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Category: Subject
Description: Information on workers in the automotive field, whether they work for automakers, repair shops, or services that use automobiles.
Page Sections: Documents · Article Index


20 May 2022
hearing date
Building a Workforce to Navigate the Electric Vehicle Future
Field Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Research and Technology of the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology
Hearing Transcript ( PDF) 12.2MB · 75 pages
Publisher: U.S. House of Representatives
3 November 2023
letter date
A Win for UAW and IllinoisLetter ( PDF) 342KB · 2 pages
From: Congressman Bill Foster
Topic: Stellantis
14 November 2023
hearing date
From Cobalt to Cars: How China Exploits Child and Forced Labor in DR Congo
Hearing Before the Congressional-Executive Commission on China
Hearing Transcript ( PDF) 6.2MB · 81 pages
Publisher: U.S. House of Representatives

Article Index

25 July 1928$400,000,000 Insurance on 200,000 Workers, A Record Policy, Taken by General Motors
The largest insurance contract ever issued in business history, aggregating $400,000,000 of group life insurance with sickness and accident coverage, was closed yesterday between the General Motors Corporation and the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company.
News Article (text)
Publication: The New York Times
Topic: General Motors
23 January 2006Ford Plant Closings Blow to Local Economies
Ford Motor Company's decision to close 14 of its North American assembly plants by 2012 will have an impact that goes well beyond the loss of as many as 30,000 jobs. Mike Cooper reports from Atlanta, where about 2,000 workers who build Ford Taurus sedans will soon be jobless.
News Article (text)
Byline: Mike Cooper
Dateline: Atlanta, Georgia
Topics: Ford Motor Company,
Ford Taurus
29 September 2016The Riverside Labor Law Lawyers at Blumenthal, Nordrehaug & Bhowmik File a Class Action Lawsuit Against United Road Towing Alleging California Labor Code Violations
The United Road Towing, Inc. lawsuit, Case No. CIVDS81614323 is currently pending in the Riverside County Superior Court for the State of California.
Press Release ( PDF)
Publisher: Blumenthal Nordrehaug & Bhowmik via PRWeb
Byline: Nicholas De Blouw
Dateline: San Bernardino, California
Topic: United Road Towing
24 February 2021Readout of the White House’s Meeting with Automakers and Labor Leaders
Today, Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg, National Economic Council Director Brian Deese, and National Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy met with more than a dozen automotive industry manufacturers as well as labor leaders from the UAW and IBEW to discuss common priorities around supporting the economic recovery, creating union jobs, and tackling the climate crisis.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: The White House
16 December 2021FACT SHEET: The Biden-Harris Administration Trucking Action Plan to Strengthen America’s Trucking Workforce
Trucking plays a critical role in the U.S. supply chain and economy. America’s truck drivers have been on the frontlines of this pandemic, delivering goods to every corner of this country.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: The White House
11 February 2022Enhancing Highway Workforce Development Opportunities Contracting Initiative
The recently enacted Bipartisan Infrastructure Law authorizes a recipient or subrecipient of a grant provided by the DOT Secretary under Title 23 or 49, United States Code, to implement a local or other geographical or economic hiring preference relating to the use of labor for construction of a project funded by the grant subject to any applicable State and local laws, policies, and procedures.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Federal Highway Administration
Byline: Stephanie Pollack
4 April 2022FACT SHEET: The Biden Administration’s Unprecedented Actions to Expand and Improve Trucking Jobs
Since Day 1, the Biden-Harris Administration has taken on the supply chain disruptions and price increases resulting from the decades-long lack of investment in the nation’s goods movement supply chain.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: The White House
19 April 2022Exemption From Certain Prohibited Transaction Restrictions Involving Phillips 66 Company (Phillips 66 or the Applicant) Located in Houston, TX
This document contains a notice of exemption issued by the Department of Labor from certain of the prohibited transaction restrictions of ERISA and/or the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Employee Benefits Security Administration
Byline: Timothy P. Hauser
Topic: Phillips 66
1 June 2022Statement by US Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh on vote by workers at GM’s Silao, Mexico auto plant to approve collective bargaining agreement
“This vote marks an important milestone in the realization of labor rights in Mexico. It shows what labor protections in the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement and Mexico’s labor reform can mean for workers.”
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Christine Feroli
Dateline: Wahington, D.C.
Topics: General Motors, Marty Walsh
3 June 2022Elon Musk emails tell Tesla employees return to office, or assume you have resigned
Leaked correspondence between Tesla, Inc. boss Elon Musk and members of his executive team sent on Tuesday but published on Wednesday reveal his insistence that employees maintain an in-office presence for 40 hours per week or depart Tesla.
