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Donna R. Koehnke
Donna R. Koehnke
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Secretary of the International Trade Commission.
Article Index
9 February 1994
Certain Vehicle Security Systems and Components Thereof; Initial Determination Terminating Respondent on the Basis of Settlement Agreement
Federal Register: ITC (
Donna R. Koehnke
10 March 1994
Certain Vehicle Security Systems and Components Thereof; Decision Not To Review an Initial Determination Granting Joint Motion To Terminate Investigation With Respect to Respondent, Audiovox Corp., on the Basis of a License Agreement
Federal Register: ITC (
Donna R. Koehnke
26 May 1994
Certain Vehicle Security Systems and Components Thereof; Notice of Commission Decision To Extend the Deadline for Determining Whether To Review an Initial Determination
Federal Register: ITC (
Donna R. Koehnke
9 June 1994
Certain Vehicle Security Systems and Components Thereof; Decision Not To Review an Initial Determination Terminating Investigation Based on a Summary Determination of Patent Invalidity and To Affirm the Presiding Administrative Law Judge's Decision Not To Terminate the Investigation Based Upon Complainant's Withdrawal of its Complaint
Federal Register: ITC (
Donna R. Koehnke