second number is the percentage of the variability unexplained by the model containing only driver, roadway, and environmental characteristics which is explained by the addition of either tilt table angle or critical sliding velocity. For example, the driver/road/ environmental model leaves 77 percent of the variability in the data unexplained; 23 percent is explained. When tilt table angle was added to the model to represent vehicle stability, 65 percent of the variability in rollover risk was explained. The difference between the 77 percent unexplained variability in the driver/road variable model and the 35 percent unexplained variability of the driver/road variable plus tilt table angle model is 42 percent, which is 55 percent of the unexplained variability in the driver/road variable model (42 percent/ 77 percent). Slightly more than half of the variability unaccounted for by driver and road characteristics was explained by the addition of tilt table angle. Thus, the logistic regression analysis indicates that stability, as measured by tilt table angle, is an important predictor of the likelihood of a single vehicle accident becoming a rollover. Substitution of critical sliding velocity produced similar results. A complete discussion of the results of these analyses can be found in the Addendum to Technical Assessment Paper in the docket. Table 1.--Results of Logistic Regression Analysis for All Vehicles for Which Tilt Table Angle (TTA) and Critical Sliding Velocity (CSV) Are Known ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Percent variability Percent explained, Model variability which is not explained explained by D/ R/E only model ------------------------------------------------------------------------ D/R/E only.............................. 23 NA D/R/E & TTA............................. 65 55 D/R/E & CSV............................. 75 68 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The linear regression analysis also demonstrates the predictive power of tilt table angle and critical sliding velocity. This analysis showed that tilt table angle accounts for about 53 percent of the variability in rollover risk remaining after adjustment for differences in driver and road characteristics. The analysis showed that critical sliding velocity accounts for about 66 percent of the variability in rollover risk remaining after adjustments for driver and road characteristics. These compare to the 55 percent and 68 percent values found by logistic regression. These figures demonstrate that the two analytic methods are essentially in agreement regarding the statistical significance of stability metrics to the prediction of rollover. The results of both the logistic and linear regression analyses performed by the agency suggest that a vehicle stability metric alone can account for approximately 50 percent of the variability in rollover risk in single vehicle accidents, for the population of make/models studied. While ideally it would be desirable to have these variables explain 100 percent of the remaining variability, such statistical correlations are almost never achieved. The agency views these analyses as demonstrating sound statistical and causal relationships between these variables and the likelihood of rollover. At the same time, the analyses show that other factors in addition to those analyzed are affecting rollover risk, as 35 percent to 25 percent of the variability in rollover risk is still unexplained after accounting for the driver, roadway, and tilt table angle or critical sliding velocity, respectively. The above analyses used a Michigan accident data base combining passenger cars, pickup trucks, vans, and sport utility vehicles. As explained in section I, the rate of rollover fatalities and injuries per million registered vehicles is higher for sport utility vehicles and compact pickup trucks, but the absolute majority of harm occurs in passenger cars, because of their large numbers in use. In the current vehicle fleet, passenger cars generally have higher measured stability than light trucks. Thus, a safety standard requiring a minimum level of stability appropriate for all light duty vehicles would not be expected to affect many present or future small cars and therefore would not result in significant safety benefits. (For a further discussion of the problems associated with a minimum standard, see the section below entitled, ``Estimate of the Costs of a Standard.'') Hence, the agency also examined the relative predictive capability of the stability metrics to rollover risk for passenger cars and light trucks separately, to investigate the possibility of setting a higher minimum level of stability for passenger cars. The results are shown in the table below, including a comparison to the results for all vehicles considered as a single group (see Table 1). As with the analysis of all vehicles considered as a single group, these analyses were limited to make/models for which both tilt table angle and critical sliding velocity were known. Table 2.--Results of Logistic Regression Analysis for Vehicles by Class ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TTA as metric CSV as metric ----------------------------------------------------------------- Percent variability Percent variability Vehicle class ---------------------- Percent ---------------------- Percent D/R/E explain D/R/E explain only + metric only + metric ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All vehicle................................... 23 65 55 23 75 68 Lt. Truck only................................ 21 52 39 21 70 62 Car only...................................... 39 56 28 39 63 39 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These results show that, while a good proportion of the variability remaining in the driver/road/environmental model is explained by either metric for the group containing all vehicles, when the vehicles are divided into classes, the results are not consistent. The inconsistency seen in the model results by vehicle class is, to some extent, the result of the smaller range of the metric within any subgroup of vehicles together with the inherent variability in the data. These analyses and the analyses of benefits and costs discussed later, indicate that different minimum standards for passenger cars and light trucks cannot be supported using either tilt table angle or critical sliding velocity. VI. Decision Not To Propose a Vehicle Stability Standard As discussed previously, NHTSA concluded that both of the vehicle metrics, tilt table angle and critical sliding velocity, were statistically and causally related to the likelihood of rollover in a single vehicle crash. To determine whether to propose a vehicle stability standard, NHTSA next compared the benefits and costs of such a standard. A detailed discussion of the benefits analysis can be found in ``Potential Reductions in Fatalities and Injuries in Single Vehicle Rollover Crashes as a Result of a Minimum Rollover Stability Standard,'' which has been placed in Docket No. 91-68, Notice 03. A detailed discussion of the cost estimates can be found in the Preliminary Regulatory Evaluation, which has also been placed in Docket No. 91-68, Notice 03. A. Estimate of the Benefits of a Standard The agency made two basic estimates of benefits of a minimum standard for rollover stability. One was based on the reductions in RO/ SVA predicted by the logistic regression model for increases in critical sliding velocity. The other was based on reductions in RO/SVA predicted for increases in tilt table angle. All other factors being equal, it is reasonable to expect an inverse relationship between rollover risk and either critical sliding velocity or tilt table angle. Thus, the higher the lateral sliding velocity necessary to trip a vehicle, the less likely it is to roll over, and vice versa. Similarly, the greater the angle necessary to tip a vehicle from the tilt table, the less likely it is to roll over, and vice versa. To quantify the benefits of potential minimum standards for rollover stability, NHTSA examined the net prevention of fatalities and serious injuries associated with various minimum levels of critical sliding velocity and tilt table angle. Fatality and injury levels