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Robert Thurston

Category: Person
Wikipedia: Robert Thurston
Born: 28 October 1936
Died: 20 October 2021
Description: A science fiction author whose works include the 1983 novel Set of Wheels.
Page Sections: Biography · Bibliography


The following section is an excerpt from Wikipedia's Robert Thurston page on 22 June 2024, text available via the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Robert Thurston was a science fiction author well known for his works in popular shared world settings.

Thurston attended the Clarion Workshop at Clarion State College, Pennsylvania in 1968, instructed by several major sci-fi writers (Kate Wilhelm, Damon Knight, Fritz Leiber, and Harlan Ellison, among others). He did graduate studies in English literature at the University of Buffalo and was a veteran of the United States Army. He was awarded first prize for his short story "Set of Wheels," which was included, with two other short stories ("Anaconda" and "The Last Desperate Hour") in the anthology Clarion, edited by the workshop's founder, Robin Scott Wilson, in 1971.

FASA signed an agreement with Roc Publishing in 1991 that lasted for 10 years and started a long line of publication with Robert Thurston's Legend of the Jade Phoenix series for Battletech (1991).

Thurston is best known for his Clan Jade Falcon novels of the BattleTech universe and the novelizations of the original Battlestar Galactica television series.

He had worked at New Jersey City University's Opportunity Scholarship Program as Coordinator of Supplemental Instruction, since 1992.


Title & SubtitleDetails
Set of WheelsYear & Type: 1983 Fiction
Author: Robert Thurston
Publisher: Berkeley Books
Dimensions: 4.25" x 7"
Content: 281 pages
ISBN: 0-425-05820-4
Topic: 1967 Ford Mustang
Availability: Reference Desk

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