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On This Day in Automotive History: May 31

On This Day in Automotive History
May 31

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National Autonomous Vehicle Day: Established in 2017 by Emerging Prairie and Marlo Anderson to celebrate the advancements in autonomous vehicle technology.

Birthdays: Goldie Gardner (1890), Bennett Hill (1893), Curley Hatfield (1924), Johnny Roberts (1924), Bill Claren (1928), Dick Glines (1942), Jo Vonlanthen (1942), Peter Mattli (1944), Herb Simpson (1945), Joe Droivold (1946), Otto Altenbach (1948), Jack Baldwin (1948), John Callis (1949), Stewart Ramseur (1958), Andrea de Cesaris (1959), Luciano Carcheri (1960), Spencer Cox (1962), Philippe Gache (1962), Scott Schmidt (1966), Phil Keoghan (1967), Tony Izzo Jr. (1970), Matt Drendel (1975), Joel Feinberg (1979), Christoph Lenz (1979), Ben Walker (1981), Miroslav Hornak (1982), Duarte Felix da Costa (1985), Ryan Howard (1985), Raul Orlandini (1985), Joey Polewarczyk Jr. (1989), Zacharie Robichon (1992), Corey Fanning (1994), Timothe Buret (1995), Dylan Kwasniewski (1995), Trevor Huddleston (1996), Santino Ferrucci (1998)

1904: In Marietta, Ohio, Archer Butler Hulbert completes the preface to volume 15 of his 16-volume Historic Highways of America. This volume, a symposium on "The Future of Road-Making in America," includes a picture of General Roy Stone as the frontispiece ("Father of the good-roads movement") and essays by Director Martin Dodge ("Government Cooperation in Object-Lesson Road Work"), M. O. Eldridge ("Good Roads for Farmers"), and Logan Page ("The Selection of Materials for Macadam Roads").

2006: Secretary of Transportation Norman Y. Mineta administers the oath of office to General J. Richard (Rick) Capka as Federal Highway Administrator (2006-2008). He had served as Deputy Administrator since August 2002 and before that as CEO/Executive Director of the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority. His most recent military assignment in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers had been as Division Engineer and Commander of the South Atlantic Division.

In the News...

31 May 1911Harroun Only One Sure of His Place
(postrace from the Inaugural Indianapolis 500)
Indianapolis News

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