![]() Lamps, Reflective Devices and Associated Equipment; Denial of Petition for Rulemaking |
Barry Felrice
Federal Register
August 3, 1994
[Federal Register: August 3, 1994] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 49 CFR Part 571 Lamps, Reflective Devices and Associated Equipment; Denial of Petition for Rulemaking AGENCY: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), DOT. ACTION: Denial of petition for rulemaking. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY: This notice denies a petition for rulemaking by Baran Advanced Technologies, Ltd., to amend Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 108 to allow the abrupt release of the accelerator pedal to operate stop lamps. The reason for the denial is the importance of retaining the existing requirement for activating the stop lamps only through application of the brake pedal in order to avoid confusion. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Patrick Boyd, Office of Vehicle Safety Standards, NHTSA (202-366-6346). SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Baran Advanced Technologies, Ltd. of Israel manufactures a device called ``Red Alert'' which is intended to activate the stop lamps during emergency braking before the brake pedal is applied, thereby providing an earlier warning for following vehicles. The device senses the rate at which the accelerator pedal returns to its upper stop after being released. It activates the stop lamps for one second if the accelerator pedal reaches its upper stop at greater than a certain predetermined rate. Its operation is based on the assumption that any rapid release of the accelerator pedal is the beginning of an emergency braking maneuver, and thus will be immediately followed by application of the brake pedal. Application of the brake pedal continues to activate the stop lamp in the usual way. If the brake pedal is depressed within one second of the release of the accelerator, the brake light will remain on at the end of the initial one second period of activation and thus provide a steady signal. Standard No. 108 requires that stop lamps ``shall be activated upon application of the service brakes.'' That requirement has been interpreted to mean that the stop lamps are to be activated only upon activation of the service brakes. Some years ago, Baran's competitor in the Israeli market, ATAT, sought an interpretation of Standard No. 108 that would allow the aftermarket installation of its similar Advanced Brake Light Device (ABLD) in the U.S. In a letter of January 25, 1990, to Larry Snowhite, Esq., the agency concluded that accelerator release activation by an aftermarket device such as the ABLD would render the stop lamps partially inoperative within the meaning of the prohibition of 15 U.S.C. 1397(a)(2)(A). Said NHTSA: The heart of our concern is that while the standard requires the stop lamp to operate in only one particular circumstance, the ABLD causes the stop lamp to operate at an earlier time when the lamp is supposed to be unlighted. Further, the ABLD's activation of the stop lamp indicates only that the operator has released the accelerator. It does not necessarily follow that the brake pedal will be applied. Under this fact situation, the stop lamps fulfill a purpose other than for which they are installed. This can only create the potential for confusion and dilution of the effectiveness of the stop signal. For the reasons stated above, we have concluded that installation of the ABLD in the aftermarket would render the stop lamps partially inoperative. Baran's ``Red Alert'' and ATAT's ABLD operate under the same fundamental principle of measuring the accelerator pedal return rate to anticipate emergency braking. ATAT did not report its threshold rate for accelerator pedal release. However, the fact that its false alarm rate is similar to that of the Baran system suggests that the activation of both systems is based on a similar threshold rate of accelerator release. These rates are discussed later in the notice. NHTSA has examined Baran's petition in an effort to balance possible safety benefits of the device against the possible safety disbenefits of signal confusion. The first issue is whether the petitioner can demonstrate that its device is likely to lessen the number of accidents. Baran estimates large reductions in rear-end accidents using figures from a paper by Enke ``Possibilities for Improving Safety Within the Driver-Vehicle Environment Control Loop'' and from a NHTSA report on Intelligent Vehicle Highway System (IVHS) countermeasures to rear end accidents (DOT HS 807 995). Enke's paper estimates that the impact speed of 25 percent of rear end accidents is no more than 10 km/hr (9 ft/sec) and that the amount of distance traveled at the assumed initial speed for 0.25 second equals the distance required to stop from the impact speed. Baran claims that ``based on Enke's analysis, providing a driver with an additional .25 seconds of warning of an impending stop by the leading driver could result in a 25 to 30 percent reduction in all rear-end accidents.'' NHTSA disputes this conclusion. Enke's analysis presumes that the following driver is attentive to the very first glimmer of a stop signal from the car ahead and that (s)he reacts immediately even though a speed differential has not yet occurred. It also presumes that the lead driver decelerates so rapidly that the following driver cannot ``outbrake'' the lead driver and that the initial distance between them is less than following driver's reaction time multiplied by the initial speed. NHTSA views these presumptions as unrealistic. Further, NHTSA's IVHS report characterizes a rear-end crash as ``largely a dry/straight road phenomenon associated with driver inattention.'' It found the lead vehicle stopped (LVS) in 75 percent of rear-end crashes, which Typically do not involve simply a ``too-slow'' reaction of the following driver to a sudden crash threat. In the most common scenario, the lead vehicle is stopped for an extended interval (i.e., 2-6 seconds) before it is struck by the following vehicle. There is adequate time to provide a warning to the following driver and for the driver to avoid the crash. Vehicles involved in this crash subtype should not be viewed as a locked pair where one vehicle is following the other at a specified distance. Instead, the following vehicle is closing on a stationary object. The initial gap distance between the vehicles is often several hundred feet or more. No cases were identified where a lead vehicle decelerated rapidly and then was hit by a closely following vehicle immediately after coming to a stop. It is difficult to see how a 0.25 second advance stop lamp warning would be of any use in the 75 percent of rear-end accidents in the LVS category when prolonged driver inattention appears to be a near universal cause. The report characterized the remaining 25 percent of rear-end accidents, those in which the lead vehicle was moving (LVM) at impact, as follows: In contrast, the LVM crash subtype may involve driver reaction time following a sudden crash threat as a critical factor. Vehicles involved in this circumstance are often ``locked pairs'' with