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Category: Geographic Index
Wikipedia: Oregon
Page Sections: Article Index

Article Index

8 February 2022Rescission of Finding of No Significant Impact for the I-5 Rose Quarter Improvement Project in Portland, Oregon
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Federal Highway Administration
Byline: Phillip A. Ditzler
Topic: Interstate Highway System
11 May 2022Air Plan Approval; OR; Vehicle Inspection Program and Medford-Ashland PM10 Maintenance Plan Technical Correction
Additionally, EPA is proposing to make a technical correction to the Medford-Ashland particulate matter maintenance plan that incorrectly identified a street-sweeping commitment as a transportation control measure.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
Byline: Michelle L. Pirzadeh
20 December 2022Agency Information Collection Activities; Tramroads and Logging Roads
The BLM Oregon State Office has authority under the Oregon and California Revested Lands Sustained Yield Management Act of 1937 and subchapter V of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act to grant rights-of-way to private landowners to transport their timber over roads controlled by the BLM.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Bureau of Land Management
Byline: Darrin A. King
18 January 2023Notice of Final Federal Agency Actions on Proposed Bridge in City of Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon
The actions relate to a proposed highway project, OR 34: Van Buren Bridge Project, over the Willamette River, in City of Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Federal Highway Administration
Byline: Keith Lynch
5 April 2023Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the Interstate Bridge Replacement Program
The FHWA and FTA are issuing this notice to advise other Federal, State, and local agencies, Tribes, and the public that a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement will be prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act for the Interstate Bridge Replacement Program for proposed highway and high-capacity transit improvements between Portland, Oregon, and Vancouver, Washington, across the Columbia River in the Interstate 5 corridor.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agencies: Federal Highway Administration & FTA
Byline: Ralph J. Rizzo, Keith Lynch, Susan K. Fletcher
Topic: Interstate Highway System
23 January 2024Federal Charges Filed After Traffic Stop Yields More Than 200 Pounds of Methamphetamine
After briefly failing to yield to the investigators’ attempts to initiate a traffic stop, Juan Manuel Berrelleza Leyva, the vehicle’s driver and sole occupant, pulled over.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: U.S. Attorney's Office, District of Oregon
Dateline: Portland, Oregon
31 January 2024Final Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision for the Earthquake Ready Burnside Bridge Project
The FHWA is issuing this notice to advise other Federal, State, and local agencies, Tribes, and the public that a combined Final Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision have been prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act for the Earthquake Ready Burnside Bridge Project to create a seismically resilient Burnside Street lifeline route crossing of the Willamette River in Portland, Oregon.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Federal Highway Administration
Byline: Keith Lynch
14 February 2024Federal Law Enforcement Seizes $70k Vehicle to be Applied to Former CEO's $74 Million Restitution Order
According to court documents, the U.S. Attorney’s Office obtained information that Jon Harder had purchased a 2023 Ford F-150 truck for a cash sale price of approximately $70,000 using funds provided by a non-familial person.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: U.S. Attorney's Office, District of Oregon
Dateline: Portland, Oregon
Topic: Ford F-150
12 March 2024Notice of Final Federal Agency Actions on Proposed I-5 Rose Quarter Improvement Project
The actions relate to a proposed highway project, the Interstate-5 Rose Quarter Improvement Project in the Rose Quarter District of downtown Portland, Oregon. Those actions grant approvals for the project.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Federal Highway Administration
Byline: Keith Lynch
Topic: Interstate Highway System
12 March 2024Revised Supplemental Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact for the Proposed I-5 Rose Quarter Improvement Project
The FHWA and the Oregon Department of Transportation propose to undertake safety and operational improvements to I-5 through the Rose Quarter district in downtown Portland, Oregon.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Federal Highway Administration
Byline: Keith Lynch
Topic: Interstate Highway System
10 April 2024Lane County Diesel Repair Shop and Shop Owner Plead Guilty to Clean Air Act Violations
As part of their plea agreements, Diesel & Offroad Authority and Christopher Paul Kaufman have agreed to pay $150,000 each in criminal fines and serve three years terms of probation.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: U.S. Attorney's Office, District of Oregon
Dateline: Eugene, Oregon
Topics: Christopher Paul Kaufman, Diesel & Offroad Authority
18 April 2024U.S. Attorney's Office Launches Carjacking Task Force
Carjacking task forces have proven to be an effective part of successful violent crime reduction strategies by focusing on a significant driver of crime and taking violent offenders off the streets.
Press Release (text)
Publisher: U.S. Attorney's Office, District of Oregon
Dateline: Portland, Oregon
25 September 2024Commercial Driver's License: Oregon Department of Transportation; Application for Exemption
FMCSA announces its decision to grant a five-year exemption to the Oregon Department of Transportation from the commercial driver's license rules concerning acceptable proof of citizenship or lawful permanent residency for citizens of Freely Associated States who reside in Oregon and wish to obtain a CDL or commercial learner's permit.
Federal Register Notice (text)
Agency: Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Byline: Vincent G. White

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