United Automobile Workers
Trade Union
Full Name: The International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America
A union of automobile and other factory workers more commonly known as the "UAW."
The following section is an excerpt from Wikipedia's United Automobile Workers page on 21 November 2016, text available via the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
The International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, better known as the United Automobile Workers (UAW), is an American labor union that represents workers in the United States (including Puerto Rico) and Canada. Founded as part of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) in the 1930s, the UAW grew rapidly from 1936 to the 1950s. Under the leadership of Walter Reuther (president 1946-70) it played a major role in the liberal wing of the Democratic party, including the civil rights and anti-Communist movements. The UAW was especially known for gaining high wages and pensions for the auto workers, but it was unable to unionize auto plants built by foreign-based car-makers in the South after the 1970s, and went into a steady decline in membership — increased automation, decreased use of labor, movements of manufacturing (including reaction to NAFTA), and increased Globalization all were factors.
UAW members in the 21st century work in industries as diverse as autos and auto parts, health care, casino gambling and higher education. Headquartered in Detroit, Michigan, the union has more than 400,000 active members and more than 580,000 retired members in over 600 local unions. The UAW currently has 1,150 contracts with some 1,600 employers.
The UAW was founded in May 1935 in Detroit, Michigan, under the auspices of the American Federation of Labor (AFL) after years of agitation within the labor federation. The AFL had focused on organizing craft unions and avoided large factories. But at its 1935 convention, a caucus of industrial unions led by John L. Lewis formed the Committee for Industrial Organization, the original CIO, within the AFL. Within one year, the AFL suspended the unions in the CIO, and these, including the UAW, formed the rival Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO). It attracted young left-wing activists, socialists and Communists, in contrast to the older, established AFL leaders.
The UAW rapidly found success in organizing with the sit-down strike — first in a General Motors plant in Atlanta, Georgia in 1936, and more famously in the Flint sit-down strike that began on December 29, 1936. That strike ended in February 1937 after Michigan's governor Frank Murphy played the role of mediator, negotiating recognition of the UAW by General Motors. The next month, auto workers at Chrysler won recognition of the UAW as their representative in a sit-down strike.
The UAW's next target was the Ford Motor Company, which had long resisted unionization. Ford manager Harry Bennett used brute force to keep the union out of Ford, and his Ford Service Department was set up as an internal security, intimidation, and espionage unit within the company. It was not reluctant to use violence against union organizers and sympathizers (see The Battle of the Overpass). It took until 1941 for Ford to agree to a collective bargaining agreement with the UAW.
Communists provided many of the organizers and took control of key union locals, especially Local 600, which represented the largest Ford plants. The Communist faction controlled some of the key positions in the union, including the directorship of the Washington office, the research department, and the legal office. Walter Reuther, a rising power, at times cooperated closely with the Communists, but Reuther and his allies and the Communists were distinct factions in the UAW. The UAW was one of the first major unions that was willing to organize African-American workers.
The UAW discovered that to be a successful bargaining agency with the corporation it had to be able to uphold its side of the bargain. That meant wildcat strikes and disruptive behavior by union members had to be stopped by the union itself. Many members were extreme individualists who did not like being bossed around either by company foremen, or by union agents; they represented a powerful, albeit poorly organized, "syndicalist" element—democratic, localistic, and oriented to the specific shop-floor. Leaders of the UAW realized they had to control the shop floor, for as Reuther explained in 1939, "We must demonstrate that we are a disciplined, responsible organization; we not only have power, but that we have power under control."