News Article (text)
Publisher: Wikinews
Topics: Elon Musk, Tesla
9 June 2022US Department of Labor recovers $161K in back wages, damages for 19 Georgia auto shop workers after finding minimum wage, overtime violations
Investigators with the department’s Wage and Hour Division found that Cherokee Tire Service LLC kept some workers’ first weekly paychecks as a uniform deposit, which led to violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Erika Ruthman & Eric R. Lucero
Dateline: Canton, Georgia
Topic: Cherokee Tire Service
9 June 2022El Departamento de Trabajo recupera $161,000 en salarios atrasados, daños y perjuicios para 19 trabajadores de una tienda de artículos para automóviles tras descubrir infracciones del salario mínimo y de las horas extras
Los investigadores de la División de Horas y Salarios del departamento descubrió que Cherokee Tire Service LLC retenía el primer pago semanal de algunos trabajadores en concepto de depósito para uniformes, lo cual implica una infracción de la Ley de Normas Justas de Trabajo.
Press Release (text)

Language: Spanish Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Eric R. Lucero & Erika Ruthman
Dateline: Canton, Georgia
Topic: Cherokee Tire Service
16 June 2022US Department of Labor recovers $34K in back wages for 47 Charlotte delivery service workers denied overtime
U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division investigators found Riverstone Logistics LLC misapplied exemptions and paid employees a flat salary without an additional overtime premium for hours over 40 in a workweek, a Fair Labor Standards Act violation.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Eric R. Lucero & Erika Ruthman
Topic: Riverstone Logistics
21 June 2022Federal investigation finds framing contractor willfully exposed workers to fall hazards at Luzerne, Pennsylvania, state salt storage stockpile
The citations relate to the company’s failures to protect workers from falls as they performed carpentry work from elevated surfaces, to expose workers to falling or flying objects by not providing required eye, face and head protection, and for not training workers on scaffold-related hazards.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Byline: Leni Fortson
Dateline: Luzerne, Pennsylvania
27 June 2022US Department of Labor recovers $72K for 12 Brooksville auto repair techs
U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division investigators found A&G Auto Service and Repair Inc. paid a salary for all hours employees worked and did not pay the required half-time for overtime hours worked.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Erika Ruthman & Eric R. Lucero
Topic: Magic Wheels Auto World
28 June 2022US Department of Labor recovers $47K in back wages for 13 auto body shop workers wrongly misclassified as independent contractors by employer
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division found Sandpiper Autobody in Pleasant Grove misclassified 13 technicians as independent contractors, and failed to pay the overtime wages as required by the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Juan Rodriguez
Topic: Sandpiper Autobody
30 June 2022US Department of Labor proposes $315K more in fines for Ohio vehicle parts manufacturer that continues to expose workers to dangerous machine hazards
Inspectors found tilt mold devices, sand core machines, and indexing tables at the plant lacked adequate machine guarding and workers performed service and maintenance tasks on industrial machinery without using energy control procedures.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Scott Allen & Rhonda Burke
Dateline: Conneaut, Ohio
Topic: General Aluminum Mfg. Company
30 June 2022US Department of Labor recovers $62K in back wages, damages for 22 Alabama gas station cashiers denied full overtime wages
Investigators with the department’s Wage and Hour Division found that Kwik Shop Stores Inc. failed to compute correct overtime rates and pay full overtime wages due at its locations in Wetumpka and Montgomery.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Erika Ruthman & Eric R. Lucero
Dateline: Birmingham, Alabama
Topic: Kwik Shop
11 July 2022El Departamento de Trabajo de EE.UU. recupera $166,000 en salarios atrasados para 106 trabajadores calificados erróneamente como contratistas independientes por una compañía de servicios automotrices de Houston
Los investigadores de la División de Horas y Salarios del Departamento de Trabajo de EE.UU. descubrieron que Majestic Dealership Services Inc. – cuyos trabajadores mantienen, cuidan y lavan carros en los concesionarios de la zona – clasificó erróneamente a sus trabajadores como contratistas independientes, y les pagó un salario fijo por todas las horas trabajadas.