were estimated by using: 1. The reduction of the rollover risk predicted for increases in critical sliding velocity or tilt table angle; 2. The number of single vehicle accidents per registered vehicle expected to occur; and 3. The reduction in fatalities and/or injuries if a single vehicle accident does not result in a rollover. The estimate of the benefits of a minimum stability safety standard incorporated several simplifying assumptions. First, the agency assumed that the severity of the accidents would be reduced but that the accidents would not be prevented. Because single vehicle rollover accidents are more severe than single vehicle non-rollover accidents, prevention of rollover reduces the number of serious injuries and fatalities. However, under this scenario, the total number of single vehicle accidents is assumed to remain constant. This assumption is somewhat pessimistic, because an unknown number of crashes would most likely be avoided. But the remaining assumptions used may tend to overestimate the benefits since NHTSA also assumed: 1. The numbers of rollover injuries and fatalities prevented would be proportional to the number of rollovers prevented, and 2. The fatality and injury rates of the late 1980s for the make/ models which would be affected by a minimum standard will remain representative in the future. The second assumption may overstate the benefits if increased safety belt use in the 1990s, as is the goal of NHTSA, reduces the overall harm from rollover accidents. That is, as belt use increases, rollover casualties decrease, even though the number of rollover crashes remains constant. 1. Rollover Risk Reduction To estimate the reduction in the rollover risk that would be obtained by changing a vehicle metric, the agency used logistic regression to determine the sensitivity of rollover risk to changes in critical sliding velocity or tilt table angle. The outcome of each accident of the subject make/model in the data base was re-evaluated individually changing the stability metric but retaining the other vehicle, driver, and road characteristics present in the actual crash. A new RO/SVA ratio was determined on the basis of the predicted outcome of each accident. To examine the sensitivity of the model to a change in critical sliding velocity, the agency divided the range of critical sliding velocities from 14.26 to 16.73 kilometers per hour (kph). The low end of this range is representative of vehicles in NHTSA's database with the lowest critical sliding velocity. The high end of this range is representative of a critical sliding velocity equivalent to the 1.20 value for static stability factor recommended in the Wirth petition (also equivalent to a tilt table angle of 46.4 degrees). (A discussion of the Wirth petition can be found in the ANPRM, 57 FR 242, 244-45.) The highest value in the range is greater than the proposed European tilt table angle limit of 44.3 degrees, and in the agency's judgement represents the highest practicable standard. A standard at the upper limit of the range would affect 1,648,000 vehicles manufactured in 1991, including 87 percent of compact sport utility vehicles, 100 percent of standard vans, and 31 percent of compact pickups. The agency then divided this range into six even increments and calculated the RO/SVA for each increment for various classes of vehicles. Each successively higher increment represents an increase in critical sliding velocity of 0.41 kph. The agency then predicted the decrease in single vehicle accident rollovers for each incremental increase in critical sliding velocity. (See Table 3.) Table 3.--Sensitivity of RO/SVA to Changes in CSV in kph Simulated by Logistic Regression Model for Vehicles of CSV <16.73 kph ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSV range kph Make/model -------------------------------------------------------------- 14.26 14.68 15.09 15.50 15.91 16.32 16.73 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Compact SUVs..................................... 0.434 0.420 0.406 0.391 0.378 0.364 0.350 Standard SUVs.................................... 0.347 0.334 0.320 0.307 0.294 0.282 0.269 Compact Pickup................................... 0.355 0.341 0.328 0.314 0.301 0.288 0.276 Minivan.......................................... 0.275 0.263 0.252 0.241 0.230 0.219 0.209 Standard Van..................................... 0.229 0.219 0.209 0.199 0.190 0.180 0.171 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As an example, for vehicles with a critical sliding velocity between 14.26 and 16.73 kph, an increase of 12 percent in critical sliding velocity was predicted to decrease single vehicle accident rollovers of compact sport utility vehicles by about 13 percent, standard sport utility vehicles by about 15 percent, compact pickups by about 15 percent, and minivans by about 16 percent. There is only one standard van with a critical sliding velocity below 16.73 kph. Its rollover risk is predicted to decrease 17 percent if its critical sliding velocity were to increase 12 percent. A 12 percent increase in critical sliding velocity represents a change of 1.65 kph, or four increments. A complete discussion of these analyses can be found in the paper ``Potential Reductions in Fatalities and Injuries in Single Vehicle Crashes as a Result of a Minimum Stability Standard'' in the docket. A similar analysis was done using tilt table angle. For tilt table angle, each increment was approximately equivalent to 0.75 degrees. For vehicles with a tilt table angle between 42 and 46.4 degrees (the equivalent of the critical sliding velocity range), an increase of 11 percent (also four increments, or 3.00 degrees) in tilt table angle was predicted to decrease single vehicle accident rollovers among compact sport utility vehicles by about 15 percent, standard sport utility vehicles by about 19 percent, compact pickups by about 17 percent, minivans by about 20 percent, and standard vans by about 22 percent. (See Table 4.) Table 4.--Sensitivity of RO/SVA to Changes in TTA Simulated by Logistic Regression Model for Vehicles of TTA <46.4 deg. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TTA range Make/model ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42.0 deg. 42.8 deg. 43.5 deg. 44.3 deg. 45.0 deg. 45.7 deg. 46.4 deg. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Compact SUVs....................... 0.465 0.448 0.430 0.413 0.396 0.380 0.363 Standard SUVs...................... 0.293 0.278 0.264 0.249 0.236 0.223 0.210 Compact Pickup..................... 0.406 0.388 0.370 0.353 0.336 0.319 0.302 Standard Van....................... 0.178 0.168 0.158 0.148 0.139 0.130 0.122 Minivan............................ 0.265 0.251 0.238 0.225 0.212 0.200 0.189 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Predicted Single Vehicle Accident Rate To estimate the number of single vehicle accidents in a hypothetical future vehicle population, NHTSA assumed that the future population would have the same proportion of vans, pickups, and sport utility vehicles as the 1991 production, and that the population would have the same proportion of high and low critical sliding velocity and tilt table angle vehicles within these categories. NHTSA then distributed the numbers of serious injuries by vehicle category (as tabulated by Data Link Inc., under contract to NHTSA) among the 1991 example vehicles on the basis of relative production volume, relative single vehicle accident involvement rate, and relative rollover risk per single vehicle accident. (The Data Link reports are available in Docket 91-68, Notice 2.) Data Link reported injuries and fatalities by vehicle types: pickup truck, van, sport utility vehicle (called MPV in Data Link reports), and car. NHTSA further divided the vehicle types into subcategories of compact and standard to make average accident rate and rollover risk more meaningful. NHTSA also divided injuries and fatalities between compact and standard versions of each vehicle type. To do this, NHTSA assumed that rollover harm was proportional to the number of rollover accidents within a vehicle type. The numbers of rollover accidents among compact vehicles relative to those among their standard counterparts were estimated by multiplying their 1991 production ratios by their single vehicle accident per registered vehicle ratios and their RO/SVA ratios. The total number of injuries and fatalities was then divided proportionally. The reduction in rollover harm for each type/size category is a summary of the reductions in injuries and fatalities for each example vehicle within the category if the tilt table angle for the category were increased a specified level. The reduction in harm associated with each affected vehicle is assumed to be proportional to its projected reduction in rollover risk. A minimum tilt table angle standard of 42.8 degrees, an increase of one increment explained above, would be expected to reduce serious rollover injuries by 13 and rollover fatalities by 8. A minimum tilt table angle standard of 46.4 degrees, the highest measurement in the range studied, would be expected to reduce serious rollover injuries by 233 and rollover fatalities by 121, if rollover avoidance were viewed as crash avoidance. A parallel exercise was done using the rollover risk predicted using critical sliding velocity as the stability metric in the logistic regression model. 