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Kenneth R. Wykle
Kenneth R. Wykle
Federal Highway Administration administrator from 1997-2001.
The following section is an excerpt from Wikipedia's Kenneth R. Wykle page on 24 June 2018, text available via the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Kenneth R. Wykle was born in Ronceverte, West Virginia, joined the United States Army in 1963. After assignments in the United States and overseas, he was appointed Deputy Commander in Chief of the U.S. Transportation Command, the unified command for the Army, Navy, and Air Force mobility. He achieved the rank of Lieutenant General in 1993, and retired two years later.
Returning to public service as Administrator in late 1997, Wykle worked to secure passage of the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st century (TEA-21), which increased the Federal-aid Highway Program to record funding levels in the $30 billion range. He implemented TEA-21 rapidly, with emphasis on increased efficiency of program delivery.
Wykle addressed a wide range of issues by focusing on three management strategies. His focus on quality resulted in an Agency-wide self-assessment to achieve the vision of creating the best transportation system in the world. By focusing on the strategic plan, he helped create a road map that concentrated the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) efforts on the goals of mobility, safety, productivity, human and natural environment, and national security. And his focus on reorganization reshaped the FHWA to correlate with the strategic plan, TEA-21, and changes in the world transportation system.
In addition, Wykle fostered his vision of leveraging technology to increase the capability of existing infrastructure. He championed Intelligent Transportation Systems and the application of technology as the Interstate Highway Program of the new century. With his background in military logistics, Wykle encouraged enhanced efficiency for freight shipments by road and through improved intermodal connectors. He also encouraged advances in pavement and bridge technology, as well as safety, to provide longer lasting, more efficient service to the American people.
For more than three years that bridged the start of a new millennium, Wykle helped prepare the FHWA for the challenges of the 21st century.
Date | Document Name & Details | Documents |
28 October 1997 hearing date | Nomination of Kenneth R. Wykle Hearing Before the Committee on Environment and Public Works U.S. Senate |  PDF - 510KB - 28 pages |
Article Index
Date | Article | Author/Source |
9 January 1998 | Parts and Accessories Necessary for Safe Operation; Glazing in Specified Openings | Kenneth R. Wykle |
9 January 1998 | Qualification of Drivers; Waiver Application; Vision | Kenneth R. Wykle |
14 January 1998 | Controlled Substances and Alcohol Testing Management Information System (MIS) Statistical Data | Kenneth R. Wykle |
27 January 1998 | Certification of Speed Limit Enforcement | Kenneth R. Wykle |
11 February 1998 | Additional Interchanges to the Interstate System | Kenneth R. Wykle |
11 February 1998 | Safety Advisory: Unauthorized Cargo Tanks Used to Transport Hazardous Materials | Kenneth R. Wykle |
13 February 1998 | Registration of For-Hire Motor Carriers, Property Brokers, and Freight Forwarders | Kenneth R. Wykle |
18 February 1998 | Manufactured Home Tires, Parts and Accessories Necessary for Safe Operation, and Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards; Final Rule | Kenneth R. Wykle Nicolas P. Retsinas |
19 February 1998 | Emergency Relief (ER) Program--$500,000 Disaster Eligibility Threshold | Kenneth R. Wykle |
19 February 1998 | Inspection, Repair, and Maintenance; Periodic Inspection of Commercial Motor Vehicles | Kenneth R. Wykle |
19 February 1998 | National Standards for Traffic Control Devices; Revision of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices; Temporary Traffic Signals | Kenneth R. Wykle |
2 March 1998 | Commercial Driver Disqualification Provision | Kenneth R. Wykle |
12 March 1998 | Waiver for Canadian Electric Utility Motor Carriers From Alcohol and Controlled Substances Testing | Kenneth R. Wykle |
13 March 1998 | Civil Penalties | Kenneth R. Wykle |
21 January 1999 | Wykle Announces Actions in Response To Inspector General Report | Federal Highway Administration |
16 March 1999 | Statement by FHWA Administrator Kenneth R. Wykle Regarding Amtrak’s City of New Orleans | Federal Highway Administration |
22 April 1999 | Nation’s Top Highway Official Reports On Bicycle Transportation Progress At Earth Day Bike-In Rally | Federal Highway Administration |
27 April 1999 | FHWA Administrator Cites ITS Applications In New Salt Lake City Traffic Operations Center | Federal Highway Administration |
25 May 1999 | Remarks by FHWA Administrator Kenneth Wykle at the Announcement of the Commercial Vehicle Safety Action Plan | Kenneth Wykle |
1 June 1999 | FHWA Administrator Kicks Off International Safety Week On Truck and Bus Safety | Federal Highway Administration |
14 June 1999 | Federal Highway Administrator Celebrates First Anniversary of TEA-21 At Maryland I-70/I-270 Ground-Breaking | Federal Highway Administration |
21 July 1999 | Federal Highway Administrator Celebrates Anniversary of TEA-21, Announces Grants For Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont | Federal Highway Administration |
2 August 1999 | Secretary Slater, FHWA Administrator Wykle Announce Legislation to Improve Motor Carrier Safety | U.S. Department of Transportation |
25 February 2000 | Federal Highway Administrator Announces Task Force for Central Artery Project Oversight | FHWA |
13 March 2000 | Statement by Kenneth R. Wykle, Administrator, Federal Highway Administration | FHWA |
20 April 2000 | FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR WYKLE ANNOUNCES $300,000 GRANT FOR HONOLULU | Federal Highway Administration |
18 May 2000 | Top U.S. Highway Official Commends NESEA for Contribution to Cleaner Air | Federal Highway Administration |