Press Release (text)
Language: Spanish
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Juan Rodríguez & Chauntra Rideaux
Dateline: Houston, Texas
Topic: Majestic Dealership Services
11 July 2022US Department of Labor recovers $166K in back wages for 106 workers misclassified as independent contractors by Houston auto services company
The U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division investigators found Majestic Dealership Services Inc. – whose workers detail, valet and wash cars at area dealerships – misclassified their workers as independent contractors, and paid them straight time for all hours worked.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Juan Rodríguez & Chauntra Rideaux
Dateline: Houston, Texas
Topic: Majestic Dealership Services
18 July 2022US Department of Labor, US Trade Representative applaud agreement to resolve alleged violations of workers’ rights at Panasonic auto parts plant
The United States and Mexico have announced the successful resolution to a Rapid Response Mechanism petition that alleged workers at the Panasonic Automotive Systems plant in Reynosa, Mexico, were denied freedom of association and collective bargaining rights.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Christine Feroli
Dateline: Washington, D.C.
Topic: Panasonic
20 July 2022US Department of Labor seeks input from Nevada’s highway construction industry for wage survey to establish accurate prevailing wage rates
The DBRA directs the department to set the prevailing wage rates that reflect the actual wages and fringe benefits paid to construction workers in the county where the work takes place.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Michael Petersen & Jose Carnevali
Dateline: Las Vegas, Nevada
21 July 2022US government seeks Mexico’s review of allegations that workers’ rights to associate, collectively bargain were denied at Coahuila auto parts plant
The petition – filed by Liga Sindical Obrera Mexicana and the Comité Fronterizo de Obreras – alleges VU Manufacturing interfered with the workers’ ability to choose their union, a violation of their rights to associate and collectively bargain.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Christine Feroli
Dateline: Washington, D.C.
Topic: VU Manufacturing
22 July 2022US Department of Labor seeks input from Georgia’s highway construction industry for wage survey to establish accurate prevailing wage rates
The DBRA directs the department to set the prevailing wage rates that reflect the actual wages and fringe benefits paid to construction workers in the county where the work takes place.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Eric R. Lucero
Dateline: Atlanta, Georgia
25 July 2022US Department of Labor recovers $115K in back wages, damages for 36 workers after investigation finds New Jersey car wash operator denied overtime
Investigators determined Oriel Cohen – owner of New Casino Car Wash in Franklin Park and Riverdale Car Wash in Riverdale – failed to pay employees overtime at time-and-one-half their required rates of pay for hours over 40 in a workweek.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Leni Fortson
Dateline: Franklin Park, New Jersey
Topics: New Casino Car Wash &
Riverdale Car Wash
1 August 2022US Department of Labor proposes $480K in additional fines to Ohio vehicle parts manufacturer for continuing to expose workers to multiple hazards
General Aluminum Mfg. Co.’s Wapakoneta plant inspected under Severe Violator Program.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Byline: Scott Allen & Rhonda Burke
Dateline: Wapakoneta, Ohio
Topic: General Aluminum Mfg. Company
3 August 2022Trustees agree to reform New York Teamsters welfare fund to come into compliance with federal laws
The department’s suit alleged violations of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act and the Affordable Care Act when the Local 272 fund and its trustees replaced annual benefits limits – $125,000 for medical claims and $5,000 for pharmacy claims – with a cost-sharing arrangement requiring participants to bear all but 10 percent of the cost of claims in excess of the same limits.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Ted Fitzgerald & James C. Lally
Dateline: New York, New York
Topic: International Brotherhood of Teamsters
11 August 2022Baton Rouge car wash, oil change, convenience store operator cited after federal workplace safety investigation into stabbing of assistant manager
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration cited the B-Quik location on Greenwell Springs Road – owned and operated by Benny’s Car Wash & Oil Change – for failing to protect its workers from violence and for waiting 15 days to report the worker’s hospitalization.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Occupational Safety & Health Administration
Byline: Chauntra Rideaux & Juan J. Rodríguez
Dateline: Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Topic: B-Quik
16 August 2022US Department of Labor, US Trade Representative applaud effort that ends workers’ rights violations at Teksid Hierro auto parts plant
A review of the allegations led the Mexican government to acknowledge the denial of rights and to facilitate an agreement between Los Mineros, an independent labor union, and Teksid, that addresses the claims in the petition.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Christine Feroli
Dateline: Washington, D.C.
