A German manufacturer of cars and SUVs started in 1937 and based in Wolfsburg, Germany. Often abbreviated to VW.
when it was in production and the relatively few other Volkswagen models sometimes the cars were simply referred to as "Volkswagens."
Date | Document Name & Details | Documents |
6 March 1968 | Volkswagenwerk v. FMC Supreme Court of the United States Decision | Text |
20 November 2012 grant date | Design for Motor Vehicle United States Patent US D671,034 Klaus Bischoff, Oliver Stefani, and Marco Antonio Pavone for Volkswagen AG |  PDF - 1.6MB - 9 pages |
20 November 2012 grant date | Design for Motor Vehicle United States Patent US D671,035 Klaus Bischoff, Oliver Stefani, and Marco Antonio Pavone for Volkswagen AG |  PDF - 1.6MB - 9 pages |
11 June 2013 grant date | Exhaust Gas After-Treatment Having Reduced Rhodium Depletion United States Patent US 8,459,003 Jörg Theobald, Alf Degen, and Ekkehard Pott for Volkswagen AG |  PDF - 6.9MB - 12 pages |
8 October 2015 hearing date | Volkswagen’s Emissions Cheating Allegations: Initial Questions Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the Committee on Energy and Commerce U.S. House of Representatives |  PDF - 3.6MB - 134 pages |
1 June 2016 filing date | United States of America v. D-1 James Robert Liang Indictment United States District Court, Eastern District of Michigan, Southern Division |  PDF - 1.1MB - 25 pages |
9 September 2016 signing date | United States of America v. D-1 James Robert Liang Rule 11 Plea Agreement United States District Court, Eastern District of Michigan |  PDF - 773KB - 16 pages |
6 December 2016 hearing date | Volkswagen’s Emissions Cheating Settlement: Questions Concerning ZEV Program Implementation Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the Committee on Energy and Commerce U.S. House of Representatives |  PDF - 9.2MB - 141 pages |
30 December 2016 filing date | United States of America v. Oliver Schmidt Criminal Complaint United States District Court, Eastern District of Michigan |  PDF - 10.8MB - 18 pages |
11 January 2017 filing date | In re: Volkswagen "Clean Diesel" Marketing, Sales Practices, and Products Liability Litigation Notice of Lodging of Third Partial Consent Decree United States District Court, Northern District of California, San Francisco Division |  PDF - 24KB - 2 pages |
11 January 2017 filing date | In re: Volkswagen "Clean Diesel" Marketing, Sales Practices, and Products Liability Litigation Third Partial Consent Decree United States District Court, Northern District of California, San Francisco Division |  PDF - 4.2MB - 83 pages |
11 January 2017 publication date | Settlement Agreement Volkswagen AG United States Department of Justice |  PDF - 174KB - 14 pages |
11 January 2017 publication date | Settlement Agreement Volkswagen AG, Audi AG, and Dr. Ing. h.c.F. Porsche AG United States Customs and Border Protection |  PDF - 436KB - 13 pages |
11 January 2017 filing date | United States of America v. D-2 Richard Dorenkamp, D-3 Heinz-Jakob Neusser, D-4 Jens Hadler, D-5 Bernd Gottweis, D-6 Oliver Schmidt, and D-7 Jürgen Peter Second Superseding Information United States District Court, Eastern District of Michigan |  PDF - 1.4MB - 39 pages |
11 January 2017 publication date | United States of America v. Volkswagen AG Rule 11 Plea Agreement United States District Court, Eastern District of Michigan |  PDF - 16.7MB - 86 pages |
11 January 2017 filing date | United States of America v. Volkswagen AG Third Superseding Information United States District Court, Eastern District of Michigan |  PDF - 427KB - 12 pages |
