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On This Day in Automotive History: February 22
On This Day in Automotive History
February 22
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February 23
Birthdays: Jules Devigne (1873), Emil Andres (1911), George Constantine (1918), Ray Knepper (1920), Marshall Teague (1921), Jesus Iglesias (1922), Tim Mayer (1938), Joe Booher (1941), Jean-Pierre Rouget (1941), Lee Roy Carrigg (1942), Jean-Luc Maury-Laribiere (1943), Jorge de Bagration (1944), Jean-Louis Ricci (1944), Jean-Claude Depince (1947),
Niki Lauda (1949), Luigi Taverna (1949), Peter Argetsinger (1953), Torgye Kleppe (1953),
Chuck Bown (1954), Ray Lawson Jr. (1954), Dennis English (1955), Almo Coppelli (1958), Kendell Legendre (1958), Patty Simko-Schacht (1960), Shawn Culp (1964), Kevin Bell (1965), Lee Brookes (1968), Karla Lampe (1968), Plamen Kralev (1973), Anthony Pons (1973), Larry Foyt (1977), Philippe Almeras (1980), Terry Brooks Jr. (1982), Danny Burson (1984), Joey McColm (1986), Johannes Theobald (1987), Freddy Nordstrom (1989), Claire Decker (1995), Christophe Paquet (1997), Parker Chase (2001), Conner Jones (2006)
1934: The film It Happened One Night was released.
1955: President Dwight D. Eisenhower sends Congress a report titled “A 10-Year National Highway Program.” The report, by a presidential committee headed by General Lucius Clay, recommends creation of a Federal Highway Corporation to finance a $101-billion program, including $25 billion for the Interstate System. To pay for the Interstate System, the corporation would issue $20 billion in long-term bonds, to be repaid over 32 years from the existing 2-cent Federal motor-fuel tax. The President calls the plan “A solid foundation for a sound program.” However, it fails in Congress.
1974: The Bob Ross Auto Group was founded.
1993: Production began on the Lexus GS300.
2019: The film Trading Paint was released.