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Speaker: Congressman Bill Foster
Publication: Congressional Record
Date: 25 September 2024
Subjects: American Government , Labor
Topic: United Auto Workers

(Mr. FOSTER asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)

Mr. FOSTER. Madam Speaker, 1 year ago, UAW members across the country went on strike and won a historic victory by securing agreements with the Big Three auto manufacturers. That included an agreement with Stellantis to retool and reopen the Chrysler assembly plant in Belvidere, Illinois.

Thanks to the solidarity of UAW members across the country, Stellantis agreed to not only reopen the Belvidere plant but to also build a brand-new battery factory there and an automobile parts distribution center.

That agreement was only possible because of strong Federal and State incentives put in place to secure a bright economic future for places like Belvidere.

Nearly a year later, Stellantis has yet to follow through on the commitments they made, leaving hundreds of workers in limbo and delaying the promised investments.

One cannot but wonder if they are waiting until after the election to see if Trump's Project 2025 will destroy those investments and, with it, the future of Belvidere.

Madam Speaker, I rise today to reiterate my support to the UAW workers who fought hard for this contract, and I call on Stellantis to honor the agreement they made.

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