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The Trucking Alliance

Category: Organization
Official Site: TruckingAlliance.org
Address: 300 New Jersey Ave NW Suite 900, Washington, DC 20001
Description: A trade group comprised of Cargo Transporters, Dupré Logistics, Frozen Food Express, J.B. Hunt Transport, KLLM Transport Services, Knight Transportation, Maverick Transportation, May Trucking Company, Schneider, Swift Transportation, and USXpress.
Page Sections: Article Index


Article Index

24 August 2022Controlled Substances and Alcohol Use and Testing: Application for Exemption; The Trucking Alliance
The Trucking Alliance applied for an exemption from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations “to amend the definition of actual knowledge to include the employer's knowledge of a driver's positive hair test, which would require such results be reported to the FMCSA Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse and to inquiring carriers.”
Federal Register Notice (text)
Signing Official: Larry W. Minor
Agency: FMCSA
Topic: The Trucking Alliance
23 December 2022Controlled Substances and Alcohol Use and Testing: Application for Exemption; The Trucking Alliance
The applicant believes that hair testing enhances public safety by providing a longer detection window for controlled substance use and by minimizing the opportunity for fraud in the specimen collection process.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Byline: Robin Hutcheson
Topic: The Trucking Alliance

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