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Category: Geographic Index
Wikipedia: Virginia
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All Traffic Solutions
Appalachian Collision & Auto Parts
James River Transportation
Leonard Automotive Group
TForce Freight


14 January 1977
publication date
Traffic Adjudication in Virginia
Report and Recommendations
Research Report ( PDF) 8.8MB · 96 pages
Publisher: National Center for State Courts
December 1978
publication date
Alternative Court Procedures for DUI OffendersResearch Report ( PDF) 5.3MB · 60 pages
Authors: John J. Abbene & Peter E. Keith
Publisher: Virginia Department of Transportation Safety
March 1979
publication date
Effect of Saturation Patrols for DWI EnforcementResearch Report ( PDF) 1.3MB · 24 pages
Author: Susan G. Clark, Ph.D.
Publisher: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Article Index

12 January 2017All Traffic Solutions Hosts Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at new Herndon Virginia Headquarters
Herndon Mayor, members of the Town Council and Chamber of Commerce welcomed ATS to the Dulles Technology Corridor
Press Release ( PDF)
Publisher: All Traffic Solutions via PRWeb
Byline: Lori Miles
Dateline: Herndon, Virginia
30 November 2017All Traffic Solutions Named Second Place Winner of the Transportation and Mobility Hackathon Sponsored by Fairfax County and the Virginia Department of Transportation
Company donates prize money to DC Rape Crisis Center.
Press Release ( PDF)
Publisher: All Traffic Solutions via PRWeb
Byline: Lori Miles & Jennifer Saunders
Dateline: Herndon, Virginia
21 December 2020All Traffic Solutions Named to 2020 NVTC Tech 100 for Technological Innovation in Traffic Safety and Parking
Leading provider of intelligent transportation and smart parking solutions recognized for third consecutive year for its innovative technology and cloud-based solutions.
Press Release ( PDF)
Publisher: All Traffic Solutions via PRWeb
Byline: Gisel Zurita
Dateline: Herndon, Virginia
4 October 2021Notice of Final Federal Agency Actions on the Interstate 495 Express Lanes Northern Extension Project in Fairfax County, Virginia
The actions relate to the Interstate 495 Express Lanes Northern Extension Project from the Dulles Toll Road/Route 267 interchange to the George Washington Memorial Parkway in Fairfax County.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Federal Highway Administration
Byline: Thomas Nelson, Jr.
Topic: Interstate Highway System
3 February 2022Limitation on Claims Against Proposed Public Transportation Projects--TEXRail Extension Project and Richmond Highway Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Project
The Richmond Highway BRT Project is a 7.4-mile fixed guideway BRT project on the Richmond Highway corridor from the Huntington Metrorail Station to Ft. Belvoir.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Federal Transit Administration
Byline: Mark A. Ferroni
18 February 2022Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for a Proposed Highway Project; Cities of Chesapeake and Suffolk, Virginia
FHWA, in coordination with the Virginia Department of Transportation, is issuing this notice of intent to solicit comment and advise the public, agencies, and stakeholders that an Environmental Impact Statement will be prepared to study potential improvements to seven miles of Interstate 664 (I-664) and the Bowers Hill Interchange area.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Federal Highway Administration
Byline: Thomas L. Nelson, Jr.
Topic: Interstate Highway System
6 July 2023Qualification of Drivers: Skill Performance Evaluation Program; Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles Application for Exemption Renewal
The exemption enables interstate CMV drivers who are licensed in Virginia and are subject to the Federal SPE certificate requirements to continue to fulfill the Federal requirements with a State-issued SPE certificate that qualifies such drivers to operate CMVs in interstate commerce.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Byline: Robin Hutcheson
21 July 2023Academy Express, LLC and Franmar Leasing, LLC--Purchase of Certain Assets of James River Bus Lines
The Board is tentatively approving and authorizing this transaction. If no opposing comments are timely filed, this notice will be the final Board action.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Surface Transportation Board
Byline: Eden Besera
Topics: Academy Express,
Franmar Leasing, James River Transportation
22 January 2024Virginia Man and Woman Convicted of Forced Labor at Gas Station and Convenience Store for Multiple Years
The evidence presented at trial demonstrated that, between March 2018 and May 2021, Harmanpreet Singh and Kulbir Kaur forced the victim, Singh’s cousin, to provide labor and services at Singh’s store, including working as the cashier, preparing food, cleaning and managing store records.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: U.S. Department of Justice
22 January 2024Virginia Man and Woman Convicted of Forced Labor at Gas Station and Convenience Store for Multiple Years