4 August 2017 filing date | United States of America v. D-6 Oliver Schmidt Rule 11 Plea Agreement United States District Court, Eastern District of Michigan |  PDF - 867KB - 15 pages |
14 March 2018 filing date | United States of America v. Richard Dorenkamp, Heinz-Jakob Neusser, Jens Hadler, Bernd Gottweis, Jürgen Peter, and Martin Winterkorn Complaint United States District Court, Eastern District of Michigan, Southern Division |  PDF - 1.4MB - 43 pages |
17 December 2018 file creation date | United States of America v. IAV GmbH Plea Agreement United States District Court, Eastern District of Michigan |  PDF - 24.3MB - 64 pages |
18 December 2018 file creation date | United States of America v. IAV GmbH Sixth Superseding Information United States District Court, Eastern District of Michigan, Southern Division |  PDF - 353KB - 11 pages |
Date | Article | Author/Source |
17 July 2001 | VW and Corvette Vintage Ad Gallery Advertising Space Available! | WestCoastVenture.com Inc. |
29 August 2001 | VW Workers Continue Strike in Mexico  | Greg Flakus |
8 November 2001 | VW to Cut Jobs in Brazilian Plant | Voice of America |
22 February 2002 | PRESIDENT OF ARNOLD WORLDWIDE TO SPEAK IN ST. LOUIS | Arnold Worldwide |
30 June 2002 | Which Volkswagen Are You Most Like? Online Quiz Instantly Determines Your "Inner VW." | Auto Glass America |
18 February 2003 | PDA-based diagnostic tool for VWs and Audis now available from Shade Tree Software, LLC. | Shade Tree Software, LLC |
17 March 2003 | ProDiag, the VW and Audi Diagnostic Tool, Now Available for Handspring PDAs | Shade Tree Software, LLC |
25 September 2003 | Volkswagen bugs VWX.com - Files motion of contempt. | VWX.com |
31 December 2004 | Grammer Wins Volkswagen Best Supplier Award | Grammer Automotive |
23 April 2005 | VW übernimmt entlassene AEG-Mitarbeiter  | Wikinews |
9 July 2005 | VW-Affäre: Personalchef Hartz bietet Rücktritt an  | Wikinews |
7 October 2005 | Ermittlungsverfahren gegen Peter Hartz wegen Untreue  | Wikinews |
21 January 2006 | Portugal to produce new Volkswagen model in 2008 | Wikinews |
14 May 2006 | Explosion im Volkswagenwerk in Baunatal  | Wikinews |
17 May 2006 | Baunatal: Gesundheitsämter warnen nach Brand im VW-Werk  | Wikinews |
22 August 2006 | Volkswagen Invades 'Download 2006' | Stacey Wilson |
29 September 2006 | Volkswagen kehrt zur Fünf-Tage-Woche zurück  | Wikinews |
8 November 2006 | Bernd Pischetsrieder räumte den VW-Chefsessel  | Wikinews |
17 November 2006 | Martin Winterkorn zum neuen VW-Chef gekürt  | Wikinews |
18 November 2006 | Christian Wulff will Einfluss von Porsche auf VW zurückdrängen  | Wikinews |
20 November 2006 | Jüttner fordert Rückzug Wulffs aus dem VW-Aufsichtsrat  | Wikinews |
22 November 2006 | Die Volkswagen AG will am Standort Brüssel Arbeitsplätze abbauen  | Wikinews |
3 December 2006 | Demonstration gegen die Streichung von Arbeitsplätzen im Brüsseler VW-Werk  | Wikinews |
4 December 2006 | Rupert Stadler wird Nachfolger von Martin Winterkorn bei Audi  | Wikinews |
12 February 2007 | Volkswagen Shows the Future of Clean Vehicles at Sustainability Summit | Anthony Fontanelle |
13 February 2007 | EU-Gerichtsgutachter: VW-Gesetz verstößt gegen Europarecht  | Wikinews |
24 March 2007 | Porsche will seine Anteile bei VW auf über 30 Prozent aufstocken  | Wikinews |
30 March 2007 | Volkswagen Cars Named Finalists for Ad Awards | Anthony Fontanelle |
9 April 2007 | Im VW-Werk Emden sollen bald auch Audi-Modelle vom Band rollen  | Wikinews |
10 April 2007 | Audi dementiert: Keine Produktion im VW-Werk Emden geplant  | Wikinews |
8 May 2007 | VW Investors Turn Down Porsche's Low-Ball Offer | Anthony Fontanelle |
12 May 2007 | VW-Führungsgremien empfehlen den Aktionären die Ablehnung des Porsche-Übernahmeangebots  | Wikinews |
21 May 2007 | CAAS Signed Supply Agreement With VW Joint Venture In China | Anthony Fontanelle |
15 June 2007 | VW-Affäre: SPD-Landtagsabgeordneter Lenz legt Mandat nieder  | Wikinews |
3 July 2007 | Volkswagen Sees 25% Gain In 2007 | Anthony Fontanelle |
19 July 2007 | VW Troubled By NBC Uni Deal | Anthony Fontanelle |
25 July 2007 | VW, Proton Nearing Partnership Agreement | Anthony Fontanelle |
7 August 2007 | Volkswagen Closing In On Proton | Anthony Fontanelle |
13 August 2007 | Volkswagen's Bourne Ultimatum Tie-Up Done In Good Taste | Anthony Fontanelle |
23 August 2007 | Volkswagen Breaks Sales Record | Anthony Fontanelle |
30 August 2007 | VW, Apple To Produce An iCar? | Anthony Fontanelle |
3 September 2007 | VW Launches New Formula 3 Engine | Anthony Fontanelle |
13 September 2007 | Volkswagen To Unveil 12 Models To Spice Up Competition | Anthony Fontanelle |
14 September 2007 | American Market: VW's Top Priority | Anthony Fontanelle |
18 September 2007 | VW, German Society For Nature Conservation NABU Join Frankfurt Auto Show | Anthony Fontanelle |
28 September 2007 | Volkswagen Bags Triple Lead; Sainz In Front | Anthony Fontanelle |
28 September 2007 | Volkswagen's Diesels To Visit AltWheels Festival | Anthony Fontanelle |
28 September 2007 | VW Dieselution Pushes Clean Diesel Technology | Anthony Fontanelle |
24 October 2007 | Фольксваген может перейти под контроль Порше  | Викиновости |
24 November 2007 | VW's Goal: To Overtake Toyota By 2018 | Anthony Fontanelle |
7 December 2007 | VW Eyes Factory Site In North America | Anthony Fontanelle |
8 January 2008 | VW, Tata Motors Plan Thai Plants | Anthony Fontanelle |
11 January 2008 | VW Widens ‘07 China Passenger Car Sales Lead Over GM | Anthony Fontanelle |
17 January 2008 | VW Inks Record Sales Of 6.2M Units In 2007 | Anthony Fontanelle |
21 January 2008 | Volkswagen Expects Sales Growth On Skoda, VW Brands | Anthony Fontanelle |
27 February 2008 | VW Group To Host Job Fair | Anthony Fontanelle |
13 March 2008 | VW erzielte bei Automobilen eine Kapitalrendite von 9,5 Prozent  | Wikinews |
14 March 2008 | Porsche kämpft mit dem Land Niedersachsen um Einfluss bei VW  | Wikinews |
20 April 2008 | VW erwartet 2008 gute Geschäfte auf dem chinesischen Markt  | Wikinews |
29 May 2008 | Volkswagen Hybrid For 2010 | Anthony Fontanelle |
28 June 2008 | Langzeittests mit 20 Elektroautos in Berlin  | Wikinews |
22 November 2008 | Finding Unique Volkswagen Parts | Martin Reister |
23 November 2008 | Volkswagen Parts With Class | Martin Reister |
19 December 2008 | How Do Luxury Performance Parts Benefit You? | Martin Reister |
19 December 2008 | Why Should You Buy Luxury Performance Parts For Your Vehicle? | Martin Reister |
11 January 2009 | What Is The Revolution-Vario Plus Control Module? | Martin Reister |
11 February 2009 | VW will vorerst auf die Markteinführung von Elektroautos verzichten  | Wikinews |
13 February 2009 | Verwirrung um Haltung von VW zu Elektroautos  | Wikinews |
7 May 2009 | Porsche and Volkswagen automakers agree to merger | Wikinews |
14 July 2009 | Volkswagen will ab 2013 Elektroautos anbieten  | Wikinews |
24 July 2009 | Porsche-Übernahme durch die Volkswagen AG perfekt – Wiedeking tritt zurück  | Wikinews |
27 July 2009 | VW plant milliardenschwere Kapitalerhöhung zur Finanzierung der Porsche-Übernahme  | Wikinews |
