A manufacturer of cars and SUVs from 2007-2014. The parent company of the
brand. During its existence it would spin off
as a seprate brand from Dodge.
Chrysler, LLC became the name of the company when the brands were bought out from
by Cerberus Capital Management, L.P., modified its name from Chrysler LLC to Chrysler Group LLC in 2009, and became
in 2014.
Date | Article | Author/Source |
21 February 2007 | GM-Chrysler Merger Would Hurt State Budget | Anthony Fontanelle |
17 April 2007 | Chrysler Group Suitors Chat Up Dealers | Anthony Fontanelle |
25 April 2007 | Chrysler Bidding Heats Up | AAnthony Fontanelle |
8 May 2007 | Cerberus' Bernhard Visits Chrysler Headquarter | Anthony Fontanelle |
12 May 2007 | "Magna's Deal With Russian Firm Won't Affect Chrysler Bid" - Stronach | Anthony Fontanelle |
14 May 2007 | Daimler trennt sich von Chrysler  | Wikinews |
14 May 2007 | DaimlerChrysler to sell Chrysler Group for $7.4 Billion | