![]() Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards Lamps, Reflective Devices, and Associated Equipment |
Barry Felrice
Federal Register
April 8, 1994
[Federal Register: April 8, 1994] ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 49 CFR Part 571 [Docket No. 94-23; Notice 1] RIN 2127-AE97 Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards Lamps, Reflective Devices, and Associated Equipment AGENCY: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), DOT. ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY: This notice proposes an amendment to the Federal motor vehicle safety standard on lighting that would relieve design restrictions that may inadvertently prevent the implementation of certain new-technology light sources in signal lamps. These are light emitting diodes (LEDs) and miniature halogen bulbs. This action responds in part to a petition for rulemaking from Hewlett-Packard, a manufacturer of LEDs. NHTSA also seeks comment on performance requirements that would be appropriate for long and short arc discharge bulb systems so that Standard No. 108 can be amended in a manner that does not inhibit their introduction on motor vehicles. DATES: The comment closing date for the proposal is June 7, 1994. The proposed effective date for the final rule is 30 days after its publication in the Federal Register. Any request for an extension of time to comment must be received not later than 10 days before the published expiration date of the comment period. ADDRESSES: Comments should refer to the docket number and notice number, and be submitted to: Docket Section, room 5109, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590 (Docket hours are from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.) FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Richard Van Iderstine, Office of Rulemaking (202-366-5280). SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The requirements of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 108, Lamps, Reflective Devices and Associated Equipment, for signal lamps are based upon SAE Standards and Recommended Practices that were developed to accommodate incandescent bulbs, i.e., those with filaments. Four new technologies have arisen that are being or will be used in signal lamps subject to Standard No. 108. These new signal lamp technologies are light-emitting diodes (LEDs), miniature halogen bulbs, long arc discharge bulb systems (e.g., neon and other gas filled tubular lamps), and short arc discharge bulb systems. It is likely that the latter will be used in headlamps, too. In some instances, the specifications of Standard No. 108 have created ambiguities and inconsistencies with the design and method of performance of the new technologies. NHTSA seeks to resolve these through rulemaking that would amend Standard No. 108 to adopt equivalent performance specifications for the new light source technologies as used in signal lamps and headlamps. This notice is a response, also, to a petition for rulemaking to amend Standard No. 108 in a manner to accommodate LEDs, submitted by Hewlett-Packard Corporation. The technologies, associated problems, and suggested resolutions are discussed below. I. LEDs and Miniature Halogen Bulbs The advent of the center high mounted stop lamp (CHMSL) in 1985 has resulted in some creative solutions of the problem of integration of the lamp into the overall vehicle design. To reduce the size and obtrusiveness of the lamp while maintaining the photometric conformance called for by the standard, manufacturers began to resort to smaller light sources. For example, the 1986 Chevrolet Corvette used a low profile lamp incorporating four miniature halogen bulbs 7.5 mm in diameter and 25 mm long. Other CHMSLs have used similar bulbs since. LEDs appeared as CHMSL light sources shortly after the first miniature halogen bulbs. Typically, a single LED is 6 mm in diameter and less than 25 mm long. Because Standard No. 108 contains no light source specifications for CHMSLs, LEDs and miniature light sources were permissible. However, certain terminology of Standard No. 108 is not entirely appropriate for the new technologies. For example, paragraph S5.1.1.27(a)(5) still contains the original requirement that the CHMSL ``shall provide for convenient replacement of the bulb without the use of special tools.'' Since an LED is not a ``bulb,'' a more appropriate phrase would be ``light source(s)'' as a substitute for ``bulb.'' Accordingly, NHTSA is proposing this modification for both subparagraphs (a)(5) and (b)(5). Manufacturers have been puzzled by the status of LEDs and miniature bulbs under Standard No. 108's requirements. Since August 1990, NHTSA has provided six interpretations to Hella AG, Stanley Electric Co. Ltd., Koito Mfg. Co. Ltd., and Valeo of France. In view of these interpretations, NHTSA has concluded that ameliorative rulemaking is desirable. In the first of these letters, dated August 22, 1990, NHTSA responded to Hella's desire to use miniature bulbs in a lamp that was the size of a conventional lamp with one lighted section. Hella asked how the requirements for multiple compartment lamps were to be met when more than three light sources were provided. Hella appeared to assume that Standard No. 108 is to be interpreted in a manner that equates the number of lighted sections specified in Figure 1b (one, two, or three sections) with the number of bulbs providing the light. NHTSA implicitly agreed with Hella's assumption, but ``concluded that any device