6 January 2011 | German Automakers, China to Sign Billion-Dollar Deals | VOA Breaking News |
13 January 2011 | VW's transparent factory | Gus Philpott, The Woodstock Advocate |
24 February 2011 | Approval of Manufacturing Authority, Foreign-Trade Zone 134, Volkswagen Group of America Chattanooga Operations, LLC (Motor Vehicles), Chattanooga, TN | Ronald K. Lorentzen Andrew McGilvray |
24 October 2011 | Volkswagen Could Grab Car Industry Top Seller Honors | VOA Breaking News |
5 July 2012 | German Carmaker Volkswagen Set To Takeover Porsche | VOA Breaking News |
5 July 2012 | VW buys Porsche for £3.6bn  | Matt Hubbard, Speedmonkey |
6 July 2012 | Volkswagen покупает Porsche  | Викиновости |
30 August 2012 | Компания Volkswagen вложит в экономику России еще один миллиард евро  | Викиновости |
21 November 2012 | Volkswagen Van Leasing: An Asset Management Strategy That Benefits Your Business | Kate Barton |
2 December 2012 | Brazilian barn find - 23 Volkswagen SP2s  | Matt Hubbard, Speedmonkey |
24 April 2013 | Volkswagen Group release financial stats. We work out how much profit they make per car  | Matt Hubbard, Speedmonkey |
19 July 2013 | Will GM and Volkswagen Eventually Become Chinese Companies?  | Jason Lancaster |
22 August 2013 | Look at the size of VW's massive display at Frankfurt Motor Show  | Matt Hubbard, Speedmonkey |
27 November 2013 | Volkswagen Is Investing Vast Amounts Of Money In New Stuff  | Matt Hubbard, Speedmonkey |
10 January 2014 | VW Keep Up The WRC Pressure For 2014  | Geoff Maxted, DriveWrite Automotive |
23 January 2014 | Has Volkswagen Backed The Wrong Technology?  | Matt Hubbard, Speedmonkey |
15 February 2014 | UAW Mulls Legal Action After VW Tennessee Plant Vote | VOA News |
17 July 2014 | Volkswagen To Buy Fiat? | Matt Hubbard, Speedmonkey |
24 February 2015 | Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) 134--Chattanooga, Tennessee; Notification of Proposed Production Activity; Volkswagen Group of America Chattanooga Operations, LLC; (Motor Vehicles); Chattanooga, Tennessee | Federal Register: Foreign-Trade Zones Board (Andrew McGilvray) |
5 June 2015 | Authorization of Production Activity, Foreign-Trade Zone 134, Volkswagen Group of America Chattanooga Operations, LLC, (Passenger Motor Vehicles), Chattanooga, Tennessee | Federal Register: Foreign-Trade Zones Board (Andrew McGilvray) |
19 September 2015 | US Accuses Volkswagen of Evading Clean Air Laws | VOA News |
21 September 2015 | US Justice Department to Open Criminal Probe of VW | VOA News |
21 September 2015 | Shares of VW Drop 13% After Intentional False Emission Data | VOA News |
22 September 2015 | Corporate Culture in the Automobile Industry | Senator Bill Nelson |
22 September 2015 | Volkswagen and Audi's uphill climb to regain trust  | John Goreham |
22 September 2015 | Volkswagen engulfed by diesel emissions scandal | Wikinews |
22 September 2015 | VW Admits 11 Million Cars Fitted With Sneaky Software | VOA News |
24 September 2015 | Just a Thought on Volkswagen's "Scandal"... | Bill Crittenden |
24 September 2015 | Volkswagen | Senator Amy Klobuchar |
24 September 2015 | Volkswagen CEO resigns after emissions scandal | Wikinews |
24 September 2015 | Volkswagen Chief Resigns Over Pollution Cheat  | VOA News |
26 September 2015 | Switzerland Suspends Sales of Volkswagen Diesel Vehicles | VOA News |
27 September 2015 | Volkswagen Reportedly Ignored Warnings on Emissions Cheating | VOA News |
28 September 2015 | Ex-VW Boss Winterkorn Investigated for Fraud | VOA News |
2 October 2015 | France Opens Investigation Into Volkswagen Scandal | VOA News |
7 October 2015 | Volkswagen Elects New Chairman of its Board of Directors | VOA News |
8 October 2015 | VW’s US Executive Apologizes for Emissions Scandal | VOA News |
3 November 2015 | More Problems Revealed on Volkswagen Cars | VOA News |
4 November 2015 | Volkswagen emissions scandal may affect thousands more cars | Wikinews |
7 November 2015 | Report: VW to Compensate Some US Car Owners | VOA News |
9 November 2015 | VW to Offer $1,000 Payments to US Owners | Ken Bredemeier, VOA News |
9 December 2015 | VW: Problem With CO2 Emissions Smaller than First Thought | VOA News |
4 January 2016 | US Sues VW Over Bogus Emissions Software | VOA News |
20 January 2016 | Global auto industry ‘Pressure Cooker’ could have led VW to cheat emissions tests, says new research by Oxford Saïd | Saïd Business School |
19 February 2016 | Prosecutors Raid Seoul Volkswagen Office | Katherine Gypson & Fern Robinson, VOA News |
22 February 2016 | Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) 134--Chattanooga, Tennessee; Notification of Proposed Production Activity; Volkswagen Group of America Chattanooga Operations, LLC; (Motor Vehicles); Chattanooga, Tennessee | Federal Register: DoC (Andrew McGilvray) |
21 April 2016 | Volkswagen to Buy Back Cars, Pay $1 Billion in Emissions-Cheating Case | VOA News |
21 April 2016 | Volkswagen, US Government Reach Emissions Deal | VOA News |
10 May 2016 | Volkswagen Group of America, Grant of Petition for Decision of Inconsequential Noncompliance | Federal Register: NHTSA (Jeffrey M. Giuseppe) |
23 May 2016 | Certain Hybrid Electric Vehicles and Components Thereof, Institution of Investigation | Federal Register: ITC (Lisa R. Barton) |
17 June 2016 | Authorization of Production Activity, Foreign-Trade Zone 134, Volkswagen Group of America Chattanooga Operations, LLC (Passenger Motor Vehicles), Chattanooga, Tennessee | Federal Register: DoC (Elizabeth Whiteman) |
28 June 2016 | VW Agrees to Nearly $15B in US Settlement Over Emissions Scandal | VOA News |
29 July 2016 | Volkswagen Adds CarChat24 as VW Dealer Digital Program Partner | CarChat24 |
2 August 2016 | South Korea Bans 80 Volkswagen Models, Fines Company $16 Million | VOA News |
20 August 2016 | There Are Lots of Reasons To Tweak VW Production Scheduled, Sometimes It’s Just Balance | Marc Stern, TorqueNews |
9 September 2016 | Volkswagen Engineer Pleads Guilty for His Role in Conspiracy to Cheat U.S. Emissions Test  | U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Michigan |
23 October 2016 | Judge Approves Record $14.7 Billion Volkswagen Settlement | VOA News |
2 November 2016 | Volkswagen confirma su retiro del Campeonato Mundial de Rally  | Wikinoticias |
18 November 2016 | VW to Cut Jobs for Profitability, Recovery From 'Dieselgate' Scandal | VOA News |
7 December 2016 | Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) 134--Chattanooga, Tennessee; Notification of Proposed Production Activity; Volkswagen Group of America--Chattanooga Operations, LLC; (Passenger Motor Vehicles); Chattanooga, Tennessee | Federal Register: DoC (Andrew McGilvray) |
20 December 2016 | Volkswagen Reaches $1B Deal with US, California Over Emissions Cheating | Ken Schwartz, VOA News |
9 January 2017 | US Charges Former VW Executive with Conspiracy | VOA News |
9 January 2017 | Volkswagen Executive Charged for Alleged Role in Conspiracy to Cheat U.S. Emissions Tests  | Department of Justice, Office of Public Affairs |
11 January 2017 | Volkswagen AG Agrees to Plead Guilty and Pay $4.3 Billion in Criminal and Civil Penalties; Six Volkswagen Executives and Employees are Indicted in Connection with Conspiracy to Cheat U.S. Emissions Tests  | Department of Justice, Office of Public Affairs |
14 January 2017 | EE.UU. logra acuerdo con Volkswagen por pruebas de emisiones  | Wikinoticias |
7 February 2017 | Certain Hybrid Electric Vehicles and Components Thereof; Termination of Investigation on the Basis of Settlement | Federal Register: ITC (Lisa R. Barton) |
10 March 2017 | Volkswagen AG Pleads Guilty in Connection with Conspiracy to Cheat U.S. Emissions Tests | U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Michigan |
30 March 2017 | Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) 134--Chattanooga, Tennessee; Authorization of Production Activity (Passenger Motor Vehicle Production), Chattanooga, Tennessee | Federal Register: DoC (Andrew McGilvray) |
21 April 2017 | Volkswagen AG Sentenced in Connection with Conspiracy to Cheat U.S. Emissions Tests | Department of Justice, Office of Public Affairs |
24 May 2017 | An Overview of VW’s Racing Division | Will Hope |
4 August 2017 | Volkswagen Executive Pleads Guilty in 'Dieselgate' Scandal | VOA News |
4 August 2017 | Volkswagen Senior Manager Pleads Guilty in Connection with Conspiracy to Cheat U.S. Emissions Tests  | U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Michigan |
25 August 2017 | Volkswagen Engineer Sentenced for His Role in Conspiracy to Cheat U.S. Emissions Tests | U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Michigan |
11 September 2017 | Volkswagen Group of America; Receipt of Petition for Temporary Exemption From FMVSS No. 108 | Federal Register: NHTSA (Raymond R. Posten) |
24 October 2017 | Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) 134--Chattanooga, Tennessee; Notification of Proposed Production Activity; Volkswagen Group of America--Chattanooga Operations, LLC (Passenger Motor Vehicles), Chattanooga, Tennessee | Federal Register: DoC (Andrew McGilvray) |
6 December 2017 | 7 Years in Prison for Former Top Volkswagen Manager | VOA News |
6 December 2017 | Why Ex-VW exec receives 7 years, $400,000 fine for role in Dieselgate | Marc Stern, TorqueNews |
15 December 2017 | VW: Some Employees Cooperated With Brazil's Military Dictatorship | VOA News |
12 February 2018 | Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) 134--Chattanooga, Tennessee; Notification of Proposed Production Activity: Volkswagen Group of America--Chattanooga Operations, LLC (Passenger Motor Vehicles), Chattanooga, Tennessee | Federal Register: DoC (Andrew McGilvray) |
14 February 2018 | Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) 134--Chattanooga, Tennessee; Authorization of Production Activity; (Passenger Motor Vehicles); Chattanooga, Tennessee | Federal Register: DoC (Andrew McGilvray) |
22 March 2018 | BMW of North America, LLC--Receipt of Petition for Temporary Exemption From FMVSS No. 108 for Adaptive Driving Beam; BMW of North America, LLC and Volkswagen Group of America--Request for Certain Information To Support Petitions for Adaptive Driving Beams | Federal Register: NHTSA (Raymond R. Posten) |
3 May 2018 | Former CEO of Volkswagen AG Charged With Conspiracy And Wire Fraud In Diesel Emissions Scandal  | U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Michigan |
6 June 2018 | Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) 134--Chattanooga, Tennessee; Authorization of Production Activity; Volkswagen Group of America--Chattanooga Operations, LLC (Passenger Motor Vehicles); Chattanooga, Tennessee | Federal Register: DoC (Andrew McGilvray) |
13 June 2018 | Volkswagen Fined Nearly $1.2 Billion in Emissions Scandal | VOA News |
9 July 2018 | Notice Pursuant to the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993--Cooperative Research Group on Hedge IV | Federal Register: DoJ (Suzanne Morris) |
1 October 2018 | Alternative Methods for Calculating Off-Cycle Credits Under the Light-Duty Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emissions Program: Application From Volkswagen Group of America, Inc. | Federal Register: EPA (Byron J. Bunker) |
18 December 2018 | IAV GmbH to Pay $35 Million Criminal Fine in Guilty Plea for Its Role in Volkswagen AG Emissions Fraud  | Department of Justice, Office of Public Affairs |
6 March 2019 | Volkswagen Group of America, Inc., Grant of Petition for Decision of Inconsequential Noncompliance | Federal Register: NHTSA (Michael A. Cole) |
14 March 2019 | SEC Charges Volkswagen, Former CEO With Defrauding Bond Investors During "Clean Diesel" Emissions Fraud | Securities & Exchange Commission |
19 November 2019 | Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) 134--Chattanooga, Tennessee; Notification of Proposed Production Activity; Volkswagen Group of America Chattanooga Operations, LLC; (Passenger Motor Vehicles); Chattanooga, Tennessee | Federal Register: DoC (Andrew McGilvray) |
12 March 2020 | Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) 134--Chattanooga, Tennessee, Authorization of Production Activity, Volkswagen Group of America Chattanooga Operations, LLC (Passenger Motor Vehicles), Chattanooga, Tennessee | Federal Register: DoC (Andrew McGilvray) |
1 July 2020 | Denial of Motor Vehicle Defect Petition, DP19-003 | Federal Register: NHTSA (Jeffrey Mark Giuseppe) |
10 July 2020 | Volkswagen Group of America, Inc., Receipt of Petition for Decision of Inconsequential Noncompliance | Federal Register: NHTSA (Otto G. Matheke III) |
24 September 2020 | Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) 134--Chattanooga, Tennessee; Notification of Proposed Production Activity; Volkswagen Group of America Chattanooga Operations, LLC (Passenger Motor Vehicles), Chattanooga, Tennessee | Federal Register: DoC (Andrew McGilvray) |
23 October 2020 | Alternative Methods for Calculating Off-Cycle Credits Under the Light-Duty Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emissions Program: Applications From Volkswagen Group of America, Inc. | Federal Register: EPA (Byron Bunker) |
25 January 2021 | Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) 134--Chattanooga, Tennessee; Authorization of Production Activity; Volkswagen Group of America Chattanooga Operations, LLC (Passenger Motor Vehicles), Chattanooga, Tennessee | Federal Register: DoC (Elizabeth Whiteman) |
14 March 2022 | Volkswagen Group of America, Inc., Receipt of Petition for Decision of Inconsequential Noncompliance Volkswagen Group of America has determined that certain model year 2021-2022 Volkswagen and Audi motor vehicles do not fully comply with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 208, Occupant Crash Protection. | Federal Register Notice (text) Agency: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Byline: Otto G. Matheke III Topic: Volkswagen |