3. Injury/Fatality Rate Reduction Because the agency assumed that a single vehicle accident would still occur even though a rollover was prevented, it reduced these estimates of benefits based on a comparison of the relative harm of single vehicle accidents with rollover to that of similar accidents without rollover. The comparison indicated that the overall fatality rate for single vehicle rollover accidents was 2.07 times the fatality rate for single vehicle accidents without rollover. When only accidents occurring on roads with speed limits of 40-50 mph are considered, the rollover accidents are 2.3 times as likely to result in fatality. When accidents on 55-65 mph roads are considered, the fatality rate of rollover accidents is 1.6 times that for other accidents. These statistics suggest that rollover prevention is equivalent to about a 50 percent reduction in fatalities for the number of accidents in which rollovers would be prevented. Likewise, the injury data indicate an overall relative rate of serious injuries (AIS 3+) 1.36 times greater for single vehicle accidents with rollover than without rollover. The ratio of AIS 3+ injuries in non-rollover to AIS 3+ injuries in rollovers was 1.38 for accidents occurring on roads with speed limits of 40-50 mph and 1.47 for accidents occurring on 55-65 mph roads. These statistics suggest that rollover prevention is roughly equivalent to a 25 percent reduction in serious injuries for the number of accidents in which rollovers would be prevented. Viewing rollover prevention as roughly a 50 percent mitigation of fatalities and a 25 percent mitigation of serious injuries leads to an estimate of net benefits resulting from the reduction in harm from rollover accidents. Net reductions of 3 to 61 serious injuries and 4 to 63 fatalities would be expected for a minimum tilt table angle standard in the range of 42.8 to 46.4 degrees. Net reductions of 3 to 68 serious injuries and 2 to 68 fatalities would be expected for a minimum critical sliding velocity standard in the range studied, i.e., 14.68 to 16.73 kph. Minimum rollover stability requirements at the levels examined would have minimal impact on the annual single vehicle accident rollover fatality toll, because the vehicles affected would be less than 20 percent of the total light duty vehicle fleet and the vehicles' stability would only be improved by a marginal amount. The great majority of rollover fatalities would be unaffected by a minimum stability standard set at any of these levels, because they occur in cars, which greatly outnumber light trucks in use, and which, with few exceptions, have significantly higher rollover stability than sport utility vehicles, pickup trucks, and vans. B. Estimate of the Costs of a Standard As explained above, the agency's analyses predicted a saving of 63 lives for a minimum tilt table angle of 46.4 degrees. This level would necessitate the modification of an estimated 87 percent of present compact sport utility vehicles and virtually all present standard vans. A minimum tilt table angle of 45 degrees, which is higher than the tilt table angle of 69 percent of present compact sport utility vehicles, could save 23 lives. Similarly, a minimum critical sliding velocity standard of 16.73 kph would affect 89 percent of present compact sport utility vehicles, 38 percent of standard sport utility vehicles, and 38 percent of compact pickups, while saving 68 lives. A critical sliding velocity minimum standard of 15.91 kph would affect 71 percent of compact sport utility vehicles and 31 percent of compact pickups, while saving 34 lives. Unfortunately, inexpensive vehicle changes, such as offset wheels or modified tire and rim width combinations, cannot be counted on to improve stability without producing handling or steering problems. An increase in track width, derived from frame or suspension alterations, or a decrease in center of gravity height are the only methods of improving stability without potential safety liabilities. Such changes would require large initial costs related to the design and development of major vehicle components, if not the entire vehicle. These costs do not take into account the cost of the tests necessary to determine the tilt table angle or critical sliding velocity. Because these costs will also be associated with the proposed consumer information regulation, the testing costs are discussed later in this notice. Some of the changes necessary to comply with a minimum standard may also be incompatible with some of the vehicle characteristics many consumers seek in vehicles such as sport utility vehicles, vans, motor homes, and campers. For example, in the case of sport utility vehicles, the capability to operate in off-road conditions may require both high ground clearance (necessitating a relatively high center of gravity) and narrow width to maneuver in wooded or rocky areas (necessitating a relatively narrow track width). Section 103(f)(3) of the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act provides that a Federal motor vehicle safety standard must be reasonable and appropriate for each vehicle type to which it applies, and therefore NHTSA could not mandate a stability requirement incompatible with certain types of vehicles. In addition, the manufacturers of many of these types of vehicles would be considered small businesses, and a standard could raise concerns under the Regulatory Flexibility Act. Another possible cost of a minimum rollover standard is decreased fuel economy. Compact sport utility vehicles have become popular, in part, because the original sport utility vehicles, which were larger, heavier, and more stable against rollover, were also more difficult to park and maneuver and had very poor fuel mileage. The compact sport utility vehicles with higher stability tend to be the larger vehicles in the class, or open vehicles with less mass in the top. A stability standard would be expected to cause a growth in size and weight of compact sport utility vehicles and a reduction in fuel mileage. C. Conclusions Based on these estimates of the benefits and costs of a minimum stability standard, NHTSA believes that the benefits would not be sufficient to justify the expected costs. Therefore, as noted above, NHTSA has decided to defer any further action on this subject until information becomes available demonstrating the cost effectiveness of such a rule. The agency may reinitiate such a rulemaking upon receipt of such information. This termination of rulemaking on vehicle stability fulfills the statutory mandate of Section 2502(b)(2)(B)(i). While the agency is terminating rulemaking on a vehicle stability standard, NHTSA believes that the correlation between stability and rollover risk is significant enough to justify proposing a consumer information regulation to relieve the possibility of uninformed risk. The agency's decision to propose such a regulation is explained below. VII. Proposed Consumer Information Regulation A. Rationale NHTSA is proposing a new consumer information regulation requiring manufacturers to report the stability metric of cars and light