that contains more than three lighted sections need only comply with the requirements prescribed for three lighted sections.'' NHTSA confirmed this interpretation to Valeo on July 7, 1992. On August 29, 1990, NHTSA responded to a request from Stanley for an interpretation regarding a lamp with three light sources. Stanley's letter seemed to assume that requirements for three lighted sections were to be met, but the lamp consisted of a compartment in which all three bulbs contributed to the illumination of the lens, without interruption by a divider or other light-directing feature. NHTSA advised that this was a lamp with a single lighted section, even though it contained three light sources. Late in 1990, Koito requested an interpretation with respect to procedures for photometric measurements of a CHMSL with LEDs. It pointed out that LEDs decrease in photometric output after they are activated such that after 20 minutes, the output is only slightly more than 60 per cent of its original output. On December 17, 1990, NHTSA advised that the CHMSL should conform upon each application of the brake pedal, regardless of the length of the previous brake application and the interval between brake applications. When Stanley reported that it would energize a LED CHMSL for 5 minutes before testing, NHTSA replied on December 1, 1992, that this was unnecessarily severe. In 1993, Stanley asked for an interpretation of a design in which a panel of LEDs was flanked by two incandescent bulbs. NHTSA advised on April 23, 1993, that the requirements for three lighted sections would apply when the panel was operated alone, or in conjunction with one or both of the incandescent bulbs. NHTSA has also been asked about the appropriateness of following for compliance purposes SAE Recommended Practice J1889 JUN88, L.E.D. Lighting Devices, now revised as of OCT93. The agency has replied that this would be inappropriate because the SAE J1889 is not incorporated by reference into Standard No. 108. In addition to allowing the use of lamps of smaller size, LEDs offer substantial power efficiency over filament lamps, thus reducing the amount of wire in the lighting circuits. The major impediment to introducing new technology for signal lamps is that Standard No. 108's SAE specifications for signal lamps reference SAE Technical Reports. Since those Reports are based upon filament-type light sources and the expectation that only one light source is needed for a viable lamp, they are inappropriate as a basis for requirements for light sources such as LEDs and miniature bulbs where many are necessary in a lamp. As indicated above in the discussion of past interpretations, the performance of a single incandescent bulb can be matched by a cluster of LEDs or miniature bulbs. However, the standard appears to equate lighted sections of lamps with single light sources. Therefore, in designing a signal lamp to use LEDs or miniature light sources which typically need more than three each to achieve sufficient intensity, the manufacturer must design to the ``three or more'' compartment requirement, even though the lamp may be the size of a single bulb (compartment) lamp, or even smaller. This can result in a lamp that is larger (and more costly) than is necessary for safety. SAE J1889 addresses this problem. Paragraph notes that LED arrays ``typically cannot be defined in terms of lighted sections like those in incandescent lighting devices with multiple bulb compartments.'' What SAE J1889 does is to divide the LED-equipped lamp into equivalent lighted sections in terms of its maximum projected linear dimension. A dimension of 150 mm or less becomes the equivalent of a single lighted section, 151 mm to 300 mm, the equivalent of two, and anything greater than 300 mm, the equivalent of three. There appears to be no technical reason why this concept cannot be applied to miniature halogen bulbs as well. Thus, NHTSA's adoption of the SAE specification would appear to relieve an unintended design restriction. While NHTSA was deliberating this matter, Hewlett-Packard, a manufacturer of LEDs, petitioned the agency for rulemaking to amend Standard No. 108 in a manner that would accommodate LEDs but in a substantially different way than the SAE. The petition argued that section of SAE J1889 is far too limiting from standpoints of cost and styling. Under this section, LED-equipped lighting devices are considered to have more than one lighted section if either the maximum horizontal or vertical lighted linear dimensions exceeds 150 mm. Instead, Hewlett-Packard would adopt exceptions to the SAE specifications incorporated by reference in Standard No. 108 for signal lamps that use LED light sources. New language would clarify multiple compartment specifications for LED-equipped lamps. With respect to the number of lighted sections in such lamps, the petition suggested the following language: Photometric requirements specified in SAE technical reports which are based on the number of lighted sections shall exempt LED lighting devices from considerations as multiple compartment lamps because of the number of light sources employed in the design. Instead, all LED lighting devices shall meet the intensity specifications for single compartment lamps provided: (a) The LED lamp is designed such that the maximum horizontal or vertical distance between the apparent optical centers of the closest adjacent LEDs within a lighted section of the lamp is no greater than 2.0 cm, (b) if there is more than one lighted section, there