30 September 2022 | Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) 134--Chattanooga, Tennessee; Notification of Proposed Production Activity; Volkswagen Group of America--Chattanooga Operations, LLC (Passenger Motor Vehicles); Chattanooga, Tennessee The proposed foreign-status materials and components include: USB port for infotainment system; driver assistance (device that reads the sensors on the vehicle and relays information through the radio); camera systems; and, windshields (duty rate ranges from duty-free to 2.5%) | Federal Register Notice (text) Agency: Foreign-Trade Zones Board Byline: Elizabeth Whiteman Topic: Volkswagen |
30 January 2023 | Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) 134--Chattanooga, Tennessee; Authorization of Production Activity; Volkswagen Group of America--Chattanooga Operations, LLC (Passenger Motor Vehicles); Chattanooga, Tennessee The notification was processed in accordance with the regulations of the FTZ Board, including notice in the Federal Register inviting public comment. | Federal Register Notice (text) Agency: Foreign-Trade Zones Board Byline: Elizabeth Whiteman Topic: Volkswagen |
19 May 2023 | Volkswagen Group of America, Inc., Grant of Petition for Decision of Inconsequential Noncompliance Volkswagen Group of America has determined that certain model year 2021-2022 Volkswagen and Audi motor vehicles do not fully comply with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) No. 208, Occupant Crash Protection. | Federal Register Notice (text) Agency: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Byline: Otto G. Matheke III Topic: Audi, Volkswagen |
18 March 2024 | Statement from President Joe Biden on the Volkswagen Plant in Tennessee I congratulate the Volkswagen autoworkers in Chattanooga who filed for a union election with the UAW. As one of the world’s largest automakers, many Volkswagen plants internationally are unionized. | Automotive News Briefs (text) Publisher: The White House Topics: UAW, Volkswagen |
19 April 2024 | Statement from President Joe Biden on UAW Vote in Tennessee I was proud to stand alongside auto workers in their successful fight for record contracts, and I am proud to stand with auto workers now as they successfully organize at Volkswagen. | Press Release (text) Publisher: The White House Byline: President Joe Biden Topics: UAW, Volkswagen |
10 January 2024 | Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) 134, Notification of Proposed Production Activity; Volkswagen Group of America, Inc.; (Passenger Motor Vehicles); Chattanooga, Tennessee The proposed foreign-status components include: high voltage heating positive coefficient modules; stainless steel exhaust systems with catalyst; spindle drives; light on detection sensors; and, rain sensors. | Federal Register Notice (text) Agency: Foreign-Trade Zones Board Byline: Elizabeth Whiteman Topic: Volkswagen |
8 May 2024 | Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) 134; Authorization of Production Activity; Volkswagen Group of America, Inc.; (Passenger Motor Vehicles); Chattanooga, Tennessee The notification was processed in accordance with the regulations of the FTZ Board, including notice in the Federal Register inviting public comment. | Federal Register Notice (text) Agency: Foreign-Trade Zones Board Byline: Elizabeth Whiteman Topic: Volkswagen |
20 September 2024 | Farmington Hills Man Sentenced to 8 Years for Stealing Cars from Silverdome The evidence presented during trial showed that for approximately six months in 2017, Porter and co-defendant Daniel Onorati conspired with each other and others to steal approximately 61 recalled Volkswagen and Audi cars that were parked at the site of the former Pontiac Silverdome. | Press Release (text) Publisher: U.S. Attorney's Office, Eastern District of Michigan Dateline: Detroit, Michigan  |