trucks to enable consumers to make more informed choices concerning the trade- offs of vehicle attributes and rollover stability. NHTSA believes that a consumer information regulation would inform drivers of general differences in stability between light trucks and cars, and among vehicles in those classes so that consumers can make an informed choice concerning relative rollover risk. This regulation would inform drivers who still chose a less stable vehicle that they may wish to drive more cautiously in certain circumstances and that the higher risk of driving low stability vehicles can be greatly reduced by using safety belts. In addition, NHTSA believes that a consumer information regulation would motivate manufacturers to give more priority to rollover stability in the design of new vehicles. NHTSA believes these goals can be accomplished with a minimum burden on industry and consumers. NHTSA believes that consumer and manufacturer behavior can be affected through the provision of consumer information. The agency's experience with the New Car Assessment Program (NCAP) demonstrates the power of consumer information. Several manufacturers have informed the agency that they have internal goals of performing well in these 35 mph frontal crash tests, even though there is no regulatory requirement to do so. The lowering of the injury scores over time for all manufacturers, as reported in ``Report on the Historical Performance of Different Auto Manufacturers in the New Car Assessment Program Tests'', NHTSA, August 1993, can also be attributed partially to NCAP. The attention of the media to the program and the more than 20,000 calls annually to NHTSA's Hotline, the most for any NHTSA consumer information activity, speak to the consumer's interest in relevant consumer safety information. As to whether consumers want information on rollover, recent agency focus groups indicate they would (``Focus Groups on Traffic Safety Issues: Public Response to NCAP,'' S.W. Morris & Company, Inc., August 1993, which can be found in Docket No. 79-17, Notice 01). The consensus of the focus groups was that the agency's consumer safety information activities should be expanded to include additional kinds of crashes, including rollover. Consumers also desired point of sale information, which would be satisfied with the proposed vehicle sticker requirement. NHTSA does not agree with those manufacturers who believe that labeling vehicles with stability information will mislead consumers or that consumers would consider the metric an absolute measure of the likelihood of rollover, regardless of driver behavior or roadway conditions. It has never been shown that improvements in safety or availability of information regarding safety increase risk-taking. In addition, the proposed label not only contains the stability information, it contains the statements: ``All vehicles roll over! Always wear seat belts! In a rollover crash, an unbelted person is 6 to 9 times more likely to die than a person wearing a seat belt.'' These statements emphasize to the consumer that a vehicle with a higher stability rating can still roll over. NHTSA is considering two possible options for specifying the stability metric. Under option one, NHTSA would select one of two metrics, critical sliding velocity or tilt table angle, and require the metric to be stated for each vehicle. NHTSA requests comments on which metric is preferable if NHTSA selects only one metric. (Note: The proposed regulatory text in this notice illustrates this option first for critical sliding velocity, and then for tilt table angle.) Under option two, NHTSA would not require a metric to be stated. Instead, the agency would require vehicles to be labeled with a statement concerning the rollover stability (e.g., one, two, or three stars) based on vehicle performance when tested for one or both of the metrics. B. Proposed Label NHTSA is proposing to require three types of information on the label and in owner's manuals. First, manufacturers would be required to include the stability metric for that vehicle. This information would either be the same as that reported by the manufacturer to NHTSA (for option one) or the ``rating'' provided by NHTSA (for option two). This metric would be required to be reported ``accurate to the nearest kilometer per hour'' for critical sliding velocity and ``accurate to the nearest degree'' for tilt table angle. As explained in the discussion of the two metrics in this notice, NHTSA believes that the test procedure for both metrics produces results repeatable to this degree of accuracy. Manufacturers would be allowed to choose which models and configurations could be grouped together, because they have the same metric, for the purpose of reporting metrics. However, for each metric reported by a manufacturer, the manufacturer would have to fully describe the vehicles to which the metric applies. Second, the label would be required to contain the metric or rating ranges provided by NHTSA for both passenger cars and light trucks. The purpose of this requirement is to emphasize to consumers that there are significant differences between the stability of the average passenger car and that of the average truck-based vehicle. This information would allow consumers to make an informed choice in purchasing a passenger car or a truck-based vehicle and to compare a vehicle they are considering to other vehicles in its class. Third, NHTSA is proposing to require a warning to inform consumers that all vehicles can, and do, roll over and that the best protection against injury or fatality, should a rollover occur, is wearing seat belts. C. Stability Metrics As noted above, NHTSA's analyses indicate that there are two metrics, critical sliding velocity and tilt table angle, which correlate well with rollover accident data. Either of these metrics could be used in a stability labeling regulation. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. Critical sliding velocity, a dynamic metric, includes the influence of roll moment of inertia as well as the various static factors included by the static metrics such as tilt table angle. The advantage of critical sliding velocity is that it more consistently predicts rollover risk for light trucks. The disadvantage is that calculation of critical sliding velocity requires knowledge of the vehicle's center of gravity height and roll mass moment of inertia. These two parameters are difficult to measure on complete vehicles and require specialized equipment to obtain accurate results. However, these parameters can be measured on vehicle components and manufacturers of complete vehicles could calculate center of gravity height and roll mass moment of inertia of complete vehicles from data they have on component parameters. However, the agency is unsure whether final stage manufacturers and alterers of specialty vehicles are provided enough information from incomplete vehicle manufacturers to do this. Tilt table angle, a static metric, is simple and inexpensive to measure. The nature of the test is easy for the consumer to understand. The disadvantage of this metric stems from the statistical relationship between tilt table angle and accident data. The correlation between tilt table angle and accident data breaks down if passenger cars are analyzed separately from light trucks. Further, statistical models containing tilt table angle data consistently overestimate the rollover risk for standard vans. 1. Critical Sliding Velocity Critical sliding velocity, in kilometers per hour, is determined from the equation:where,
and I
