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American Government: Arizona

American Government

American Government: Arizona

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Article Index


15 September 2017
15-17558 USA v. County of Maricopa
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
Maricopa County and Sheriff Arpaio appeal from a summary judgment in an action brought by the U.S. Department of Justice alleging a pattern or practice of discrimination against Latinos, in violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act.
Download 15-17558 USA v. County of Maricopa - 307KB - 31:05
7 June 2017
16-15606 Christian Longoria v. Pinal County
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
Christian Longoria appeals from the district court's summary judgment in his action alleging that Pinal County Sheriff's Deputy used excessive deadly force when he shot and killed Christian's father following a police pursuit.
Download 16-15606 Christian Longoria v. Pinal County - 132KB - 31:58

DateMedia or Collection Name & DetailsFiles
3 December 201413-16285, 13-17238 Manuel Ortega Melendres v. Joseph Arpaio
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

Misc. Video Page
- 551MB - 54:33
12 January 201615-15996 Manuel De Jesus Ortega Melendr v. Maricopa County
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

Misc. Video Page
- 447MB - 41:43
19 October 201716-16586 Protecting Arizona's Resources v. FHWA
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

Topic Page
- 613MB - 51:54


DateDocument Name & DetailsDocuments
December 2003Successes in Stewardship Facilitated Interagency Coordination in Arizona Leads to Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and Operating Agreement
Federal Highway Administration
HTML - 1 page


Arizona 1977 Historic Vehicle License Plate 1977 Historic Vehicle
Photo ©2012 Bill Crittenden
2012 The Cars Time Forgot
View photo of Arizona 1977 Historic Vehicle License Plate - 2.6MB

Article Index

31 December 1922COBB SAYS HUNT WILL BUILD ARIZONA ROADSTombstone Epitaph
3 November 2000U.S. Transportation Secretary Slater Announces $2.1 Million for Arizona in Highway Discretionary FundsFHWA
22 March 2001FHWA Approves Record Of Decision Advancing Hoover Dam Bypass ProjectFHWA
11 July 2002USDOT Joins Arizona DOT to Launch 511 Travel Information Model DeploymentFHWA
2 June 2004U.S. Transportation Secretary Mineta Announces $191,500 for Arizona's Scenic Byways ProgramFHWA
1 October 2004Nation's Top Highway Official Says Arizona's East Valley Detour Idea Boon to Economy, Taxpayers and CommutersFHWA
29 October 2004U.S. DOT Grant to Fund New I-40 Bridge in Winslow, ArizonaFHWA
27 October 2004U.S. DOT Grant to Provide $2.4 Million For New Bridge Near Hoover DamFHWA
15 February 2005Sustainable Design for East Valley Bus Maintenance Facility Will Make It the Largest and One of the First of Its Kind to Receive LEED CertificationRNL Design
6 January 2010Environmental Impact Statement; Maricopa County, AZFederal Register: FHWA (Kenneth H. Davis)
24 June 2010FHWA Administrator Mendez Joins Governor Richardson at Completion of Albuquerque’s I-40/Paseo del Volcan InterchangeFHWA
1 September 2010U.S. Transportation Deputy Secretary Meets with Owners of Minority- and Women-Owned Highway Construction Businesses in ArizonaFHWA
20 September 2010Environmental Impact Statement; Pinal County, AZFederal Register: FHWA (Kenneth H. Davis)
14 October 2010U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood Dedicates New Bridge at Hoover DamFHWA
9 February 2011Status of Motor Vehicle Budgets in Submitted State Implementation Plan for Transportation Conformity Purposes; Maricopa County (Phoenix) PM-10 Nonattainment Area, Arizona Notice of Withdrawal of Adequacy of Motor Vehicle Emissions BudgetFederal Register: EPA (Jared Blumenfeld)
17 August 2011U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood Announces $12.4 Million in Grants for Arizona Highway ProjectsFHWA
31 August 2011Notice of Final Federal Agency Actions on Proposed Bridge and Approach Roadways in Nevada and ArizonaFederal Register: FHWA (Susan Klekar)
5 November 2012Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; Arizona; Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance ProgramsFederal Register: EPA (Jared Blumenfeld)
17 December 2012Notice To Rescind a Notice of Intent and Draft Environmental Impact Statement: I-10 Corridor Improvement Study; Maricopa County, AZFederal Register: FHWA (Karla S. Petty)
5 March 2013U.S. Transportation Secretary LaHood Announces $2 Million in Quick Release Funds to Repair U.S. Highway 89 in ArizonaFHWA
7 May 2013U.S. Transportation Secretary LaHood Announces $35 Million for U.S. Highway 89 Repairs in Northern ArizonaFHWA
23 August 2013Notice To Rescind a Notice of Intent and Draft Environmental Impact Statement: I-17 Corridor Improvement Study; Maricopa County, ArizonaFederal Register: FHWA (Karla S. Petty
23 December 2013Revise Notice of Intent for an Environmental Impact Statement: State Route (SR) 95 Realignment Study: Interstate 40 to SR 68, Mohave County, ArizonaFederal Register: FHWA (Karla S. Petty)
7 November 2014South Mountain Freeway Project FEIS Comment ConsiderationFederal Register: FHWA (Karla S. Petty)
20 November 2014Elected Gu Vo District Chairwoman Sentenced to 18 Months ImprisonmentU.S. Attorney’s Office
2 December 2014Notice To Rescind a Notice of Intent and Draft Environmental Impact Statement: US 60 Superior to Globe Corridor Improvement/Realignment Study; Pinal and Gila Counties, Arizona.Federal Register: FHWA (Karla S. Petty)
10 September 2015Notice To Rescind a Notice of Intent for an Environmental Impact Statement for the State Route 95 Realignment Study: Interstate 40 to State Route 68, Mohave County, ArizonaFederal Register: FHWA (Karla S. Petty)
27 October 2015Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; Arizona; Phased Discontinuation of Stage II Vapor Recovery ProgramFederal Register: EPA (Jared Blumenfeld)
16 November 2015Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; Arizona; Phased Discontinuation of Stage II Vapor Recovery ProgramFederal Register: EPA (Jared Blumenfeld)
17 November 2015U.S. Transportation Secretary Foxx Announces $1 Million In Emergency Relief Funds For Federal Lands in Arizona, California and NevadaFHWA
4 March 2016Ten Arizona High Schools Participate in State Auto Technician CompetitionMesa Community Colleges
20 April 2016Kyrene School District Ups Blue Bird Propane Buses to 85 Percent of FleetROUSH CleanTech
20 May 2016Tier 1 Environmental Impact Statement for Interstate 11 Corridor Between Nogales and Wickenburg, ArizonaFederal Register: FHWA (Karla S. Petty)
3 October 2016Revise Notice of Intent for an Environmental Impact Statement: North-South Corridor Study: Interstate 10 to U.S. Highway 60, Pinal County, ArizonaFederal Register: FHWA (Karla S. Petty)
17 January 2017Off-road Vehicle Management Plan, Final Environmental Impact Statement, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Arizona and UtahFederal Register: DoI (Sue E. Masica)
12 May 2017Tier 1 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Sonoran Corridor Between Interstate 10 (I-10) and Interstate 19 (I-19) South of Tucson International Airport in Pima County, ArizonaFederal Register: FHWA (Karla S. Petty)