Date | Media or Collection Name & Details | Files |
2007 | 2007 UAW Bargaining Convention Uncensored Soldiers of Solidarity |  Topic Page - 1:32:51 |
24 September 2007 | Auto Workers Strike Closes GM Factories Mil Arcega for Voice of America News |  Article Page - 2:08 |
25 September 2007 | Analysts Predict Massive Losses for General Motors If Strike Prolonged Alex Villarreal for Voice of America News |  Article Page - 2:56 |
Date | File Description | Files |
1 February 1954 | Letter to Walter Reuther, President, United Automobile Workers, CIO, Concerning Economic Growth and Stability. To: Walter Reuther, UAW From: President Dwight D. Eisenhower | Letter - 1 page |
7 December 1965 | Auto Workers v. Scofield Supreme Court of the United States Decision | Text |
14 May 2010 | United States District Court, District of Kansas AZ Automotive Corp. v. United Automobile, Aerospace, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Union, AFL-CIO and UAW Local 710 Memorandum and Order |  PDF - 122KB - 10 pages | 26 July 2017 filing date | United States of America v. D-2 Alphons Iacobelli, D-3 Monica Morgan First Superseding Indictment United States District Court, Eastern District of Michigan, Southern Division |  PDF - 15.1MB - 42 pages |
14 March 2018 filing date | United States of America v. D-6 Nancy A. Johnson Fourth Superseding Indictment United States District Court, Eastern District of Michigan, Southern Division |  PDF - 606KB - 18 pages |
Article Index
Date | Article | Author/Source |
8 May 1962 | Address in Atlantic City at the Convention of the United Auto Workers. | President John F. Kennedy |
23 March 1964 | Remarks in Atlantic City at the Convention of the United Auto Workers. | President Lyndon B. Johnson |
20 May 1966 | Remarks by Telephone to the Convention of the United Automobile Workers. | President Lyndon B. Johnson |
12 June 1995 | Remarks to the United Auto Workers Convention | President Bill Clinton |
21 March 1996 | Statement on the Tentative Agreement To End the General Motors Strike | President Bill Clinton |
2 November 1996 | Statement on the Tentative Agreement Between the United Auto Workers and General Motors | President Bill Clinton |
23 October 2000 | UAW GETS SUPPORT FROM AN UNLIKELY ALLY | Yarde Metals |
18 September 2003 | GM, UAW Reach Labor Agreement | Barry Wood |
21 March 2004 | Weston Resident Appointed State Coordinator for UAW Local 1981 | UAW Local 1981 |
31 March 2006 | Auto parts maker Delphi plans to cut 8,500 jobs; union contracts | Wikinews |
19 April 2006 | Where Would General Motors Be Without the United Automobile Workers Union? | George Reisman |
22 March 2007 | UAW Members Fault Union Leaders For Concessions | Anthony Fontanelle |
29 March 2007 | “Strike Was Not Out Of The Question” - Gettelfinger | Anthony Fontanelle |
25 April 2007 | UAW Member Perks Slashed | Anthony Fontanelle |
29 May 2007 | GM, Delphi Nearing Pact With UAW | Anthony Fontanelle |
18 June 2007 | Delphi, GM And UAW Nearing Wages Pact | Anthony Fontanelle |
20 June 2007 | Delphi, UAW Close To Reaching Agreement | Anthony Fontanelle |
27 June 2007 | Delphi, UAW Agree On Wage Cuts | Anthony Fontanelle |
27 June 2007 | UAW To Push Delphi Wage Deal | Anthony Fontanelle |
28 June 2007 | Workers Say UAW Got Best Deal | Anthony Fontanelle |
24 July 2007 | Delphi Labor Pact Gets OK | Anthony Fontanelle |
25 July 2007 | What Will Surface At The Bargaining Table? | Anthony Fontanelle |
24 September 2007 | Auto Workers Strike Closes GM Factories  | Mil Arcega |
24 September 2007 | Edwards Statement In Support Of Striking UAW Members | Senator John Edwards |
24 September 2007 | Governor Bill Richardson Statement in Support of Strike by United Auto Workers | Governor Bill Richardson |
24 September 2007 | Obama Statement on UAW Strike | Senator Barack Obama |
24 September 2007 | Sindicato de General Motors anuncia huelga inminente  | Wikinoticias |
25 September 2007 | Analysts Predict Massive Losses for General Motors If Strike Prolonged  | Alex Villarreal |
25 September 2007 | Hillary Clinton Statement On UAW Strike | Senator Hillary Clinton |
26 September 2007 | Edwards Statement On Tentative Agreement Between The U.A.W. And G.M. | Senator John Edwards |
