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John McCain

American Government

John McCain

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Article Index
United States Senator from the State of Arizona, Republican primary challenger in the 2000 Presidential election and the Republican nominee for President in the 2008 election.

Article Index

12 January 2008Research Briefing: "Automakers Don't Deserve McCain's Disdain"Governor Mitt Romney
11 July 2008Mrs. Cindy McCain Participates in the Nashville Firestone 200 Indycar RaceSenator John McCain
18 July 2008John McCain's Plan to Support Innovation in the Automobile SectorSenator John McCain
17 September 2008Remarks at the General Motors Assembly Plant in Lake Orion, MichiganSenator John McCain
19 September 2008John McCain visited the General Motors Assembly Plant in Lake Orion, Michigan TodaySenator John McCain
11 October 2008NASCAR Legend Richard Petty Endorses John McCainSenator John McCain
11 October 2008Statement by John McCain on General Motors Plant ClosingsSenator John McCain

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