![]() Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; Fuel System Integrity of Compressed Natural Gas Vehicles Over 4536 Kilograms Gross Vehicle Weight Rating |
Barry Felrice
Federal Register
May 6, 1994
[Federal Register: May 6, 1994] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 49 CFR 571 [Docket No. 94-31; Notice 01] RIN 2127-AF29 Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; Fuel System Integrity of Compressed Natural Gas Vehicles Over 4536 Kilograms Gross Vehicle Weight Rating AGENCY: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Department of Transportation (DOT). ACTION: Request for comments. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY: The purpose of this notice is to assess the need to regulate the fuel system integrity of vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of greater than 4536 kilograms that are fueled with compressed natural gas (CNG). Comments are requested regarding the need for fuel system integrity standards for CNG-powered vehicles with a GVWR of greater than 4536 kilograms, including transit buses, intercity buses, trucks, and other heavy vehicles. DATES: Comments must be received by July 5, 1994. ADDRESSES: Comments should refer to the docket and notice numbers set forth above and be submitted to the Docket Section, NHTSA, room 5109, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590 (Docket hours are from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday). FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Gary Woodford, General Engineer, Special Projects Staff, Office of Rulemaking, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590. Telephone: (202) 366-4931. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) anticipates a significant increase in the number of alternatively fueled motor vehicles in the United States. This expectation stems from initiatives by the President, Congress, State and local governments, and private interest, since these vehicles will help reduce air pollution and conserve petroleum fuel. NHTSA has undertaken a comprehensive program to address the safe performance of these vehicles on the road and in crashes. Further, because the Clean Air Act specifies that vehicle fleets in non-attainment areas (mostly large cities) must be converted to clean burning fuels, many city transit bus fleets are being converted to run on fuels such as compressed natural gas (CNG). As NHTSA has become more aware of these fleets of heavy vehicles powered by CNG, the agency believes that their safe performance merits examination. On January 21, 1993, NHTSA published a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) which proposed requirements for CNG fuel system and fuel container integrity (58 FR 5323). The vehicle fuel system requirements were proposed to apply to vehicles with a GVWR of 4536 kilograms or less, and all school buses. The container requirements were proposed to apply to CNG fuel containers for any vehicle. On April 25, 1994, the agency published a final rule (59 FR 19648), which addresses the fuel system integrity of CNG vehicles. The new regulation, Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) No. 303, applies to all passenger cars, trucks, buses, and multipurpose passenger vehicles with a GVWR of 4536 kilograms of less, and all school buses regardless of weight. FMVSS No. 303 sets allowable leakage limits for the vehicle fuel system after a barrier crash test. With regard to the fuel container requirements, NHTSA anticipates issuing another final rule that will specify performance requirements addressing the strength, durability, and pressure relief of CNG fuel containers. In addition, as a result of public comments on the January 1993 NPRM, the agency anticipates issuing a supplemental notice of proposed rulemaking for CNG fuel containers addressing internal corrosion, brittle fracture under low temperatures, environmental degradation, external damage, and fragmentation. The January 1993 NPRM briefly discussed the issue of whether vehicles with a GVWR of over 4536 kilograms, other than school buses, should be included in the vehicle requirements. The agency believes that an opportunity should be provided for a more focused view on this issue. This request for comment will serve that purpose. A total of 58 comments were received on the NPRM, of which six addressed CNG safety for vehicles over 4536 kilograms GVWR other than school buses. Four of the six commenters, Navistar, Chrysler, Flexible, and Amoco, believed that federal safety requirements should not apply to CNG-powered heavy vehicles. The main reason given by the commenters was that the vehicle applicability of the CNG fuel system integrity standard should be the same as that for NHTSA's liquid fuel system integrity standard, FMVSS No. 301, ``Fuel System Integrity.'' The latter only applies to vehicles with a GVWR of 4536 kilograms or less, and school buses. However, two commenters believed that the requirements should apply to heavier vehicles. The Transportation Manufacturing Company, a bus manufacturer, believed that heavy vehicles should have requirements that are comparable to those for smaller vehicles. No rationale was provided. The Washington Superintendent for Public Instruction (WSPI), also believed that these vehicles should be regulated. WSPI stated that the agency should consider including these vehicles in the proposed rule, but did not offer a rationale. Because of the lack of accident data indicating a fuel system integrity problem for CNG-powered heavy vehicles, and the lack of rationale from the two supporters, the agency concluded that FMVSS No. 303 should not apply to heavy vehicles. However, because of the increasing number of CNG-powered transit buses, the agency seeks information by which to consider whether