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Shailen Bhatt

American Government

Shailen Bhatt

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Article Index

30 November 2010Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) Compliance DatesShailen Bhatt
14 September 2022
hearing date
Hearing on the Nomination of Shailen P. Bhatt to be Administrator of the Federal Highway Administration of the Department of Transportation
Hearing Before the Committee on the Environment and Public Works
Hearing Transcript ( PDF) 15.3MB ยท 71 pages
Publisher: United States Senate
Topics: Shailen P. Bhatt
Federal Highway Administration
21 February 2023Waiver of Buy America Requirements for Electric Vehicle Chargers
The Federal Highway Administration is establishing a temporary public interest waiver to waive Buy America requirements for steel, iron, manufactured products, and construction materials in electric vehicle chargers.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Federal Highway Administration
Byline: Shailen P. Bhatt
28 February 2023National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Standards and Requirements
This final rule establishes regulations setting minimum standards and requirements for projects funded under the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Formula Program and projects for the construction of publicly accessible electric vehicle chargers under certain statutory authorities.
Federal Register Notice ( PDF)
Agency: Federal Highway Administration
Byline: Shailen P. Bhatt
17 March 2023Notice and Request for Comment on FHWA's Review of its General Applicability Waiver of Buy America Requirements for Manufactured Products
Following review and consideration of comments, FHWA will publish a determination on whether to continue, discontinue, or otherwise modify the waiver and will consider other actions related to the implementation of Buy America requirements for manufactured products.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Federal Highway Administrationbr>Byline: Shailen P. Bhatt
5 June 2023Designation of Transportation Management Areas
The FTA and FHWA are announcing that all urbanized areas with populations greater than 200,000, as determined by the 2020 Census, are hereby identified as Transportation Management Areas.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agencies: FHWA & FTA
Byline: Shailen P. Bhatt & Nuria Fernandez

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