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Category: Trucking Company
Official Site: goUSPack.com
Address: Orlando, Florida
Description: A trucking company based in Orlando, Florida.
Page Sections: Article Index

Article Index

30 September 2022Court enters consent order requiring USPack Logistics to pay $575K to 62 Massachusetts couriers to resolve allegations of independent contractors' misclassification
The department alleged in the case that the company and Powell paid courier drivers per delivery rather than an hourly wage, required drivers to pay for gasoline and vehicle upkeep and deducted various fees and insurance costs from drivers’ pay.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: James C. Lally & Ted Fitzgerald
Dateline: Boston, Massachusetts
Topic: USPack
30 September 2022Un tribunal dicta una orden acordada que requiere que USPack Logistics pague $575,000 a 62 mensajeros de Massachusetts para resolver denuncias de que los clasificó erróneamente como contratistas independientes
En el caso, el departamento afirmó que la empresa y Powell pagaban a los conductores de mensajería por envío en vez de un salario por hora, solicitaban que los conductores pagaran la gasolina y el mantenimiento del vehículo, y descontaban varias tarifas de costos de seguro del pago de los conductores.
Press Release (text)
Language: Spanish
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: James C. Lally & Ted Fitzgerald
Dateline: Boston, Massachusetts
Topic: USPack

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