xx = roll mass moment of inertia of the vehicle, in kilogram- kilometers\2\ g = gravitational constant, in kilometers/hour\2\ M = mass of the vehicle, loaded, in kilograms h cg = center of gravity height of the vehicle, in kilometers TW = the average of the front and rear track width of the vehicle, in kilometers. Calculation of critical sliding velocity requires knowledge of the vehicle's mass, track width, center of gravity height, and roll moment of inertia. NHTSA agrees with commenters that the center of gravity height and roll moment of inertia are complicated measurements. To address comments on the repeatability of center of gravity height measurement, NHTSA reviewed two reports. The study ``Center of Gravity Height: A Round-Robin Measurement Program,'' sponsored by the Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Association and conducted by the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI-91-4) compared the test facilities, procedures, and results of center of gravity height measurements at four laboratories. Each of the four laboratories used different test equipment and procedures. The study concluded that different measurement procedures can produce significantly different results. However, the study also concluded that for each laboratory and test procedure, repeatability was very good. Another study, ``Vehicle Inertial Parameters--Measured Values and Approximations,'' by Garrott et al. (Society of Automotive Engineers #881767) shows the coefficient of variation of center of gravity height at the Vehicle Research and Test Center (VRTC) facility to be 0.8 percent. The measurements used in the analyses of the relationship of critical sliding velocity and single vehicle rollover accidents came from the VRTC facility. Based on these studies, NHTSA believes that measurements of center of gravity height and roll moment of inertia are repeatable within an individual laboratory using a specified procedure. NHTSA also believes that these measurements would be repeatable among different laboratories if all were using the same test procedure. The agency has data on a group of six make/models of light trucks and one make/model of car for which tests were run on identical vehicles, or repeated tests were run on the same vehicle. The results for all of these tests show the repeatability of critical sliding velocity to be well within the required accuracy of one kilometer per hour. Therefore, NHTSA tentatively concludes that the test procedure proposed in this notice would produce repeatable results. The proposed regulatory text does not include language for either the test equipment or the test procedure. The test equipment to be used in the procedure is VTRC's Inertial Parameter Measuring Device (IPMD). The equipment is described in United States Patent No. 5,177,998. VRTC is in the process of refining the test procedure for use with the IPMD, which is described in the report, ``Vehicle Inertial Parameters--Measured Values and Approximations,'' by Garrott et al. of NHTSA's VRTC. Copies of both the patent and the report have been placed in Docket No. 91-68, Notice 03. 2. Tilt Table Angle Some commenters to the ANPRM stated that the tilt table procedure is not standard practice and its repeatability is not known. Other commenters stated that the procedure was repeatable. NHTSA examined two studies which concluded that the tilt table test is a simple, repeatable method of estimating the static roll stability of a vehicle. ``Sensitivity Analysis of the Tilt Table Test Methodology'' is a study sponsored by the Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Association and conducted by the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI-91-48 December 1991). UMTRI found the tilt table test to be repeatable in their laboratory and found nothing to prevent site-to-site reproducibility. The other study is a NHTSA study which found the following parameters to be critical to achieving an accurate tilt table angle: slow, steady lift rate, minimal platform deflection, platform angle measurement accurate to 0.1 degree, and accuracy of measurement of the point at which the last tire leaves the table (DOT HS 807 747 May 1991). Based on these studies, NHTSA believes that the tilt table test would result in repeatable measurements if conducted under specified conditions. The agency's results for either tests on identical vehicles or multiple tests on the same vehicle show the repeatability of tilt table angle to be within the required accuracy of one degree. To ensure repeatability, NHTSA has included specific test conditions in the tilt table angle test procedure. D. Timing of Information Provided by the Manufacturers and NHTSA By each January 1st, each manufacturer would be required to report to NHTSA the stability metric for each vehicle to be manufactured on or after the next September 1 and on or before the first August 31 following that September 1st. Thus, the information for ``1997 model year'' vehicles (vehicles manufactured between September 1, 1996 and August 31, 1997) would have to be reported by January 1, 1996. NHTSA recognizes that not all manufacturers change to production of a new model year on the same date. If a manufacturer changes production on a date after September 1, and the difference between model years affects the stability metric, the manufacturer would have to report a metric for two ``vehicles'' for a single make/model. NHTSA requests comments on these proposed dates. NHTSA would consider changing the beginning and ending date of the annual production period specified in this regulation if there was a different date that coincides with a majority of manufacturers' ``model year.'' If option one, which is a quantitative measure based on vehicle metric calculations, were chosen for a final rule, NHTSA would use the information provided by the manufacturers to supply manufacturers with ranges for all passenger cars and light trucks for the upcoming model year by April 1 of that year (i.e., in the above example, NHTSA would provide manufacturers ranges for 1997 model year vehicles by April 1, 1996.) If option two were chosen, NHTSA would use the information provided to provide manufacturers with the ``rating'' which must be labeled on the vehicle. Since there is a possibility that this information could not be provided by April 1, the agency requests comments on how much leadtime manufacturers would need to place the information on labels and in owner's manuals on all vehicles manufactured on or after September 1. NHTSA is proposing to make this new regulation effective on January 1, 1996, based on the presumption that this would give manufacturers at least one year to complete testing necessary to report the tilt table angle and/or critical sliding velocity for all vehicles following publication of a final rule. E. Benefits As stated previously, NHTSA anticipates that this consumer information regulation will result in a more informed public which, through purchasing and/or driving decisions, could improve motor vehicle safety. Similarly, consumer purchasing behavior could affect manufacturers' design and/or marketing of vehicles. The agency is unable to quantify at this time the benefits of this rulemaking. A more detailed discussion of the possible benefits of this rulemaking can be found in the Preliminary Regulatory Evaluation. F. Costs The costs associated with the proposed consumer information regulation would arise from three different activities: generating the stability metric for the label, printing the labels, and affixing labels to the vehicles. This rule would not require manufacturers to make vehicle changes. While such modifications are desirable, they are not mandated, and if they occurred, would be the indirect result of market forces and not a direct result of this rulemaking. As explained in detail in the Preliminary Regulatory Evaluation, NHTSA estimates that the total testing and labeling costs of a regulation based on critical sliding velocity would range from $4.71 to $6.35 million and the total cost of a regulation based on tilt table angle would range from $3.93 to $5.57 million. VIII. Final Stage Manufacturers and Alterers NHTSA requests comments on how final stage manufacturers and alterers would comply with the proposed consumer information regulation. Would final stage manufacturers and alterers have sufficient information on upcoming model year vehicles to report the tilt table angle and/or critical sliding velocity of the vehicles they will be producing by January 1 as required? How much information can incomplete vehicle manufacturers pass on to final stage manufacturers to assist them in predicting the tilt table angle or critical sliding velocity of the final vehicle, and when? NHTSA also asks for comment on how many vehicles in this category would have a GVWR of 4,536 kilograms or less. Given that many of these vehicles are manufactured for special