federal safety action is desirable, for both transit buses and or other heavy vehicles. It may be that action is merited with regard to buses, which carry many occupants and can have high traffic exposure, but not other heavy vehicles with only one or two occupants. Current and Proposed Regulations As part of NHTSA's inquiry in this notice, the agency seeks comments on the desirability of actions which would be harmonized with those of Canada. United States Requirements FMVSS No. 303 requires that school buses, regardless of weight, must comply with a moving contoured barrier crash test. In this test, a barrier traveling longitudinally at 48 kilometers per hour impacts the bus at any point and angle. During and after the impact, the fuel pressure drop must not exceed a specified limit. The final rule contains no requirements for heavy vehicles other than school buses with a GVWR of over 4536 kilograms. Canada's Existing and Proposed Requirements Currently, Canadian motor vehicle safety standard No. 301.2, ``CNG Fuel System Integrity,'' requires that all vehicles with a GVWR of more than 4536 kilograms be subjected to a 48 kilometers per hour contoured barrier crash test. This is similar to the test NHTSA requires for school buses in FMVSS No. 303. On December 11, 1993, Canada proposed an amendment to its standard. Under the amendment, the current requirement would apply to vehicles with containers mounted lower than 183 centimeters from the ground. If the fuel containers are mounted 183 centimeters or more above the ground, the vehicle would need to meet the requirements of the National Standard of Canada CAN/CGA-B149.4-M91 Natural Gas for Vehicles Installation Code, dated January 1991 (copy available in the docket). This is a design standard which specifies in great detail the method for building a CNG vehicle. Request for Comments NHTSA seeks two types of information in this notice. First, the agency seeks information regarding the current and projected population size and vehicle type (transit bus, intercity bus, heavy truck, or other heavy vehicle) for CNG vehicles with a GVWR of over 4536 kilograms. Second, NHTSA seeks information about the potential safety problems of these vehicles. When appropriate, please comment by vehicle type, i.e., transit bus, intercity bus, heavy truck, or other type of heavy vehicle. CNG Heavy Vehicle Population: Current and Projected 1. The agency requests information on how many CNG transit buses, intercity buses, heavy trucks, and other heavy vehicles of over 4536 kilograms GVWR are in service or are planned to be placed in service in the United States. How many of these vehicles are made by an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and how many are aftermarket vehicles that are converted from a vehicle powered by gasoline, diesel, or other fuel? 2. How many entities manufacture heavy CNG vehicles by type, i.e., transit bus, intercity bus, heavy truck, or other type of heavy vehicle? How many convert them from other fuels, by type, if appropriate? What specifications are used for converting these vehicles? Do voluntary industry guidelines exist? Please describe and provide the guidelines or citations. 3. How long have heavy CNG vehicles (by type) been used in this country? What are the projections for their future use, in terms of numbers and in type of usage? 4. What are the various locations for mounting CNG containers on heavy vehicles? Which are more common; less common? Why? At what height are the CNG containers mounted? Are they typically protected by shielding or cages? What factors go into deciding where to mount the container on the vehicle? How many CNG containers are typically placed on a heavy vehicle, and how much do the containers weigh? Does the number of containers vary, depending upon the type of vehicle, i.e., transit bus, intercity bus, heavy truck, or other type of heavy vehicle? CNG Heavy Vehicle Safety Problems The agency foresees four potential areas for examination with regard to these vehicles: --Performance in Crashes --Venting --Leakage Detection --Refueling Performance in Crashes The agency is interested in obtaining specific information about crashes involving these heavy vehicles. General information about the number of accidents as well as information regarding specific issues such as container detachment would be helpful. 5. Have there been any CNG fuel container or fuel system failures in these types of vehicles? If so, describe the failure, e.g., sequence of events, what failed, and how it failed. If the failure occurred as the result of a crash, was another vehicle involved? Please describe the other vehicle. 6. Was the vehicle a transit bus, intercity bus, heavy truck, or some other type of heavy vehicle? Was it an OEM vehicle or a conversion? Who was the manufacturer of the vehicle? If it was a conversion, who did the conversion? Was the conversion done before or after the vehicle's first consumer purchase? 7. Please identify and describe any situations where a container became detached in a crash situation? Did the container leak? If crashes occurred, were they reported to a policy agency, hazardous materials agency, or other State/local agency? 8. Should the agency specify how the fuel containers should be attached to the vehicles? Should a requirements apply to all vehicles or just for those with containers mounted greater than 183 centimeters above the ground (such as referenced in the Canadian proposal)? Are CNG tanks rigidly mounted or are they mounted so as to be isolated from shock in a crash, permitting some allowable design movement? What is the typical orientation of the CNG tank with respect to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle? Does a CNG tank's mounting orientation and method affect its useful life? 9. Were there any injuries to the vehicle occupants, pedestrians, emergency personnel, or other individuals? What was the type and seriousness of the injury? 