Topic: Teksid
22 August 2022US Department of Labor recovers $65K in back wages, damages for 3 workers denied overtime by gas station operators with history of costly violations
The department’s Wage and Hour Division found that Om Shiva Enterprise Inc. – a Monaca-based operator of Sunoco gas stations and owner Durlabhju Ukani – did not pay employees the overtime they were legally due when they worked between 57 and 112 hours in a week.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Leni Fortson & Joanna Hawkins
Dateline: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Topic: Sunoco
31 August 2022US Department of Labor recovers $67K in back pay for 29 workers after Akron employer fails to meet payroll for more than two months
“Workers cannot be expected to bear the burden of the employer’s financial issues which, in this case, left them wondering if or when they would be paid,” said Wage and Hour Division District Director Matthew Utley.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Scott Allen & Rhonda Burke
Dateline: Akron, Ohio
Topic: McNeil & NRM
6 September 2022Ohio auto parts manufacturer cited for 10 federal safety violations after workers battle 13 fires in 2 years in plastic molding plant
Hematite faces proposed penalties of $271K for exposing workers to flammable materials.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Scott Allen & Rhonda Burke
Dateline: Clayton, Ohio
Topic: Hematite
8 September 2022Illinois trucking repair company cited for exposing workers to confined space hazards after worker fatally injured inspecting trailer
A B & R Repair of Lemont faces $326K in OSHA penalties 48-year-old worker entered a tanker-trailer in Lemont to inspect it as part of an annual USDOT requirement and was overcome from exposure to bleach and chlorine gas.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Byline: Scott Allen & Rhonda Burke
Dateline: Lemont, Illinois
Topic: B&R Repair
14 September 2022Secretary of Labor, US Trade Representative support protection of labor rights at Mexico’s Manufacturas VU auto parts facility
The Rapid Response Labor Mechanism petition raised concerns that workers’ rights to freely associate and collectively bargain were being denied.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Arjun Singh
Dateline: Washington, D.C.
Topic: VU Manufacturing
20 September 2022Departamento de Trabajo de EE.UU. insta a empleadores, trabajadores centrarse en seguridad tras aumentar muertes, heridos en transporte agrícola
California, Oregón, Washington en 2022: 8 trabajadores muertos, más de 30 heridos.
Press Release (text)
Language: Spanish
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Jose Carnevali & Michael Petersen
Dateline: San Francisco, California
20 September 2022Hendrickson Trailer Suspension Systems recertified with ‘Star’ level designation for exemplary workplace safety, health programs
The Woodridge, Illinois-based company employs about 79 workers in Mitchell and about 3,500 nationwide.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Occupational Safety & Health Administration
Byline: Scott Allen & Rhonda Burke
Topic: Hendrickson
20 September 2022US Department of Labor urges greater focus on safety by employers, workers as deaths, injuries in agricultural transportation incidents rises sharply
California, Oregon, Washington saw 8 farmworkers' deaths, more than 30 injuries in FY22.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Michael Petersen & Jose Carnevali
Dateline: San Francisco, California
27 September 2022Demolition company in fatal Government Center garage collapse in Boston faces nearly $1.2M in fines for willfully exposing workers to hazards
An inspection by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration found that Brockton-based contractor JDC Demolition Company. Inc. failed to adequately train its workers on the demolition plan and safety management system to help them recognize and avoid unsafe conditions.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Byline: Ted Fitzgerald & James C. Lally
Dateline: Boston, Massachusetts
28 September 2022US Department of Labor finds Cupertino company allowed minors to work illegally as delivery drivers, misclassified workers as independent contractors
The department’s Wage and Hour Division determined that Organic on the Go Inc. – operating as Locale in Cupertino – put the safety and health of 78 teens at risk when they hired them as delivery drivers in violation of Fair Labor Standards Act provisions.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Michael Petersen & Jose Carnevali
Dateline: San Jose, California
30 September 2022Court enters consent order requiring USPack Logistics to pay $575K to 62 Massachusetts couriers to resolve allegations of independent contractors' misclassification
The department alleged in the case that the company and Powell paid courier drivers per delivery rather than an hourly wage, required drivers to pay for gasoline and vehicle upkeep and deducted various fees and insurance costs from drivers’ pay.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: James C. Lally & Ted Fitzgerald
Dateline: Boston, Massachusetts
Topic: USPack
30 September 2022Un tribunal dicta una orden acordada que requiere que USPack Logistics pague $575,000 a 62 mensajeros de Massachusetts para resolver denuncias de que los clasificó erróneamente como contratistas independientes
En el caso, el departamento afirmó que la empresa y Powell pagaban a los conductores de mensajería por envío en vez de un salario por hora, solicitaban que los conductores pagaran la gasolina y el mantenimiento del vehículo, y descontaban varias tarifas de costos de seguro del pago de los conductores.
Press Release (text)
Language: Spanish
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: James C. Lally & Ted Fitzgerald
Dateline: Boston, Massachusetts
Topic: USPack
30 September 2022US Department of Labor invites Florida’s highway construction industry employers to join survey to set accurate prevailing wage rates
The Davis-Bacon and Related Acts direct the department to set the prevailing wage rates that reflect the actual wages and fringe benefits paid to construction workers in the county where the work takes place.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Eric R. Lucero
Dateline: Atlanta, Georgia
11 October 2022Federal court orders Hyundai, Kia auto parts manufacturer to stop employing minors illegally, end ‘oppressive’ child labor law violations
The U.S. Department of Labor has obtained a federal court order to stop an Alexander City manufacturer of Hyundai and Kia auto parts from employing 13-, 14- and 15-year-old workers illegally, and to prevent the company from shipping or delivering any goods produced in violation of federal child labor laws.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Eric R. Lucero & Erika Ruthman
Dateline: Birmingham, Alabama
Topics: Hyundai, Kia
12 October 2022El Departamento de Trabajo de EE.UU. recupera $44,000 en salarios atrasados y daños y perjuicios para 2 trabajadores a quienes un contratista de envíos a domicilio de Jackson les negó las horas extras
El Departamento de Trabajo de EE. UU. ha recuperado $44,280 en salarios atrasados y daños y perjuicios para dos empleados de un contratista de envíos a domicilio de Jackson quien no les pagaba por el trabajo que realizaban fuera de horario en sus casas.
Press Release (text)
Language: Spanish
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Eric R. Lucero & Erika Ruthman
Dateline: Jackson, Mississippi
Topic: Douglas Express
12 October 2022US Department of Labor recovers $44K in back wages, damages for 2 workers denied overtime by Jackson ground delivery contractor
The U.S. Department of Labor has recovered $44,280 in back wages and liquidated damages for two employees of a Jackson ground delivery contractor who failed to compensate them for work they did off-the-clock from their homes.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Eric R. Lucero & Erika Ruthman
Dateline: Jackson, Mississippi
Topic: Douglas Express
21 October 2022US Department of Labor urges West Virginia highway construction industry to join survey to set accurate prevailing wage rates
The Davis-Bacon and Related Acts direct the department to set the prevailing wage rates that reflect the actual wages and fringe benefits paid to construction workers in the county where the work takes place.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Leni Fortson & Joanna Hawkins
Dateline: Charleston, West Virginia
24 October 2022El alto precio del robo de salarios: lavadero de carros del sur de California paga $202K en salarios atrasados, daños a 13 trabajadores tras investigación
Investigadores de la División de Horas y Salarios del Departamento de Trabajo de EE.UU. encontraron que MG Petroleum Inc., operador de Rancho Carwash, intentó ocultar sus acciones ilegales pagando a los trabajadores con dos cheques: uno por las primeras 40 horas trabajadas, y un segundo por horas extras que pagaba a tarifa regular, sin incluir la prima por sobretiempo exigida legalmente.
Press Release (text)
Language: Spanish
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Jose Carnevali & Michael Petersen
Dateline: West Covina, California
Topic: Rancho Carwash
24 October 2022The high cost of wage theft: Southern California car wash operator pays $202K in back wages, damages to 13 workers after federal investigation
Investigators with the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division found that MG Petroleum Inc., operator of Rancho Carwash – a gas station, mini market and car wash – in Rancho Cucamonga, attempted to hide its illegal actions giving workers two paychecks: one for the first 40 hours worked, and a second for overtime hours paid at straight-time rates, without legally required overtime premium.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Michael Petersen & Jose Carnevali
Dateline: West Covina, California
Topic: Rancho Carwash
14 November 2022US Department of Labor, LAZ Parking California reach agreement to resolve alleged hiring discrimination at Southern California locations
The agreement follows a routine compliance evaluation by the department’s Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs that alleges – from May 1, 2018, to April 30, 2019 – the employer discriminated against Black applicants and female applicants in hiring valet, shuttle driver and customer service representative positions at several locations in Los Angeles, Orange County, Riverside and San Diego, California.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Michael Petersen & Jose Carnevali
Dateline: San Diego, California
Topic: LAZ Parking
21 November 2022US Department of Labor recovers $1.15M in back pay for 710 workers after Indiana RV manufacturer miscalculates overtime wages
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division learned that Alliance RV LLC paid less for each piece in weeks when workers worked more than 40 hours.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Scott Allen & Rhonda Burke
Dateline: Elkhart, Indiana
Topic: Alliance RV
28 November 2022Federal court orders gas station operator to pay $226K in back pay, damages for six New Jersey gas station attendants denied full wages
The U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey entered a consent judgment on Oct. 5, 2022, ordering the employers to pay back wages as well as liquidated and punitive damages to six workers, in response to a complaint filed by the U.S. Department of Labor.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Leni Fortson & Joanna Hawkins
30 November 2022US Department of Labor extends deadline for West Virginia highway construction projects’ prevailing wage surveys to Dec. 18
Surveys help the agency establish prevailing wage rates as the Davis-Bacon and Related Acts requires.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Leni Fortson & Joanna Hawkins
Dateline: Charleston, West Virginia
9 December 2022Statement from President Joe Biden on UAW Vote in Warren, OH
Congratulations to the newest members of the United Auto Workers at the Ultium Cells LLC EV battery plant in Warren, Ohio.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: The White House
Byline: President Joe Biden
Topics: General Motors, UAW
16 December 2022Federal workplace safety investigation finds Kyle vehicle parts maker ignored workers’ concerns; yields more than a dozen serious citations
Simwon NA Corp., Tesla parts supplier, faces $298K in fines.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Byline: Juan J. Rodríguez & Chauntra Rideaux
Dateline: Austin, Texas
Topic: Simwon
16 December 2022La investigación federal de seguridad en el lugar de trabajo encuentra que el fabricante de repuestos para vehículos Kyle ignoró las preocupaciones de los trabajadores; produce más de una docena de citas serias
Simwon NA Corp., proveedor de piezas de Tesla, se enfrenta a multas de 298.000 dólares.