uses, NHTSA requests comments on whether certain types of vehicles (e.g., walk-in van-type vehicles, campers, and motor homes) should be excluded from the consumer information requirement. Would consumer choice for these special-use vehicles be affected by the information provided by this proposed regulation? IX. Rulemaking Analyses and Notices A. Executive Order 12866 and DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures NHTSA has examined the impact of this rulemaking action and determined that it is ``significant'' within the meaning of E.O. 12866 and the Department of Transportation's regulatory policies and procedures. This rulemaking was reviewed under E.O. 12866. The agency's detailed analysis of the economic effects can be found in the Preliminary Regulatory Evaluation available in the docket for this rulemaking. The agency estimates that the proposed regulation would cost $3.93 to $6.35 million annually. B. Regulatory Flexibility Act NHTSA has also considered the impacts of this notice under the Regulatory Flexibility Act. I hereby certify that this proposed rule would not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. As explained above, NHTSA does not expect any significant economic impacts from this proposed rule. While the agency has asked questions regarding the availability of data to certain manufacturers who could be small businesses (final stage manufacturers and alterers), NHTSA believes that these manufacturers will be able to obtain sufficient information on the vehicles they complete or alter that this proposed regulation will not impose a significantly different burden on these manufacturers. C. Paperwork Reduction Act The reporting requirements associated with this proposed rule will be submitted to the Office of Management and Budget for approval in accordance with 44 U.S.C. chapter 35. Administration: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration; Title: Vehicle Rollover Stability Consumer Information Regulation; Need for Information: To determine vehicle metric ranges for each model year; Proposed Use of Information: Metric ranges will be provided to manufacturers for inclusion on vehicle label; Frequency: Annual; Burden Estimate: 192 hours; Respondents: 24; Form(s): None; Average Burden Hours for Respondent: 8. D. National Environmental Policy Act NHTSA has also analyzed this proposed rule under the National Environmental Policy Act and determined that it would not have a significant impact on the human environment. E. Executive Order 12612 (Federalism) NHTSA has analyzed this proposal in accordance with the principles and criteria contained in E.O. 12612, and has determined that this proposed rule would not have significant federalism implications to warrant the preparation of a Federalism Assessment. F. Civil Justice Reform This proposed rule would not have any retroactive effect. There is no express statutory intent to preempt any State law. Section 105 of the Safety Act (15 U.S.C. 1394) sets forth a procedure for judicial review of final rules. That section does not require submission of a petition for reconsideration or other administrative proceedings before parties may file suit in court. X. Effective Date of Final Rule If adopted, the proposed amendments would become effective on January 1, 1996. XI. Submission of Comments Interested persons are invited to submit comments on the proposal. It is requested but not required that 10 copies be submitted. All comments must not exceed 15 pages in length. (49 CFR 553.21). Necessary attachments may be appended to these submissions without regard to the 15-page limit. This limitation is intended to encourage commenters to detail their primary arguments in a concise fashion. If a commenter wishes to submit certain information under a claim of confidentiality, three copies of the complete submission, including purportedly confidential business information, should be submitted to the Chief Counsel, NHTSA, at the street address given above, and seven copies from which the purportedly confidential information has been deleted should be submitted to the Docket Section. A request for confidentiality should be accompanied by a cover letter setting forth the information specified in the agency's confidential business information regulation. 49 CFR part 512. All comments received before the close of business on the comment closing date indicated above for the proposal will be considered, and will be available for examination in the docket at the above address both before and after that date. To the extent possible, comments filed after the closing date will also be considered. Comments received too late for consideration in regard to the final rule will be considered as suggestions for further rulemaking action. Comments on the proposal will be available for inspection in the docket. The NHTSA will continue to file relevant information as it becomes available in the docket after the closing date, and it is recommended that interested persons continue to examine the docket for new material. Those persons desiring to be notified upon receipt of their comments in the rules docket should enclose a self-addressed, stamped postcard in the envelope with their comments. Upon receiving the comments, the docket supervisor will return the postcard by mail. List of Subjects in 49 CFR Part 575 Consumer protection, Incorporation by reference, Labeling, Motor vehicle safety, Motor vehicles. In consideration of the foregoing, it is proposed that 49 CFR part 575 be amended as follows: PART 575--CONSUMER INFORMATION REGULATIONS 1. The authority citation for part 575 of title 49 would continue to read as follows: Authority: 15 U.S.C. 1392, 1401, 1407, 1421, and 1423; delegation of authority at 49 CFR 1.50. 2. Part 575 would be amended by adding a new Sec. 575.102 to read as follows: Sec. 575.102 Vehicle Rollover Stability. (a) Purpose and Scope. This section requires motor vehicle manufacturers to provide information on the resistance of vehicles to rollover to aid consumers in making an informed choice in the purchase of new motor vehicles. (b) Application. This section applies to passenger cars, and to multipurpose passenger vehicles and trucks with a GVWR of 4,536 kilograms or less, and to manufacturers and dealers of such vehicles. Alternative One (c) Definition.--Nearest kilometer per hour means the next lower whole kilometer per hour, in the case of a calculated critical sliding velocity value (expressed in kilometers per hour) that falls above a whole number by 0.00 to 0.49 kilometers per hour, and the next higher whole kilometer per hour, in the case of a calculated critical sliding velocity value (expressed in kilometers per hour) that falls above a whole number by 0.50 to 0.99 kilometers per hour. Critical Sliding Velocity (CSV) for a vehicle is the value determined, in kilometers per hour, from the equation: where,
and I
xx=roll mass moment of inertia of the vehicle, in kilogram- kilometers2 g=gravitational constant, in kilometers/hour2 M=mass of the vehicle, loaded, in kilograms h cg=center of gravity height of the vehicle, in kilometers TW=the average of the front and rear track width of the vehicle, in kilometers. Production year means the period from September 1 of a calendar year to August 31 of the next calendar year, inclusive. Vehicle means a group of vehicles within a make, model, or car division which have a degree of commonality in construction (e.g., body, chassis). It does not consider any level of decor, opulence, or other characteristics that do not affect CSV. (d) Reporting Requirements--(1) Reporting. On or before January 1 of each calendar year, beginning with the 1996 calendar year, each manufacturer shall report to the Administrator a CSV for each vehicle to be manufactured in the production year beginning on September 1 of that calendar year. The CSV shall be accurate to the nearest kilometer per hour. In reporting a CSV, the manufacturer shall list the vehicle(s) to which it applies. (2) Information. On or before April 1 of each calendar year, beginning with the 1996 calendar year, the Administrator, based on the information provided by all manufacturers under paragraph (d)(1) of this section, provides manufacturers with the passenger car and multipurpose