2 October 2017Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests; Apache, Coconino, Greenlee and Navajo Counties, Arizona; Revised Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Public Motorized Travel Management PlanFederal Register: USDA (Jeanne M. Higgins)
4 October 2017FHWA Awards $6 Million Advanced Congestion Management Grant to Arizona for Maricopa County’s Loop 101 Mobility ProjectFHWA
24 October 2017Proposed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Assigning Certain Federal Environmental Responsibilities to the State of Arizona, Including National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Authority for Certain Categorical Exclusions (CEs)Federal Register: FHWA (Karla S. Petty)
20 November 2017Notice of Final Federal Agency Action on Proposed Highway in ArizonaFederal Register: FHWA (Karla S. Petty)
25 April 2018Notice of Temporary Concession Contract for Fuel Sales, Convenience Retail Merchandise, RV and Campground Services in the Hite Area of Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, ArizonaFederal Register: DoI (Teri Austin)
24 October 2018FHWA National Dialogue on Highway Automation in Phoenix Focuses on Traffic OperationsFHWA
21 December 2018Notice of Final Federal Agency Actions on State Route 303 Loop, State Route 30 to Interstate 10 (Papago Freeway) in Goodyear, AZFederal Register: FHWA (Karla S. Petty)
11 February 2019Application From the State of Arizona to the Surface Transportation Project Delivery Program and Proposed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Assigning Environmental Responsibilities to the StateFederal Register: FHWA (Brandye L. Hendrickson)
1 May 2019Notice of Availability of Errata to the Draft Tier 1 Environmental Impact Statement and Preliminary Section 4(f) Evaluation for Interstate 11 Corridor Between Nogales and Wickenburg, AZFederal Register: FHWA (Karla S. Petty)
6 June 2019Executed Memorandum of Understanding Assigning FHWA's Environmental Review Responsibilities to the State of Arizona Under the Surface Transportation Project Delivery ProgramFederal Register: FHWA (Nicole R. Nason)
29 August 2019U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine L. Chao Announces $10.3 Million to Fund Bridge Improvements in ArizonaFHWA
15 November 2019Man Sentenced to Prison for Assaulting Navajo Nation Police OfficerU.S. Attorney’s Office, District of Arizona
31 December 2019Notice of Final State Agency Actions Under 23 U.S.C. 327 on State Route 30, SR 303L to SR 202L in Maricopa County, AZFederal Register: FHWA (Karla S. Petty)
5 June 2020Notice of Final State Agency Actions Under 23 U.S.C. 327 on Interstate 10 Broadway Curve, Interstate 17 (Split) to Loop 202 (Santan Freeway) in Maricopa County, AZFederal Register: FHWA (Karla S. Petty)
31 July 2020Notice of Final Federal Agency Actions on Verde Connect, Cornville Road to State Route 260 in Yavapai County, AZFederal Register: FHWA (Karla S. Petty)
1 September 2020Notice of Final State Agency Actions on Interstate 10--State Route 210 in Pima County, AZFederal Register: FHWA (Karla S. Petty)
1 September 2020Notice of Final State Agency Actions Under 23 U.S.C. 327 on the West Kingman Traffic Interchange in Mohave County, AZFederal Register: FHWA (Karla S. Petty)
28 October 2020Proposed First Renewed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Assigning Certain Federal Environmental Responsibilities to the State of Arizona, Including National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Authority for Certain Categorical Exclusions (CEs)Federal Register: FHWA (Karla Petty)
6 October 2020Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) 75--Phoenix, Arizona; Authorization of Limited Production Activity; Lucid Motors USA, Inc. (Electric Automobiles and Subassemblies); Casa Grande and Tempe, ArizonaFederal Register: DoC (Andrew McGilvray)
28 December 2020Surface Transportation Project Delivery Program; Arizona Department of Transportation Draft FHWA Audit ReportFederal Register: FHWA (Nicole R. Nason)
11 March 2021Valley Metro in Arizona Taps Stertil-Koni Vehicle Lifts to Modernize Bus Maintenance and Repair Operations in Mesa FacilityStertil-Koni
19 July 2021Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) 75--Phoenix, Arizona, Notification of Proposed Production Activity, Nikola Corporation, (Electric Road Tractors and Motor Vehicles), Coolidge, ArizonaFederal Register: DoC (Andrew McGilvray)
30 July 2021Notice of Final State Agency Actions on Avenue E, State Route 195 to County 18th Street in Yuma County, AZFederal Register: FHWA (Karla S. Petty)
20 September 2021Notice of Final State Agency Actions Under 23 U.S.C. 327 on I-17, Anthem Way to Jct. SR 69 in Maricopa County and Yavapai County, AZ
The actions relate to the Categorical Exclusion (CE) d-list action for--Other qualified project individually documented and approved under paragraph (d)--for the proposed project I-17, Anthem Way to Jct. SR 69 in Maricopa and Yavapai County, AZ. The actions grant licenses, permits, and approvals for the project.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Signing Official: Karla S. Petty
Department: FHWA
Topic: Interstate Highway System

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