Press Release (text)
Language: Spanish
Publisher: Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Byline: Juan J. Rodríguez & Chauntra Rideaux
Dateline: Austin, Texas
Topic: Simwon
19 December 2022Departamento de Trabajo de EE.UU. recupera $144K en pagos, compensación para 11 mecánicos a los que su taller de llantas negó salarios completos
Investigadores de la División de Horas y Salarios del Departamento de Trabajo de EE.UU. descubrieron que B&R Tires Inc no pagó a empleados por todas sus horas trabajadas, incluido el tiempo necesario en ponerse y quitarse la ropa de trabajo.
Press Release (text)
Language: Spanish
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Michael Petersen & Jose Carnevali
Topic: B&R Tires
19 December 2022US Department of Labor recovers $144K in back pay, damages for 11 mechanics denied full wages at Southern California tire shop
U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division investigators found B&R Tires Inc failed to pay employees for all hours worked, including time they spent putting on and removing work clothes, gear or equipment.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Michael Petersen & Jose Carnevali
Topic: B&R Tires
3 January 2023Readout: Secretary Walsh meets with truckers, companies, Teamsters union, officials at Port of Los Angeles
The discussion included truck drivers Jorge Mayorga and Todd Ellis; representatives of Universal Trucking, Sea-Logix, TTSI/Heavy Load Transfer and Pacific 9 Trucking; members and officers of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and Local 848; and Port of Los Angeles officials.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Egan Reich
Dateline: Los Angeles, California
Topic: International Brotherhood of Teamsters
12 January 2023Department of Labor obtains judgment ordering auto parts seller, logistics company to pay $5.6M to 1,398 misclassified drivers
Parts Authority, Diligent Delivery Systems treated workers as independent contractors.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Michael Petersen & Jose Carnevali
Dateline: Phoenix, Arizona
Topics: Parts Authority,
Diligent Delivery Systems
20 January 2023US Department of Labor, ElDorado National reach conciliation agreement to resolve alleged hiring discrimination in Riverside, California, location
Manufacturer of public transit vehicles agreed to pay back wages, review hiring practices.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs
Byline: Michael Petersen
Dateline: Riverside, California
Topic: ElDorado National
24 January 2023Investigation into 41-year-old driver's death finds two delivery services companies failed to protect workers transporting dry ice in Alabama
In the summer of 2022, onlookers noticed a delivery truck stopped at about 8:15 a.m. one Wednesday morning on the University of Birmingham campus near what would have been the driver's first drop-off.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Byline: Erika B. Ruthman & Eric R. Lucero
Dateline: Birmingham, Alabama
Topic: Armstrong Transfer and Storage
24 January 2023La investigación sobre la muerte del conductor de 41 años encuentra que dos empresas de servicios de entrega no protegieron a los trabajadores que transportaban hielo seco en Alabama
En el verano de 2022, los espectadores notaron que un camión de reparto se detuvo alrededor de las 8:15 a. m. un miércoles por la mañana en el campus de la Universidad de Birmingham cerca de lo que habría sido la primera entrega del conductor.
Press Release (text)
Language: Spanish
Publisher: Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Byline: Erika B. Ruthman & Eric R. Lucero
Dateline: Birmingham, Alabama
Topic: Armstrong Transfer and Storage
30 January 2023US Department of Labor, Trade Representative again request Mexico review alleged labor rights denial at Piedras Negras auto parts plant
The request follows the ILC’s receipt of a new petition filed under the USMCA that claims the auto parts manufacturer continues to deny workers the rights of freedom of association and collective bargaining.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Christine Feroli
Dateline: Washington, D.C.
Topic: VU Manufacturing
8 February 2023Automaker Stellantis agrees to add lactation rooms, amend its break policy for nursing mothers at Sterling Heights plant, following investigation
Investigators with the department’s Wage and Hour Division responded to an allegation that a plant employee was expressing breast milk on the factory floor after being denied access to the assembly plant’s lactation rooms.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Scott Allen & Rhonda Burke
Dateline: Sterling Heights, Michigan
Topic: Stellantis
8 February 2023Departamento de Trabajo de EE.UU. anuncia acuerdo entre Mercedes-Benz USA y Job Corps para entrenar a estudiantes en carreras de auto mecánica
El Departamento de Trabajo de EE.UU. anunció hoy un acuerdo con Mercedes-Benz USA para empezar a entrenar a estudiantes de Job Corps en centros de Kentucky, Massachusetts, Nueva Jersey y Utah y ayudar con ello a satisfacer la necesidad de técnicos automotrices en la creciente industria de vehículos eléctricos.
Press Release (text)
Language: Spanish
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Monica Vereen
Dateline: Washington, D.C.
Topic: Mercedes-Benz
8 February 2023US Department of Labor announces Mercedes-Benz USA, Job Corps partnership to train students for auto technician careers
To help meet the need for auto technicians in the growing electric vehicle industry, the U.S. Department of Labor today announced a national partnership with Mercedes-Benz USA to train Job Corps students initially at centers in Kentucky, Massachusetts, New Jersey and Utah for automotive industry careers.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Monica Vereen
Dateline: Washington, D.C.
Topic: Mercedes-Benz
16 February 2023US Department of Labor recovers $139K in back wages for 28 drivers after Florida motor carrier misapplied exemption, denied overtime
Investigators with the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division found that the employer – which provides clean-up or dirt delivery to residential or construction sites in Escambia, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa and Walton counties – failed to pay the correct overtime to employees after misapplying a motor carrier exemption.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: Department of Labor
Byline: Eric R. Lucero & Erika Ruthman
25 July 2023Statement from President Joe Biden on Tentative Agreement Between UPS and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters
I applaud the Teamsters and UPS for coming together, negotiating in good faith, and reaching a tentative agreement today that will avoid a shutdown at UPS.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: The White House
Byline: President Joe Biden
Topics: International Brotherhood of Teamsters, UPS
14 August 2023Statement from President Joe Biden on the United Auto Workers and Big Three Contract Negotiations
The middle class built America, and unions built the middle class. The need to transition to a clean energy economy should provide a win-win opportunity for auto companies and unionized workers.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: The White House
Byline: President Joe Biden
Topic: UAW
24 August 2023Proposed Exemption for Certain Prohibited Transaction Restrictions: United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (the UAW or the Applicant) Located in Detroit, Michigan
As described in more detail below, the UAW is required to make certain contributions to the UAW Retirees Health Care Plan pursuant to a court-approved settlement agreement.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Employee Benefits Security Administration
Byline: George Christopher Cosby
Topic: UAW
25 October 2023Statement from President Joe Biden on Historic Tentative Agreement Between Ford and UAW
This tentative agreement provides a record raise to auto workers who have sacrificed so much to ensure our iconic Big Three companies can still lead the world in quality and innovation.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: The White House
Byline: President Joe Biden
Topics: UAW, Ford Motor Company
28 October 2023Statement from President Joe Biden on Historic Tentative Agreement Between Stellantis and UAW
This groundbreaking contract rewards the autoworkers who sacrificed so much to revive our auto industry with record raises, more paid leave, greater retirement security, and more rights and respect at work.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: The White House
Byline: President Joe Biden
Topics: UAW, Stellantis
30 October 2023Statement from President Joe Biden on Historic Tentative Agreement Between General Motors and UAW
This historic tentative agreement rewards the autoworkers who have sacrificed so much with the record raises, more paid leave, greater retirement security, and more rights and respect at work.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: The White House
Byline: President Joe Biden
Topics: UAW, General Motors
20 November 2023Statement from President Joe Biden on the Ratification of the UAW’s Historic Agreements with the Big Three Automakers
The UAW has announced that their dedicated union members who fought together, stood together, and walked the picket line together have now voted together to ratify their record contracts.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: The White House
Byline: President Joe Biden
Topic: UAW
12 January 2024Safety Fitness Determinations
FMCSA published an ANPRM in this proceeding stating the Agency was interested in developing a new methodology to determine when a motor carrier is not fit to operate commercial motor vehicles in or affecting interstate commerce.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Byline: Larry W. Minor
18 March 2024Statement from President Joe Biden on the Volkswagen Plant in Tennessee
I congratulate the Volkswagen autoworkers in Chattanooga who filed for a union election with the UAW. As one of the world’s largest automakers, many Volkswagen plants internationally are unionized.
