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On This Day in Automotive History: February 15
On This Day in Automotive History
February 15
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February 16
Birthdays: Earl Motter (1919), Lee Schmidt (1919), Bud Koehler (1921), Bill Chevalier (1922), Willie Crane (1924), Keith Lucas (1926), Joe Halton (1928), Graham Hill (1929), Freddy Fryar (1936), Bob Whitlow (1936), Donnie Watson (1938),
Dewey Livengood (1942), Paul Vestey (1944), Don Simkins (1947), Jean-Robert Corthay (1948), Markku Alen (1951), Christopher McDonald (1955), Bruce Phillips (1955), Keith Waid (1955), Hitoshi Ogawa (1956), Rick Tomasik (1957),
Jimmy Spencer (1957), Ken Sleveland (1960), Buz Artiano Jr. (1961), Jerry Lesage (1963), ), Ryan Karkos (1964),Gregg Hutto Jr. (1965), Barry Layne (1965), Terry Dougay (1966), Doug Hooks (1966), Gavin Monaghan (1968), Brian Callaghan Jr. (1969), Tommy Cook (1969), Alexander Wurz (1974), Bear Lynch (1975), Damien Faulkner (1977), Gordon Shedden (1979), Todd Hansen (1982), Bao Jinlong (1987), Jade Buford (1988), Nicky Catsburg (1988), Tayler Malsam (1989), Luis Martinez Jr. (1990), Charles Pic (1990), Francesca Linossi (1992), Tucker Wingo (1993), Preston Pardus (1997), George Russell (1998), Ben Welch (1998), Max Root (1999), Roman DeAngelis (2001)
1936: President Franklin D. Roosevelt tells reporters he likes a proposal by Senator Robert J. Bulkley of Ohio that the Federal Government set up a public corporation to build a self-sustaining, transcontinental system of toll superhighways as a national defense and pump-priming measure.
1947: The film The Devil on Wheels was released.
1953: The film Genevieve was released in the U.S.
1967: James Frank Duryea died.
1968: Administrator Lowell Bridwell announces a new motor vehicle safety standard requiring protective head restraints on all passenger cars manufactured after December 31, 1968. The standard is designed to reduce the frequency and severity of "whiplash" neck injuries.
1982: Ralph R. Teetor died.
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