26 September 2007 | Union Reaches Deal with Largest US Automaker  | Alex Villarreal |
4 October 2007 | GM-UAW Agreement A Blow To CAW | Anthony Fontanelle |
10 October 2007 | Chrysler Auto Workers Begin Strike | VOA News |
10 October 2007 | Edwards Statement In Support Of Striking Chrysler Autoworkers | Senator John Edwards |
13 November 2007 | Remarks to the United Auto Workers Conference in Dubuque, Iowa | Senator Barack Obama |
13 November 2007 | UAW-Dodge Members Aid Wild Fire Victims | Anthony Fontanelle |
25 October 2010 | United Auto Workers Local 1999, Oklahoma City, OK; Notice of Negative Determination Regarding Application for Reconsideration | Federal Register: DoL (Del Min Amy Chen) |
12 January 2011 | UAW-Chrysler National Training Center Technology Training Joint Programs Staff, Detroit, MI; UAW-Chrysler Technical Training Center Technology Training Joint Programs Staff, Warren, MI; Notice of Revised Determination on Reconsideration | Del Min Amy Chen |
18 April 2011 | Former Union Official Sentenced in Improper Payments Scheme | U.S. Attorney’s Office, Western District of New York |
27 May 2011 | Amended Revised Determination on Reconsideration: UAW-Chrysler Technical Training Center, Technology Training Joint Programs Staff Including On-Site Leased Workers from Manpower, Detroit, Michigan; UAW-Chrysler Technical Training Center, Technology Training Joint Programs Staff, Including On-Site Leased Workers from Manpower, Warren, Michigan | Federal Register: DoL (Del Min Amy Chen) |
16 September 2011 | GM, UAW Agree on New Contract | VOA News |
17 September 2011 | GM, UAW Agree on New Contract | VOA Breaking News |
23 September 2011 | US Automakers Haggling With Union | VOA Breaking News |
28 September 2011 | Union Approves Labor Pact With General Motors | VOA Breaking News |
12 October 2011 | US Auto Maker Chrysler Reaches Labor Deal | VOA Breaking News |
19 December 2011 | Two Former Leaders of the United Auto Workers Sentenced to Prison for Extorting General Motors | U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Michigan |
15 February 2012 | Mitt Romney to UAW Boss Bob King: I Won't Give in to the UAW | Governor Mitt Romney |
28 February 2012 | Remarks to the United Auto Workers Convention | President Barack Obama |
15 February 2014 | UAW Mulls Legal Action After VW Tennessee Plant Vote | VOA News |
22 October 2015 | Fiat-Chrysler Strikes Deal with UAW | VOA News |
26 July 2017 | Former FCA Executive and Wife of Former UAW Vice President Charged in Scheme to Pay Off UAW Officials  | U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Michigan |
8 August 2017 | Former FCA Executive Pleads Guilty in Scheme to Pay Off UAW Officials | U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Michigan |
18 August 2017 | Former UAW Official Charged in Scheme To Accept Illegal Payments from Fiat Chrysler Automobiles | U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Michigan |
29 August 2017 | Former UAW Official Pleads Guilty in Scheme to Accept Illegal Payments from Fiat Chrysler Automobiles | U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Michigan |
22 January 2018 | Fiat Chrysler's Former Vice President for Employee Relations Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy to Pay Off Senior UAW Officials | U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Michigan |
6 February 2018 | Wife of Former UAW Vice President Pleads Guilty to Criminal Tax Fraud | U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Michigan |
21 March 2018 | Former Senior UAW Official Charged with Accepting Prohibited Payments from Fiat Chrysler Automobiles  | U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Michigan |
5 April 2018 | Former UAW Official Pleads Guilty to Accepting Illegal Payments from Fiat Chrysler Automobiles | U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Michigan |
8 May 2018 | Tribute to Chuck Hall | Congressional Record: Rep. Sander Levin |
15 May 2018 | In Tribute to John Drew | Congressional Record: Rep. Gwen Moore |
13 July 2018 | Wife of Former UAW Vice President Sentenced to Prison for Criminal Tax Fraud | U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Michigan |
7 November 2018 | Two Former Fiat Chrysler Executives and a Senior UAW Official Sentenced to Prison for Scheme to Bribe Union Officials | U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Michigan |