Automotive News Briefs (text)
Publisher: The White House
Topics: UAW, Volkswagen
19 April 2024Statement from President Joe Biden on UAW Vote in Tennessee
I was proud to stand alongside auto workers in their successful fight for record contracts, and I am proud to stand with auto workers now as they successfully organize at Volkswagen.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: The White House
Byline: President Joe Biden
Topics: UAW, Volkswagen
28 April 2024Statement from President Joe Biden on the UAW Tentative Agreement
I applaud the UAW and Daimler for reaching a tentative agreement for a record contract. The UAW workers at Daimler are building the trucks and school buses of the future right here in America.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: The White House
Byline: President Joe Biden
Topics: UAW, Daimler
6 May 2024FACT SHEET: Vice President Harris Announces More Than $100 Million to Support American Auto Workers and Small Auto Suppliers
Actions announced during the Vice President’s nationwide Economic Opportunity Tour build on the Administration’s historic investments in the auto sector to ensure U.S. leadership in the clean vehicle future.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: The White House
Topic: Vice President Kamala Harris
13 May 2024Servicing Multi-Piece and Single Piece Rim Wheels Standard; Extension of the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Approval of Information Collection (Paperwork) Requirements
The Department of Labor, as part of the continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent (i.e., employer) burden, conducts a preclearance consultation program to provide the public with an opportunity to comment on proposed and continuing information collection requirements in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Byline: James S. Frederick
23 May 2024Statement from President Joe Biden on the Historic Union Contract in Georgia
Congratulations to members of the United Steelworkers and to Blue Bird for proving once again that meeting our clean energy goals is an opportunity to create good-paying union jobs for American workers.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: The White House
Byline: President Joe Biden
Topic: Blue Bird
17 June 2024Statement from President Biden on Agreement between the UAW and Ultium Cells
I congratulate the United Auto Workers and Ultium Cells for reaching a historic agreement in Lordstown, Ohio, where UAW workers are manufacturing batteries for General Motors electric cars and trucks.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: The White House
Byline: President Joe Biden
23 August 2024Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request; Servicing Multi-Piece and Single Piece Rim Wheels Standard
The purpose of the requirement is to reduce workers' risk of death or serious injury by ensuring that restraining devices used by them during the servicing of multi-piece rim wheels are in safe operating condition.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Department: Labor
Byline: Nicole Bouchet
Truckers keep our Nation moving forward. Every year, across more than 300 billion miles of highways and back roads, these men and women deliver 11.5 billion tons of goods to feed our families, fuel our industries, and sustain our communities.
Speech (text)
Publication: Congressional Record
Speaker: Congresswoman Virginia Foxx
If Republicans were truly serious about protecting American retirees, they would be working to restore the pensions of Americans who have lost their retirements, their pensions or seen them cut, like the thousands of Delphi salaried retirees across the country.
Speech (text)
Publication: Congressional Record
Speaker: Congressman Dan Kildee
Topic: Delphi
23 September 2024FACT SHEET: Taking Action to Support Auto Workers and Manufacturers, Including in Michigan
In Detroit, the White House will convene the Michigan Workforce Hub to announce new commitments to support the auto workforce and increase capital access for auto suppliers.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: The White House
Madam Speaker, 1 year ago, UAW members across the country went on strike and won a historic victory by securing agreements with the Big Three auto manufacturers.
Speech (text)
Publication: Congressional Record
Speaker: Congressman Bill Foster
Topic: United Auto Workers
A dedicated member of the United Auto Workers, he has forever fought for the right of working-class Americans and his work should be commended.
Speech (text)
Publication: Congressional Record
Speaker: Congresswoman Debbie Dingell
Topics: David Curson, UAW
1 November 2024Lyft To Pay Civil Penalty To Resolve Allegations Of Misleading Drivers About Their Potential Earnings
These guarantees allegedly did not clearly disclose that drivers were paid only the difference between what they otherwise earned for the rides and Lyft’s advertised guaranteed amount, rather than receiving the full guaranteed amount in addition to their regular earnings for the rides.
Press Release (text & document)
Publisher: U.S. Attorney's Office, Northern District of California
Dateline: San Francisco, California
Topic: Lyft

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