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Category: Vehicle Marque
Wikipedia: Rapid Motor Vehicle Company
Description: A truck manufacturer based in Pontiac, Michigan from 1900 to 1909. In 1909 it was acquired by General Motors and the name was discontinued when GM consolidated its truck operations (mostly from Rapid and Reliance) into the new GMC division.
Page Sections: History · Photographs


The following section is an excerpt from Wikipedia's Rapid Motor Vehicle Company page on 2 November 2024, text available via the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

The Rapid Motor Vehicle Company was founded in 1902 in Pontiac, Michigan, by brothers Maxand Morris Grabowsky, whose earlier venture, Grabowsky Motor Company, had been founded in Detroit in 1900. They went on to build one-ton trucks and were the beginning of GMC Truck division after they were acquired by General Motors in 1909.

In 1905 Rapid built a new assembly plant at 25 Rapid Street abutting the Grand Trunk Western Railroad tracks on the south side of Pontiac, Michigan. The Rapid Street Plant 1 was the nucleus of what would become the Pontiac West Assembly complex. Rapid was the "first truck to conquer Pikes Peak" in a 1909 road race.

General Motors Company was founded by William C. Durant in 1908. Durant began acquiring the stock of Rapid Motor Vehicle Company in 1908 and in 1909 had a controlling interest. Rapid Motor Vehicle Company became a subsidiary of General Motors in 1909. In 1911 the Rapid Motor Vehicle Company ceased to exist when General Motors Truck Company was created and all of General Motors truck subsidiaries were absorbed in to the new business unit. In 1912 the Rapid brand name was discontinued in favor of GMC.


1907 Rapid Coach 12 Passenger Sightseeing Car Subject:  1907 Rapid Coach 12 Passenger Sightseeing Car
Photographer:  Bill Crittenden
Location:   Pontiac Transportation Museum
Date:  18 October 2024
Article:  Tail Lights: Detroit and Pontiac
View image of 1907 Rapid Coach 12 Passenger Sightseeing Car · 2.1MB

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