shall be no more than 2.0 cm from the edge of the closest adjacent lighted sections. Hewlett-Packard's rationale for this language was: SAE's higher intensity requirements for multiple compartment lighting devices stems from the fact that the apparent ``brightness'' of any light emitting area is not solely dependent on the intensity measured, but also the area of the emitter. Any two light sources can exhibit the same intensity measurement, while the source with the smaller light emitting area will appear brighter to the human eye. This is due to the nature of the human eye's perception of light, and is frequently taken into account in the design of ``sterance matched'' displays in the information display industry. This effect is also demonstrated by the response of consumers who mention that LED high mount stop lamps are very bright, when in fact they are designed to meet the same intensity requirements as incandescent high mount stop lamps. The difference is in the light emitting area. The smaller the light emitting area for a given intensity, the brighter the appearance to the human eye. With this in mind, the proposed change to FMVSS 571.108 will guarantee that at least a minimum level of brightness, or sterance, will be maintained regardless of the length, area, or shape of the lighting device. This will allow lighting designers to fully realize all of the benefits of styling and flexibility of LED lighting and provide a conspicuous and understandable signal device whether it be in tail, stop, or turn mode. NHTSA believes that a responsive amendment to Standard No. 108 must take into consideration the views of both SAE J1889 and Hewlett- Packard, whether the amendment be based on either, or both, or some third way. Therefore, the agency invites comment on the appropriateness of the SAE and Hewlett-Packard viewpoints for resolving the apparent design restrictions as they relate to LEDs and other miniature light sources. As noted also in the interpretations, the luminous flux of LED light sources, unlike filament light sources, drops rapidly as their temperature increases. NHTSA stated that photometric conformance should be judged immediately upon application of the LED signal lamp. Left unstated, but implied, is that conformance should be demonstrated at any temperature in the motoring environment. Paragraphs and of SAE J1889, respectively, state a temperature condition for testing to photometric maxima and minima. For measurements to the maximum requirements, the test device, unenergized, is stabilized at the laboratory's ambient temperature, 23+/5 degrees C. It is then energized and the maximum values within 60 seconds of the initial ``on'' time are recorded. For measurements to the minimum requirements, the device is also stabilized within the same temperature range but in an energized condition until either heat buildup saturation has occurred, or 30 minutes has elapsed, whichever first occurs. Measurements are then taken of the already energized lamp. Although this demonstration procedure is clear, it does not replicate the environment in which real lamps must produce correct signals for the transmission of safety information. However, it may be the only practicable demonstration procedure given the characteristics in use of LEDs. The question for NHTSA is whether it should adopt a procedure that does not directly correlate to the real world use of a lamp with LEDs. NHTSA has decided not to propose the adoption of paragraphs and in the hope that industry will adopt a more representative procedure. Arguably, the point in time at which it is most important that a signal lamp convey its message is upon its activation. Further, NHTSA believes that activation of a stop signal is likely to be momentary in nature, that is to say, less than a minute per brake application, and that of a turn signal, less than two minutes. NHTSA is concerned, however, about the effect of photometric degradation upon hazard warning signals and other signal lamps that remain energized for long periods. Hazard warning lamps are frequently operated for extended periods of time, some State laws requiring their use to indicate vehicles moving at speeds less than 40 mph. Of course, they are used to indicate as well the presence of a vehicle which may have been disabled in the roadway or adjacent to it. NHTSA has tentatively concluded that, until there is further rulemaking on the subject, LED-equipped lamps (other than those used for hazard warning signals) and those required to be energized during headlamp use are to be tested for photometrics in the same manner as conventional ones, that is to say, at ambient laboratory temperature and upon activation of the signal. With respect to LEDs used to provide the hazard warning signal, NHTSA is following the procedure of J1889 and proposing that such lamps meet photometric requirements of the SAE standards on turn signals that are incorporated by reference in Standard No. 108 when the lamp is stabilized at 23+/-5 degrees C and allowed to operate continuously until either the internal heat buildup has stabilized or for 30 minutes, whichever occurs first. II. Long and Short Arc Discharge Systems Long and short arc discharge light sources will soon become part of the design of future lighting systems. Long arc light sources, such as neon tubes, appear to be intended for signal lamp use, initially as a CHMSL that will surround the rear window glazing or be within it. These sources are permitted because Standard No. 108 does not specify