2 April 2019 | Former UAW Vice President Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy with Fiat Chrysler Executives | U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Michigan |
5 August 2019 | Former UAW Vice President Norwood Jewell Sentenced to Prison for Conspiring with Fiat Chrysler to Accept Illegal Payments | U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Michigan |
4 September 2019 | Former Senior UAW Official Pleads Guilty to Taking Over $1.5 Million in Bribes and Kickbacks | U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Michigan |
13 September 2019 | UAW International Board Member Arrested And Charged With Embezzling UAW Funds | U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Michigan |
22 October 2019 | Former Senior UAW Official Pleads Guilty to Taking $123,000 in Bribes and Kickbacks | U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Michigan |
4 December 2019 | Former UAW Vice President Pleads Guilty to Taking $250,000 in Bribes and Kickbacks | U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Michigan |
19 February 2020 | Former Senior UAW Official Sentenced to 28 Months for Taking Over $1.5 Million in Bribes and Kickbacks | U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Michigan |
3 June 2020 | Former UAW President Gary Jones Pleads Guilty to Embezzlement, Racketeering, and Tax Evasion | U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Michigan< |
27 August 2020 | Former International UAW President Charged With Conspiring to Embezzle Union Funds | U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Michigan |
30 August 2020 | Former International UAW President Dennis Williams Pleads Guilty to Conspiring to Embezzle Union Funds | U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Michigan |
17 November 2020 | Former UAW Vice President Sentenced to 30 Months for Taking $250,000 in Bribes and Kickbacks | U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Michigan |
14 December 2020 | The United States Reaches a Settlement with the United Auto Workers Union to Reform the Union and End Corruption and Fraud | U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Michigan |
27 January 2021 | FCA US LLC CHARGED FOR MAKING ILLEGAL PAYMENTS TO UAW OFFICIALS | U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Michigan |
27 January 2021 | Former UAW Official Who Cooperated Against Two UAW Presidents Sentenced to 12 Months in Prison and Directed to Pay $342,000 in Restitution | U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Michigan |
1 March 2021 | FCA US LLC PLEADS GUILTY TO MAKING ILLEGAL PAYMENTS TO UAW OFFICIALS | U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Michigan |
2 March 2021 | Former UAW Midwest CAP President Pleads Guilty to Embezzling UAW Funds and Evading Taxes | U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Michigan |
14 August 2023 | Statement from President Joe Biden on the United Auto Workers and Big Three Contract Negotiations The middle class built America, and unions built the middle class. The need to transition to a clean energy economy should provide a win-win opportunity for auto companies and unionized workers. | Press Release (text) Publisher: The White House Byline: President Joe Biden Topic: UAW |
24 August 2023 | Proposed Exemption for Certain Prohibited Transaction Restrictions: United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (the UAW or the Applicant) Located in Detroit, Michigan As described in more detail below, the UAW is required to make certain contributions to the UAW Retirees Health Care Plan pursuant to a court-approved settlement agreement. | Federal Register Notice (text) Agency: Employee Benefits Security Administration Byline: George Christopher Cosby Topic: UAW |
5 October 2023 | Tail Lights: Labor Changes Tactics Earlier this year the United Auto Workers union held its first election where a President was chosen directly by members' votes and not through delegates. Shawn Fain, a Stellantis worker from Kokomo, Indiana, won by a narrow margin in a contested runoff. | Commentary (text) Publisher: The Crittenden Automotive Library Byline: Bill Crittenden Topic: UAW |