passenger vehicle/truck CSV ranges to appear on the vehicle label and in the owner's manual under paragraphs (e)(1)(i) through (e)(1)(iii) of this section. (e) Label--(1) Attachment and Maintenance of Label. (i) Each vehicle manufactured on or after September 1, 1996 shall have affixed to it a vehicle rollover stability label as described in paragraph (e)(3) of this section. Each manufacturer shall affix or cause to be affixed the labels required by this paragraph at the final assembly point. (ii) Each dealer shall maintain or cause to be maintained, any vehicle rollover stability label on the vehicles it receives until the vehicles are sold to consumers for purposes other than resale. If a label becomes damaged so that any of the information on it is not legible, the dealer shall replace it by affixing an identical, undamaged label. (iii) Each vehicle required by paragraph (e)(1)(i) of this section to have a vehicle rollover stability label shall have in the vehicle owner's manual the same information required to be on the label under paragraphs (e)(3)(i) through (e)(3)(vii) of this section. (2) Location of Label. (i) The label required by paragraph (e)(1)(i) of this section shall be affixed on a side window of the vehicle in a manner so that it can be read from outside the vehicle. (ii) The label shall be either a separate label, a part of the price information label required by 15 U.S.C. Sec. 1232, or a part of the fuel economy label required by 15 U.S.C. Sec. 2006. If the rollover stability label is separate and the window is not large enough to contain both the price information label and the rollover stability label, it shall be affixed on a side window, as close as possible to the price information label. (3) Label Requirements. (i) Each rollover stability label shall be rectangular, not less than 114 mm high by 178 mm wide, and shall be in the exact format shown in Figure 1. Each label shall bear the exact wording shown in Figure 1. The CSV in the circle shall be the CSV reported to the Administrator pursuant to paragraph (d)(1) of this section for the labeled vehicle and the square brackets shall be replaced by CSV range data given to the vehicle manufacturer by the Administrator pursuant to paragraph (d)(2) of this section for the production year of the labeled vehicle. BILLING CODE 4910-59-P BILLING CODE 4910-59-C (ii) The color of the label picture and text shall contrast with the background of the label. (iii) All rollover stability information on the label shall be completely surrounded by a border at least 3 mm wide which contrasts with the background of the label. (iv) The title, ``Vehicle Rollover Stability,'' shall be centered over the label and shall be printed in bold caps no smaller than 12 points. (v) The remainder of the label text shall be 10 points. (vi) The illustration of the vehicle in Figure 1 shall be centered in a square not less than 50 mm on each side. The inside diameter of the circle in which the CSV appears shall be no smaller than 16 mm. The CSV figure shall be centered in the circle and no smaller than 10 mm in height. (f) Test Conditions--(1) Test Device. Measurement of center of gravity height and roll moment of inertia are done on the Inertial Parameter Measuring Device (IPMD). The IPMD is described in United States Patent No. 5,177,998. A copy of the patent is available in Docket No. 91-68, Notice 03. (2) Vehicle--(i) The test vehicle has all fluids, other than fuel, at the full level. The fuel tank and the fuel system are filled as specified in S7.1.1 and S7.1.2 of Sec. 571.301 of this title. (ii) The vehicle's seat is positioned according to S8.1.2 and S8.1.3 of Sec. 571.208 of this title. (iii) Tires used during the test are of the same size and construction recommended by the manufacturer for the vehicle. The tires have accumulated not less than 80 and not more than 1620 kilometers. Not less than 80 of those kilometers are accumulated at a speed of not less than 80 kilometers per hour. All tires are clean and dry. All tires are inflated to the vehicle manufacturer's recommended inflation pressure for maximum vehicle loading and measured when the tire is cold. (iv) All vehicle openings (doors, windows, hood, trunk, convertible top, etc) are in the closed position. (3) Load. A Hybrid III Test Dummy, as defined in Subpart E of Sec. 572 of this title, is placed in the left front seating position, positioned according to S11 of Sec. 571.208 of this title, and secured with the vehicle's safety belt system, whether manual or automatic. The dummy may be placed in the test vehicle before or after moving the vehicle onto the test device. The test vehicle carries no load other than the test dummy. (4) Ambient conditions. The measurements of the center of gravity height and roll mass moment of inertia are made with both the vehicle and the test device at a temperature not less than 4 and not more than 39 degrees Celsius. Air motion around the vehicle and device is less than 6 kilometers per hour. (g) Test Procedures. The test procedure for use with the IPMD is described in the report, ``Vehicle Inertial Parameters--Measured Values and Approximations,'' by Garrott et al. of NHTSA's VRTC. A copy of the report is available in Docket No. 91-68, Notice 03. Alternative Two (c) Definitions--Nearest degree means the next lower whole degree, in the case of a measurement that falls above a whole number by 0.00 to 0.49 degrees, and the next higher whole degree, in the case of a measurement that falls above a whole number by 0.50 to 0.99. Production year means the period from September 1 of a calendar year to August 31 of the next calendar year, inclusive. Tilt table angle (TTA) means, with respect to a motor vehicle placed on a tilt table, the angle between the horizontal and the platform of the tilt table when the last uphill tire of the vehicle ceases contact with the platform surface. Vehicle means a group of vehicles within a make, model, or car division which have a degree of commonality in construction (e.g., body, chassis). It does not consider any level of decor, opulence, or other characteristics that do not affect TTA. (d) Reporting Requirements--(1) Reporting. On or before January 1 of each calendar year, beginning with the 1996 calendar year, each manufacturer shall report to the Administrator a TTA for each vehicle to be manufactured in the production year beginning on September 1 of that calendar year. The TTA shall be accurate to the nearest degree. In reporting a TTA, the manufacturer shall list the vehicle(s) to which it applies. (2) Information. On or before April 1 of each calendar year, beginning with the 1996 calendar year, the Administrator, based on the information provided by all manufacturers under paragraph (d)(1) of this section, provides manufacturers with the passenger car and multipurpose passenger vehicle/truck TTA ranges to appear on the vehicle label and in the owner's manual under paragraphs (e)(1)(i) through (e)(1)(iii) of this section. (e) Label--(1) Attachment and Maintenance of Label. (i) Each vehicle manufactured on or after September 1, 1996 shall have affixed to it a vehicle rollover stability label as described in paragraph (e)(3) of this section. Each manufacturer shall affix or cause to be affixed the labels required by this paragraph at the final assembly point. (ii) Each dealer shall maintain or cause to be maintained, any vehicle rollover stability label on the vehicles it receives until the vehicles are sold to consumers for purposes other than resale. If a label becomes damaged so that any of the information on it is not legible, the dealer shall replace it by affixing an identical, undamaged label. (iii) Each vehicle required by paragraph (e)(1)(i) of this section to have a vehicle rollover stability label shall have in the vehicle owner's manual the same information required to be on the label under paragraphs (e)(3)(i) through (e)(3)(vii) of this section. (2) Location of Label. (i) The label required by paragraph (e)(1)(i) of this section shall be affixed on a side window of the vehicle in a manner so that it can be read from outside the vehicle. (ii) The label shall be either a separate label, a part of the price information label required by 15 U.S.C. Sec. 1232, or a part of