requirements for signal light sources. Short arc light sources will be used initially in headlamp systems, and NHTSA anticipates their eventual use in signal lamps. Arc light sources do not operate at voltages specified in Standard No. 108 for compliance testing, those normally found on contemporary vehicles. This incompatibility with Standard No. 108 must be resolved before arc light sources are introduced on motor vehicles. Specifically, long arcs operate at a hundred volts or more, depending on the arc length and the gas employed. For battery-powered lamps, such as those on motor vehicles, this means that the lamps must have electronic ballasts that provide electric power in accordance with the needs of the lamp. There is no standardized manner in which to test the light sources, absent the ballasts. Thus, to establish a compliance test for lamps using long arcs will be difficult, if not impossible. Some time ago, NHTSA amended Standard No. 108 to adopt specifications for integral beam headlamps. Short arcs (including their ballast systems) are permissible non-replaceable light sources for this type of headlighting system. For short arc lamps, the light source, and its necessary electronic ballast and high voltage wiring are an integral part of the headlamp assembly, and the lamp can be tested for photometrics at the 12.8 volts specified by the Standard. However, this is the only part of Standard No. 108 that has been developed and promulgated with short arc-type lighting in mind. To allow short arcs for other lamp applications, NHTSA believes that industry must codify interchangeability taking into account the desire of the industry to have replaceable ballasts. The SAE appears to be close to beginning this effort, as it is nearing completion of a Recommended Practice for use of short arc light sources on motor vehicles. With the thought of developing appropriate amendments to Standard No. 108 to facilitate the introduction of long and short arc discharge technology, NHTSA would like to have comments on the following: A. Identification of the performance requirements and/or test procedures specified, or incorporated by reference, in Standard No. 108 that should be modified to accommodate the installation of arc discharge light sources in lamps required by the standard. B. Specification of the performance requirements and/or test procedures that should be added to Standard No. 108 to accommodate the installation of arc discharge light sources while maintaining the present level of safety achieved by incandescent filament light sources. C. Identification of any special considerations that should be made to accommodate the concept of a single light source whose light is distributed to the vehicle's lamps by lamp pipes, and an opinion as to whether it is premature to consider regulation of this concept. D. An opinion of when Standard No. 108 should be amended to accommodate the use of arc light sources in production motor vehicles. Proposed Effective Date Because the proposed amendments would not impose any additional burden and are intended to clarify application of existing requirements, it is hereby tentatively found that an effective date earlier than 180 days after issuance of the final rule would be in the public interest. The final rule would be effective 30 days after its publication in the Federal Register. Rulemaking Analyses Executive Order 12866 and DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures The Office of Management and Budget has informed NHTSA that it will not review this rulemaking action under Executive Order 12866. It has been determined that the rulemaking action is not significant under Department of Transportation regulatory policies and procedures. The effect of the rulemaking action would be to adopt terminology more suitable to new technologies, and would not impose any additional burden upon any person. Impacts of the proposal would, therefore, be so minimal as not to warrant preparation of a full regulatory evaluation. Regulatory Flexibility Act The agency has also considered the effects of this rulemaking action in relation to the Regulatory Flexibility Act. I certify that this rulemaking action would not have a significant economic effect upon a substantial number of small entities. Motor vehicle and lighting equipment manufacturers are generally not small businesses within the meaning of the Regulatory Flexibility Act. Further, small organizations and governmental jurisdictions would not be significantly affected as the price of new motor vehicles should not be impacted. Accordingly, no Regulatory Flexibility Analysis has been prepared. Executive Order 12612 (Federalism) This action has been analyzed in accordance with the principles and criteria contained in Executive Order 12612 on ``Federalism.'' It has been determined that the rulemaking action does not have sufficient federalism implications to warrant the preparation of a Federalism Assessment. National Environmental Policy Act NHTSA has analyzed this rulemaking action for purposes of the National Environmental Policy Act. The rulemaking action would not have a significant effect upon the environment as it does not affect the present method of manufacturing motor vehicle lighting equipment. Civil Justice Reform This proposed rule would not have any retroactive effect. Under section 103(d) of the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act (15 U.S.C. 1392(d)), whenever a Federal motor vehicle safety standard is in effect, a state may not adopt