25 October 2023 | Statement from President Joe Biden on Historic Tentative Agreement Between Ford and UAW This tentative agreement provides a record raise to auto workers who have sacrificed so much to ensure our iconic Big Three companies can still lead the world in quality and innovation. | Press Release (text) Publisher: The White House Byline: President Joe Biden Topics: UAW, Ford Motor Company |
28 October 2023 | Statement from President Joe Biden on Historic Tentative Agreement Between Stellantis and UAW This groundbreaking contract rewards the autoworkers who sacrificed so much to revive our auto industry with record raises, more paid leave, greater retirement security, and more rights and respect at work. | Press Release (text) Publisher: The White House Byline: President Joe Biden Topics: UAW, Stellantis |
30 October 2023 | Statement from President Joe Biden on Historic Tentative Agreement Between General Motors and UAW This historic tentative agreement rewards the autoworkers who have sacrificed so much with the record raises, more paid leave, greater retirement security, and more rights and respect at work. | Press Release (text) Publisher: The White House Byline: President Joe Biden Topics: UAW, General Motors |
20 November 2023 | Statement from President Joe Biden on the Ratification of the UAW’s Historic Agreements with the Big Three Automakers The UAW has announced that their dedicated union members who fought together, stood together, and walked the picket line together have now voted together to ratify their record contracts. | Press Release (text) Publisher: The White House Byline: President Joe Biden Topic: UAW |
18 March 2024 | Statement from President Joe Biden on the Volkswagen Plant in Tennessee I congratulate the Volkswagen autoworkers in Chattanooga who filed for a union election with the UAW. As one of the world’s largest automakers, many Volkswagen plants internationally are unionized. | Automotive News Briefs (text) Publisher: The White House Topics: UAW, Volkswagen |
19 April 2024 | Statement from President Joe Biden on UAW Vote in Tennessee I was proud to stand alongside auto workers in their successful fight for record contracts, and I am proud to stand with auto workers now as they successfully organize at Volkswagen. | Press Release (text) Publisher: The White House Byline: President Joe Biden Topics: UAW, Volkswagen |
28 April 2024 | Statement from President Joe Biden on the UAW Tentative Agreement I applaud the UAW and Daimler for reaching a tentative agreement for a record contract. The UAW workers at Daimler are building the trucks and school buses of the future right here in America. | Press Release (text) Publisher: The White House Byline: President Joe Biden Topics: UAW, Daimler |
23 May 2024 | Statement from President Joe Biden on the Historic Union Contract in Georgia Congratulations to members of the United Steelworkers and to Blue Bird for proving once again that meeting our clean energy goals is an opportunity to create good-paying union jobs for American workers. | Press Release (text) Publisher: The White House Byline: President Joe Biden Topic: Blue Bird |
17 June 2024 | Statement from President Biden on Agreement between the UAW and Ultium Cells I congratulate the United Auto Workers and Ultium Cells for reaching a historic agreement in Lordstown, Ohio, where UAW workers are manufacturing batteries for General Motors electric cars and trucks. | Press Release (text) Publisher: The White House Byline: President Joe Biden |
25 September 2024 | SUPPORTING UAW MEMBERS Madam Speaker, 1 year ago, UAW members across the country went on strike and won a historic victory by securing agreements with the Big Three auto manufacturers. | Speech (text) Publication: Congressional Record  Speaker: Congressman Bill Foster Topic: United Auto Workers |
1 October 2024 | HONORING CONGRESSMAN DAVID CURSON'S SERVICE TO SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN AND THE NATION A dedicated member of the United Auto Workers, he has forever fought for the right of working-class Americans and his work should be commended. | Speech (text) Publication: Congressional Record  Speaker: Congresswoman Debbie Dingell Topics: David Curson, UAW |