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LaSean R. McCray

American Government

LaSean R. McCray

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Assistant Federal Register Liaison Officer for the National Transportation Safety Board.

Article Index

21 March 2017Sunshine Act MeetingFederal Register: NTSB (LaSean R. McCray)
16 May 2018Sunshine Act MeetingFederal Register: NTSB (LaSean McCray)
17 July 2018Sunshine Act MeetingFederal Register: NTSB (LaSean McCray)
29 May 2019Sunshine Act MeetingFederal Register: NTSB (LaSean McCray)
7 October 2019Sunshine Act MeetingFederal Register: NTSB (LaSean R. McCray)
16 October 2019Sunshine Act MeetingFederal Register: NTSB (LaSean R McCray)
10 February 2020Sunshine Act MeetingFederal Register: NTSB (LaSean R. McCray)
21 April 2020Sunshine Act MeetingsFederal Register: NTSB (LaSean R. McCray)
17 November 2020Sunshine Act MeetingsFederal Register: NTSB (LaSean R. McCray)
22 November 2022Sunshine Act Meeting
MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED: 69049 Safety Research Report--Alcohol, Other Drug, and Multiple Drug Use Among Drivers.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: National Transportation Safety Board
Byline: LaSean R. McCray
7 March 2023Sunshine Act Meetings
MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED: 69683 Highway Investigative Report--Multivehicle Collision Involving a Milk Tank Combination Vehicle and Stopped Traffic Queue, Phoenix, Arizona, June 9, 2021.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: National Transportation Safety Board
Byline: LaSean R. McCray

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