NASCAR driver love interest. The series includes Metro Girl, Motor Mouth, and the graphic novels Troublemaker 1 & 2. " />
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Janet Evanovich

Category: Person
Wikipedia: Janet Evanovich
Born: 22 April 1943
Birth Name: Janet Schneider
Description: An author of mystery novels that include the Alex Barnaby series about a mechanic and her NASCAR driver love interest. The series includes Metro Girl, Motor Mouth, and the graphic novels Troublemaker 1 & 2.
Page Sections: Biography · Bibliography


The following section is an excerpt from Wikipedia's Janet Evanovich page on 27 June 2024, text available via the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Janet Evanovich (née Schneider; April 22, 1943) is an American writer. She began her career writing short contemporary romance novels under the pen name Steffie Hall, but gained fame authoring a series of contemporary mysteries featuring Stephanie Plum, a former lingerie buyer from Trenton, New Jersey, who becomes a bounty hunter to make ends meet after losing her job. The novels in this series have been on The New York Times, USA Today, Wall Street Journal and Amazon bestseller lists. Evanovich has had her last seventeen Plums debut at #1 on the NY Times Best Sellers list and eleven of them have hit #1 on USA Today Best-Selling Books list. She has over two hundred million books in print worldwide, and her books have been translated into over 40 languages.

In 2004, Evanovich launched another series with Metro Girl. This book debuted at Number 2 on the New York Times Best Seller List. The heroine is Alexandra Barnaby, an auto mechanic. Her love interest is Sam Hooker, a hedonistic NASCAR driver. The "Motor" series is set in the southern U.S. states. Further books in the series include Motor Mouth and Troublemaker 1 & 2 (graphic novels).


Title & SubtitleDetails
Metro GirlYear & Type: 2004 Fiction
Author: Janet Evanovich
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
Dimensions: 6.25" x 9.25" hardcover w/foil jacket
Content: 312 pages
ISBN: 0-06-058400-9
Subject: Stock Car Racing
Availability: Reference Desk
Motor MouthYear & Type: 2006 Fiction
Author: Janet Evanovich
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
Dimensions: 5.875" x 8.5" hardcover w/jacket
Content: 312 pages
ISBN: 978-0-06-058403-0
Subject: Stock Car Racing
Availability: Reference Desk
Motor MouthYear & Type: 2006 Fiction
Author: Janet Evanovich
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
Dimensions: 6.25" x 9.25" hardcover w/foil jacket
Content: 312 pages
ISBN: 978-0-06-058403-0
Subject: Stock Car Racing
Availability: Reference Desk

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