The evidence presented at trial demonstrated that, between March 2018 and May 2021, Harmanpreet Singh and Kulbir Kaur forced the victim, Singh’s cousin, to provide labor and services at Singh’s store, including working as the cashier, preparing food, cleaning and managing store records.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: U.S. Attorney's Office, Eastern District of Virginia
Dateline: Richmond, Virginia
8 February 2024Agency Information Collection Activities: Notice of Request for Renewal of Currently Approved Information Collection
The Fiscal Management Information System, which generates the project agreement, contains a PREFIX Field, which is established at the onset of a project on the state's allocation.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Federal Highway Administration
Byline: Jazmyne Lewis
6 March 2024Woodbridge man sentenced for federal drug trafficking and firearm crimes after vehicle pursuit from a shooting
While searching the vehicle from which Kamara had fled, police found two additional firearms, including one that was modified with a “Glock-switch” as a machinegun conversion device.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: U.S. Attorney's Office, Eastern District of Virginia
Dateline: Alexandria, Virginia
8 May 2024Seven members and associates of large-scale gas pump skimming device organization charged with racketeering and money laundering conspiracies
From 2014 to April 2024, they allegedly used the stolen card data to create fraudulent credit and debit cards, which they used to purchase items including gift cards and electronics, to make ATM withdrawals, and to make cashback purchases from retail stores.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: U.S. Attorney's Office, Eastern District of Virginia
Dateline: Norfolk, Virginia
28 May 2024Woodbridge man convicted of impersonating a federal officer
When asked about his vehicle, he challenged police, “You’re asking a federal officer if there’s anything illegal in his vehicle?”
Press Release (text)
Publisher: U.S. Attorney's Office, Eastern District of Virginia
Dateline: Alexandria, Virginia
3 June 2024Air Plan Approval; District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia; Update of the Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets for the Washington-MD-VA 2008 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard Maintenance Area
The revisions update the motor vehicle emissions budgets and the onroad and nonroad mobile emissions for volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxides for the years 2025 and 2030.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
Byline: Adam Ortiz
5 June 2024Washington woman pleads guilty to using fake documentation to obtain over a hundred Virginia driver’s licenses
While not altering identities, Ashya Janai Harley would electronically alter driving transcripts and proof of residency documents required by the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles to issue driver’s licenses.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: U.S. Attorney's Office, Eastern District of Virginia
Dateline: Alexandria, Virginia
25 June 2024Chesterfield couple sentenced for forcing victim to labor for years at their gas station and convenience store
Harmanpreet Singh, 31, was sentenced to 11 years and three months in prison and Kulbir Kaur, 43, was sentenced to seven years and three months in prison.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: U.S. Attorney's Office, Eastern District of Virginia
Dateline: Richmond, Virginia
21 August 2024Agency Information Collection Activities: Request for Comments for a New Information Collection
FHWA received one comment, a letter from the Virginia Department of Transportation that addressed several subjects, which are summarized below with FHWA's responses...
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Federal Highway Administration
Byline: Jazmyne Lewis
4 October 2024Air Plan Approval; District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia; Update of the Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets for the Washington-MD-VA 2008 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard Maintenance Area
The revisions update the motor vehicle emissions budgets and the onroad and nonroad mobile emissions for volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxides for the years 2025 and 2030.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
Byline: Adam Ortiz
13 November 2024Motorcycle gang member pleads guilty to illegally possessing a firearm
Kevin T. Christian II’s motorcycle had an expired registration tag, tape covering one of the digits on its license plate, and at the front of the motorcycle a large wooden club was strapped to the handlebars.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: U.S. Attorney's Office, Eastern District of Virginia
Dateline: Richmond, Virginia
Topics: Interstate Highway System, Wheels of Soul
21 January 2025Lebanon, Virginia Town Councilman, Sister, Automotive Companies Settle with Federal Government
The pair have interests in several automotive groups and previously made money winning bids to do work for the Town of Lebanon.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: U.S. Attorney's Office, Western District of Virginia
Dateline: Abingdon, Virginia
Topics: Leonard Automotive Group,
Appalachian Collision & Auto Parts

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