or maintain a safety standard applicable to the same aspect of performance which is not identical to the Federal standard. Section 105 of the Act (15 U.S.C. 1394) sets forth a procedure for judicial review of final rules establishing, amending, or revoking Federal motor vehicle safety standards. That section does not require submission of a petition for reconsideration or other administrative proceedings before parties may file suit in court. Comments Interested persons are invited to submit comments on the proposal and questions presented. It is requested but not required that 10 copies be submitted. All comments must not exceed 15 pages in length. (49 CFR 553.21). Necessary attachments may be appended to these submissions without regard to the 15-page limit. This limitation is intended to encourage commenters to detail their primary arguments in a concise fashion. If a commenter wishes to submit certain information under a claim of confidentiality, three copies of the complete submission, including purportedly confidential business information, should be submitted to the Chief Counsel, NHTSA, at the street address given above, and seven copies from which the purportedly confidential information has been deleted should be submitted to the Docket Section. A request for confidentiality should be accompanied by a cover letter setting forth the information specified in the agency's confidential business information regulation. 49 CFR part 512. All comments received before the close of business on the comment closing date indicated above for the proposal will be considered, and will be available for examination in the docket at the above address both before and after that date. To the extent possible, comments filed after the closing date will also be considered. Comments received too late for consideration in regard to the final rule will be considered as suggestions for further rulemaking action. Comments on the proposal will be available for inspection in the docket. NHTSA will continue to file relevant information as it becomes available in the docket after the closing date, and it is recommended that interested persons continue to examine the docket for new material. Those persons desiring to be notified upon receipt of their comments in the rules docket should enclose a self-addressed, stamped postcard in the envelope with their comments. Upon receiving the comments, the docket supervisor will return the postcard by mail. List of Subjects in 49 CFR Part 571 Imports, Motor vehicle safety, Motor vehicles. PART 571--FEDERAL MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY STANDARDS In consideration of the foregoing, it is proposed that 49 CFR part 571 be amended as follows: 1. The authority citation would continue to read as follows: Authority: 15 U.S.C. 1392, 1401, 1403, 1407; delegation of authority at 49 CFR 1.50. 2. Section 571.108 would be amended by revising paragraphs S5.1.1.27(a)(5) and S5.1.1.27(b)(5), and by adding paragraphs S5.1.1.33 and S5.1.1.34 to read as follows: Sec. 571.108 Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 108 Lamps, Reflective Devices, and Associated Equipment. * * * * * S5.1.1.27(a) * * * (5) Shall provide for convenient replacement of the light source(s) without special tools. * * * * * (b) * * * (5) Shall provide for convenient replacement of the light source(s) without special tools. * * * * * S5.1.1.33 Instead of being designed to conform to photometric requirements based on the number of lighted sections (compartments), each stop lamp and turn signal lamp that is equipped with light- emitting diodes or other miniature light sources where more than one light source is necessary for achieving photometric compliance shall be designed to conform to photometric requirements based on the dimension of the function of the lamp that is tested. The equivalent of one lighted section is a maximum horizontal or vertical linear dimension of the effective projected luminous lens area that is less than 150 mm; of two lighted sections, 150 mm-300 mm; and of three lighted sections, more than 300 mm. or S5.1.1.33 Instead of being designed to conform to photometric requirements based on the number of lighted sections (compartments), each stop lamp and turn signal lamp that is equipped with light- emitting diodes or other miniature light sources where more than one light source is necessary for achieving photometric compliance with this standard shall be considered to be a single compartment provided that the lamp is designed such that the maximum horizontal or vertical distance between the apparent optical centers of the closest adjacent light sources within a lighted section of the lamp is not greater than 2.0 cm, and that if there is more than one lighted section, there shall be not more than 2.0 cm between the edge of the closest adjacent lighted section and the apparent optical center. * * * * * S5.1.1.34 Each lamp that provides a hazard warning signal, and, if equipped with light-emitting diodes, each tail, license plate, side marker, backup, identification, clearance, and parking lamp, shall be designed to conform to the photometric requirements appropriate for its type when the lamp is stabilized at 23+/-5 degrees C and allowed to operate continuously until either the internal heat buildup has stabilized or for 30 minutes, whichever occurs first. Issued on: April 4, 1994. Barry Felrice, Associate Administrator for Rulemaking. [FR Doc. 94-8347 Filed 4-7-94; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4910-59-P