one vehicle following the other. However, gaps or following distances can range from a few lengths to very substantial distances even in this subtype. Not all LVM crashes are precipitated by rapid deceleration of the lead vehicle. Many involve slow decelerations (e.g., typical slowing before a turn) or simply a speed differential between the lead and following vehicles. This also indicates that driver inattentiveness is critical in LVM crashes. It is hard to accept that a 0.25 second advance in stop lamp activation would be of value to an inattentive following driver. NHTSA accepts the IVHS report as an accurate reflection of the conditions under which rear-end collisions happen, and has concluded that Red Alert would not provide an adequate warning to avoid these collisions in virtually all the circumstances under which they occur. Nevertheless, a manufacturer should not be precluded from offering its product, even if safety benefits cannot be demonstrated, unless there are potential safety disbenefits created by the product. The agency objected to ATAT's ABLD because it was not an unambiguous signal of brake application. NHTSA believed that such devices created the potential for confusion and dilution of the effectiveness of the stop signal. It pointed out that the activation of the stop signal under the requested circumstances only signified that the accelerator had been released. It did not necessarily follow that the brakes would be applied. The brakes were not applied 28 percent of time that the ABLD activated in a test report submitted by its proponent, ATAT. Similarly, the brakes were not applied 23 percent of the time the ``Red Alert'' activated in a test report submitted as part of Baran's petition. However, both devices activated the stop lamps far less frequently than did the ordinary brake switch activated by depression of the brake pedal. During their respective tests, the ABLD activated the stop signal about 3 percent as frequently as the ordinary brake switch did. ``Red Alert'' activated the signal about 1.2 percent as frequently. Both tests compared the number of false alarms to the number of ordinary stop signal activations of one second or less. False alarms of ``Red Alert'' were about 2.4 percent as frequent as short brake applications, and false alarms of the ATAT device were reported as less than 10 percent as frequent as short brake applications. The conditions under which the two devices were tested differed greatly. ATAT used a special test course, three test vehicles and a limited number of test subjects who knew that some undisclosed part of their driving behavior was being evaluated. Baran installed ``Red Alert'' on six communal car pool vehicles that were operated for a period of months in ordinary traffic by various drivers who had no knowledge that their behavior was being measured. Given the large variations in activation and false alarm rates between test vehicles within each test and the differences in test conditions between the ABLD and ``Red Alert'' tests, there is no reason to believe that the two devices vary significantly in activation rate and false alarm performance. The activation rate observed in both tests seems to be too high for true emergency braking actions, as neither test documented an actual incident of emergency braking. ATAT did not report either observing emergency maneuvers or questioning its subjects regarding such instances, but it did measure the foot movement times when the accelerator control activated the stop lamp. A range between 0.23 and 0.77 second was observed. When ATAT's subjects were asked to perform fast accelerator to brake movements, the 5th and 95th percentile times were 0.10 and 0.28 second respectively. It appears that very few of the activations in ATAT's test of an accelerator controlled stop lamp were rapid enough to indicate an emergency. Baran did not report measurements of foot movement times, but it assumed that ``Red Alert'' activations were equivalent to instances of emergency braking. ``Red Alert'' was characterized as providing an advance warning of 0.35 second which falls outside of ATAT's rapid foot movement range. Both manufacturers argued that the false alarms were insignificant because they were few in comparison to the quite large number of brake applications of less than one second. Baran also argued that the short brake applications themselves had little significance because the duration of brake effort would be further reduced by the time consumed to build up pressure and to release the brake pedal within one second. Baran pointed out that a short brake application may represent only a release of cruise control, a state of preparedness or a warning to other drivers. While these facts tend to diminish the importance of the systematic false alarms, they also demonstrate why following drivers are unlikely to act at the instant of the stop lamp illumination in the absence of closing speed or some other cue. All the test experience reported for accelerator controlled stop lamps involved leading and following drivers who were unaware of the use of the device. But this device facilitates intentional false alarms as well as systemic occurrences. Its widespread use would raise suspicions of intentional false alarms on the part of drivers in following vehicles. Intentional false alarms can and will occur, sending a misleading signal to the driver behind. To sum up, the idea that a slightly anticipatory brake lamp will prevent large numbers of rear-end collisions is intuitively attractive. However, it ignores the fact that lack of driver attention is the root cause of rear-end accidents. It is unlikely than an extra quarter second of brake light activation would cure or offset the inattentiveness of a following driver. The agency concludes that the potential safety benefits are minimal, but it will consider the results of the Israeli Highway Safety Administration's trial of accelerator-controlled stop lamps when they are available. While Baran's data indicate that the absolute numbers of systematic false alarms may be small on average, a perception by following drivers that the brake signal allowed false alarms, whether or not intentional, might dilute the currently unambiguous message of the stop signal. The agency previously found that ATAT's device would render the stop lamp partially inoperative as a result of the same loss of unambiguous operation. There are no fundamental differences between the systems to cause the agency to change its determination or even to allow the agency to distinguish between them in a regulation. Accordingly, NHTSA has conducted and concluded a technical review of the petition, and has determined that there is not a reasonable possibility that the amendment requested would be issued at the conclusion of a rulemaking proceeding. Accordingly, the petition by Baran Advanced Technologies, Ltd., for rulemaking to amend Standard No. 108 is denied. Authority: 49 U.S.C. 30103; delegation of authority at 49 CFR 1.50 and 501.8. Issued on: July 28, 1994. Barry Felrice, Associate Administrator for Rulemaking. [FR Doc. 94-18802 Filed 8-2-94; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4910-59-P