the fuel economy label required by 15 U.S.C. Sec. 2006. If the rollover stability label is separate and the window is not large enough to contain both the price information label and the rollover stability label, it shall be affixed on a side window, as close as possible to the price information label. (3) Label Requirements. (i) Each rollover stability label shall be rectangular, not less than 114 mm high by 178 mm wide, and shall be in the exact format shown in Figure 2. Each label shall bear the exact wording shown in Figure 2. The TTA in the circle shall be the TTA reported to the Administrator pursuant to paragraph (d)(1) of this section for the labeled vehicle and the square brackets shall be replaced by TTA range data given to the vehicle manufacturer by the Administrator pursuant to paragraph (d)(2) of this section for the production year of the labeled vehicle. (ii) The color of the label picture and text shall contrast with the background of the label. (iii) All rollover stability information on the label shall be completely surrounded by a border at least 3 mm wide which contrasts with the background of the label. (iv) The title, ``Vehicle Rollover Stability,'' shall be centered over the label and shall be printed in bold caps no smaller than 12 points. (v) The remainder of the label text shall be 10 points. (vi) The illustration of the vehicle in Figure 2 shall be centered in a square not less than 50 mm on each side. The inside diameter of the circle in which the TTA appears shall be no smaller than 16 mm. The TTA figure shall be centered in the circle and no smaller than 10 mm in height. (f) Test Conditions--(1) Tilt table. (i) The tilt table has a rigid platform or platforms onto which a test vehicle can be rolled. BILLING CODE 4910-59-P
BILLING CODE 4910-59-C (ii) The surfaces of the areas on the platform(s) where the tires of the test vehicle rest are in the same plane at all times during the test. (iii) The surface of each tire contact area is smooth, cold rolled finished, unpainted steel. The surface of the platform(s) is dry and free of corrosion. (iv) The table is able to rotate about a longitudinal axis not less than 50 degrees from the horizontal position. (v) The axes of rotation are horizontal and parallel to one of the sides of the tilt table platform(s). If rotation is accomplished via hinges, all of the hinge axes of rotation are collinear. (vi) The rate of rotation is constant and does not exceed 0.25 degree per second. (vii) The tilt table platform has a 2.5 centimeter high trip rail for each of the vehicle's axles. Each trip rail is parallel to the axis of rotation of the table and is able to move perpendicular to the axis of rotation. The length of each trip rail is equal to or greater than the diameter of the tire on the vehicle to be tested. The trip rail surface facing the tire is parallel to the axis of rotation of the table and perpendicular to the table surface. The trip rail does not move during a test. (viii) If the tilt table has a vehicle restraint system to prevent the test vehicle from falling off the platform during a test, the restraint system shall allow all tires on the uphill side of the test vehicle to lift at least 0.33 meter off the platform(s). The portion of the restraint system supported by the test vehicle when the uphill tires have lifted off the platform(s) shall weigh no more than 6.75 kilograms. (ix) The tilt table instrumentation consists of means to measure the angle of the platform(s) from the horizontal and one contact switch under each of the uphill side tires to indicate when each tire has lifted off its platform surface contact area. (2) Vehicle. (i) The test vehicle has all fluids, other than fuel, at the full level. The fuel tank and the fuel system are filled as specified in S7.1.1 and S7.1.2 of Sec. 571.301 of this title. (ii) The vehicle's seat is positioned according to S8.1.2 and S8.1.3 of Sec. 571.208 of this title. (iii) Tires used during the test are of the same size and construction recommended by the manufacturer for the vehicle. The tires have accumulated not less than 80 and not more than 1620 kilometers. Not less than 80 of those kilometers are accumulated at a speed of not less than 80 kilometers per hour. All tires are clean and dry. All tires are inflated to the vehicle tire manufacturer's recommended inflation pressure for maximum vehicle loading and measured when the tire is cold. (iv) All vehicle openings (doors, windows, hood, trunk, convertible top, etc) are in the closed position. (3) Load. A Hybrid III Test Dummy, as defined in Subpart E of Sec. 572 of this title, is placed in the left front seating position, positioned according to S11 of Sec. 571.208 of this title, and secured with the vehicle's safety belt system, whether manual or automatic. The dummy may be placed in the test vehicle before or after moving the vehicle on to the tilt table. The test vehicle carries no load other than the test dummy. (4) Ambient conditions. The tilt table test is conducted with both the vehicle and the tilt table at a temperature not less than 4 and not more than 39 degrees Celsius. Air motion around the vehicle and tilt table is less than 6 kilometers per hour. (g) Test Procedure--(1) Vehicle Positioning. (i) The test vehicle is positioned on the tilt table such that the vehicle's longitudinal axis is parallel to the axis of rotation of the table and the left side of the vehicle is positioned such that the driver's side of the vehicle will be on the low side when the table is tilted. The wheels are parallel to the vehicle's longitudinal axis. (ii) After the vehicle has been positioned in accordance with paragraph (g)(1)(i) of this section, the engine is turned off. For automatic transmission vehicles, the transmission is in Park or, if the vehicle does not have a Park position, the transmission is placed in the Neutral position and the parking brake applied such that the vehicle does not roll during the test. For manual transmission vehicles, the transmission is in first gear and the parking brake is applied such that the vehicle does not roll during the test. (iii) The front trip rail is moved until it is just touching the driver's side front tire of the test vehicle, then locked in place. The rear trip rail is moved until it is just touching the driver's side rear tire of the test vehicle, then locked in place. (2) Testing. (i) Each tilt table test consists of six tilts. The positioning of the test vehicle on the tilt table and the contents of the vehicle are not adjusted between tilts. (ii) For each tilt, the platform is rotated from the horizontal until all of the uphill tires on the test vehicle have lifted off the platform, as indicated by the contact switches under the uphill tires. (iii) The platform angle at which the last tire lifts off the platform is the TTA of the vehicle for that tilt. The vehicle shall then be returned to the horizontal position at a rate not to exceed 0.25 degrees per second. (iv) The lowest TTA of the last three tilts in the six-tilt series is the TTA for the tested vehicle. Issued on June 23, 1994. Barry Felrice, Associate Administrator for Rulemaking. [FR Doc. 94-15598 Filed 6-23-94; 11:51 am] BILLING CODE 4910-59-P [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 142 (Tuesday, July 26, 1994)] [Unknown Section] [Page 0] From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov] [FR Doc No: X94-20726] [[Page Unknown]] [Federal Register: July 26, 1994] VOL. 59, NO. 142 Tuesday, July 26, 1994 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 49 CFR Part 575 [Docket No. 91-68; Notice 03] RIN 2127-AC64 Consumer Information Regulations; Federal Motor Vehicle Safety standards; Rollover Prevention Correction In proposed rule document 94-15598 beginning on page 33254 in the issue of Tuesday, June 28, 1994, make the following corrections: 1. On page 33264, in the third column, under ``1. Critical Sliding Velocity,'' the first equation appearing in the first paragraph is corrected to read as follows: TN26JY94.006 Sec. 575.102 [Corrected] 2. On page 33267, in the second column, in paragraph (c), the first equation appearing in the paragraph defining ``Critical Sliding Velocity'' is corrected to read as follows: TN26JY94.007 BILLING CODE 1505-01-D