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Ray Magliozzi

Category: Person
Wikipedia: Tom and Ray Magliozzi
Full Name: Raymond Francis Magliozzi
Born: 30 March 1949
Description: Co-host of Car Talk with his older brother Tom Magliozzi from 1977-2012.
Page Sections: Biography · Bibliography


The following section is an excerpt from Wikipedia's Tom and Ray Magliozzi page on 15 February 2025, text available via the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Thomas Louis Magliozzi and his brother Raymond Francis Magliozzi were the co-hosts of NPR's weekly radio show Car Talk, where they were known as "Click and Clack, the Tappet Brothers". Their show was honored with a Peabody Award in 1992, and the Magliozzis were both inducted into the National Radio Hall of Fame in 2014 and the Automotive Hall of Fame in 2018.

Tom died on November 3, 2014, aged 77, in Belmont, Massachusetts, of complications from Alzheimer's disease.

Tom earned a degree from the MIT Sloan School of Management. He worked for Sylvania's Semiconductor Division in Woburn, Massachusetts and then for the Foxboro Company while earning his MBA from Northeastern University and teaching part-time at local universities. He grew tired of his job and quit, spending the next year doing odd jobs such as painting for other tenants in his apartment building.

Ray taught science in Bennington, Vermont, for a few years before returning to Cambridge in 1973. He and Tom then opened a do-it-yourself auto repair shop named Hacker's Haven. The shop rented space and equipment to people who were trying to fix their own cars, but it was not profitable. Nevertheless, the two enjoyed the experience and were invited in 1977 to be part of a panel of automotive experts on Boston's National Public Radio affiliate WBUR-FM. Subsequently, the brothers converted the shop into a standard auto repair shop named the Good News Garage.


Title & SubtitleDetails

Car Talk

With Click and Clack the Tappet Brothers
Year & Type: 1991 Nonfiction
Authors: Tom Magliozzi & Ray Magliozzi with Terry Bisson
Illustrator: Harry Trumbore
Publisher: Dell Publishing
Dimensions: 5.25" x 8" softcover
Content: 212 pages w/black & white illustrations
ISBN: 0-440-50364-7
Topic: Car Talk
Availability: Reference Desk

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