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Martha Guzman Aceves

Category: Person
Description: A Regional Administrator for the Environmental Protection Agency.
Page Sections: Article Index

Article Index

10 February 2022Adequacy Status of Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets in 1997 Annual PM2.5 Serious Area and Section 189(d) Attainment Plan Revision for San Joaquin Valley; California
EPA is notifying the public that the Agency has found motor vehicle emissions budgets adequate in a California state implementation plan submittal for the San Joaquin Valley.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
Byline: Martha Guzman Aceves
10 May 2022Air Quality State Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: California; Opacity Testing of Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicles
We proposed to approve these rules because we determined that they comply with the relevant CAA requirements. Our proposed action contains more information on the rules and our evaluation.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
Byline: Martha Guzman Aceves
15 November 2022Official Release of EMFAC2021 Motor Vehicle Emission Factor Model for Use in the State of California
EPA is approving and announcing the availability of the latest version of the California EMFAC (short for EMission FACtor) model for use in state implementation plan development and transportation conformity in California.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
Byline: Martha Guzman Aceves
20 December 2022Approval of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Vehicle Miles Traveled Emissions Offset Demonstrations for the 2015 Ozone Standards; California
The EPA is proposing to approve revisions to the California state implementation plan concerning VMT offset demonstrations for the Los Angeles--South Coast Air Basin (South Coast), Riverside County (Coachella Valley), Los Angeles--San Bernardino Counties (West Mojave Desert), and San Joaquin Valley nonattainment areas for the 2015 ozone national ambient air quality standards.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
Byline: Martha Guzman Aceves
16 February 2023Air Plan Approval; California; Innovative Clean Transit Regulation
The Environmental Protection Agency is taking final action to approve a revision to the California State Implementation Plan consisting of State rules intended to reduce particulate matter and oxides of nitrogen emissions from public transit buses.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
Byline: Martha Guzman Aceves
3 March 2023Clean Air Plans; 2015 8-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area Requirements; Clean Fuels for Fleets; California
The EPA is proposing to approve revisions to the California State Implementation Plan concerning the provisions for Clean Fuels for Fleets for the 2015 ozone national ambient air quality standards in the Riverside County, Sacramento Metro, San Joaquin Valley, Los Angeles, Ventura County, and San Bernardino Counties nonattainment areas.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
Byline: Martha Guzman Aceves
25 May 2023Clean Air Plans; 2015 8-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area Requirements; Clean Fuels for Fleets; California
The SIP revision includes the “California Clean Fuels for Fleets Certification for the 70 ppb Ozone Standard,” a multi-district certification that California's Low-Emission Vehicle program achieved emissions reductions at least equivalent to the reductions that would be achieved by the EPA's Clean Fuels for Fleets Program.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
Byline: Martha Guzman Aceves
6 November 2023Approval of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Vehicle Miles Traveled Emissions Offset Demonstrations for the 2015 Ozone Standards; California
The EPA is taking final action to approve revisions to the California state implementation plan concerning vehicle miles traveled offset demonstrations for the Los Angeles-South Coast Air Basin, Riverside County, Los Angeles-San Bernadino Counties, and San Joaquin Valley nonattainment areas for the 2015 ozone national ambient air quality standards.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
Byline: Martha Guzman Aceves
20 December 2023Air Plan Revisions; California; Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Contingency Measure
These revisions concern an amendment to the California motor vehicle inspection and maintenance program to include a contingency measure that, if triggered, would narrow the Smog Check inspection exemption for newer model year vehicles in certain California nonattainment areas.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
Byline: Martha Guzman Aceves
16 April 2024Approval of Clean Air Act General Permit Request for Coverage for New Minor Source Gasoline Dispensing Facility in Indian Country Within California for Oak Creek Travel Center
The EPA approved the Fort Independence Indian Community's Request for Coverage under the General Air Quality Permit for New or Modified Minor Source Gasoline Dispensing Facilities in Indian Country within California for the Oak Creek Travel Center.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
Byline: Martha Guzman Aceves
2 July 2024Air Plan Revisions; California; Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program
This revision addresses the CAA requirements for the motor vehicle inspection and maintenance programs (also referred to as “Smog Check” programs) for the 2015 8-hour ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
Byline: Martha Guzman Aceves
9 July 2024Air Plan Revisions; California; Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Contingency Measure
These revisions concern an amendment to the California motor vehicle inspection and maintenance program (also referred to as “Smog Check”) to include a contingency measure that, if triggered, would narrow the Smog Check inspection exemption for newer model year vehicles in certain California nonattainment areas.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
Byline: Martha Guzman Aceves
30 August 2024Air Plan Revisions; California; Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program
This revision addresses the CAA requirements for motor vehicle inspection and maintenance programs (also referred to as “Smog Check” programs) for the 2015 8-hour ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
Byline: Martha Guzman Aceves

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