10. What type (steel, aluminum, fiberglass wrap, carbon fiber wrap, hoop wrap, full wrap, all composite, or other) was the fuel container? What were the dimensions of the container? What was the service pressure of the container? Who manufactured the container? How long had it been in service? To which design specification or standard were the tanks built? 11. Should any Federal standard include a labeling requirement to address the periodic reinspection of fuel systems on alternatively fueled vehicles? Should States establish guidelines to address the periodic reinspection or recertification of such fuel systems? Should these schedules be set at specified time or mileage intervals? After a vehicle is involved in an accident? 12. Should CNG heavy vehicles, which are not school buses, be crash tested for fuel system integrity in the same way as heavy school buses under FMVSS No. 303, i.e., a contoured barrier traveling at 48 kilometers per hour striking the test vehicle at any point and angle? If so, which types of CNG heavy vehicle should be included, i.e., transit bus, intercity bus, heavy truck, or other type? Are there other tests or guidelines which would be more appropriate to assure the fuel system integrity of such vehicles? If so, what are they? Venting Because of the size of these vehicles, there may be large enclosed areas in which natural gas could accumulate if there is a slow leak in the CNG fuel system. 13. Are there instances where gas accumulated? Did any of them result in explosions? 14. Should venting of the container away from possible areas of accumulation and potential ignition sources be required to address leakage accumulation? 15. What experimental or observed data are available regarding the dispersion behavior that results from a CNG fuel system leak? Will the gas rise or remain near the ground? If the gas remains near the ground, how long will it remain there? Leakage Detection and Warning If there is a leak in the fuel system, there would be little or no visible evidence of the gas accumulation. If persons nearby could not smell the gas, it could accumulate in an area near them without notice, which would increase the potential for an explosion. 16. Are there instances where CNG leaked out of a vehicle fuel system and caused a safety problem before the natural gas was detected? Describe how the situation occurred. 17. Should a leakage detection/warning system be required in vehicles with a GVWR of over 4536 kilograms to detect leakage of CNG as well as to warn persons nearby of the potential hazard? What type of system? Is it commercially available? What would be the cost? Would the leakage detection/warning system, including its power source, become a potential ignition sources when activated? Refueling NHTSA seeks information on potential safety hazards associated with the refueling of heavy CNG vehicles. 18. Are manufacturers or fleet operators aware of safety hazards or accidents that have occurred during refueling operations? If so, please provide information on them. 19. What items are included in current guidelines or procedures for CNG refueling, such as the need for grounding straps, operator protective clothing, etc.? 20. Is a small amount of CNG normally released during connecting/ disconnecting of the refueling equipment? If so, how much? Are devices, such as excess flow valves, used in refueling equipment to prevent excess CNG leakage in the event of a refueling line rupture? To what extent are such devices used? 21. What standards or guidelines currently exist for refueling couplers and related equipment? Submission of Comments The agency invites written comments from all interested parties. It is requested that 10 copies of each written comment be submitted. No comment may exceed 15 pages in length. (49 CFR 553.21). Necessary attachments may be appended to a comment without regard to the 15-page limit. This limitation is intended to encourage commenters to detail their primary arguments in a concise fashion. If a commenter wishes to submit specified information under a claim of confidentiality, three copies of the complete submission, including purportedly confidential business information, should be submitted to the Chief Counsel, NHTSA, at the street address given above and seven copies from which the purportedly confidential information has been deleted should be submitted to the Docket Section. A request for confidentiality should be accompanied by a cover letter setting forth the information specified in the agency's confidential business information regulation, 49 CFR part 512. All comments received before the close of business on the comment closing date indicated above will be considered, and will be available for examination in the docket at the above address both before and after the closing date. To the extent possible, comments filed after the closing date will also be considered. NHTSA will continue to file relevant information as it becomes available in the docket after the closing date, and it is recommended that interested persons continue to examine the docket for new material. Those persons desiring to be notified upon receipt of their comments in the rules docket should enclose a self-addressed, stamped postcard in the envelope with their comments. Upon receiving the comments, the docket supervisor will return the postcard by mail. Authority: 15 U.S.C. 1392, 1401, 1403, 1407, 1417; delegations of authority at 49 CFR 1.50 and 49 CFR 501.8. Issued on May 2, 1994. Barry Felrice, Associate Administrator for Rulemaking. [FR Doc. 94-10897 Filed 5-5-94; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4910-59-M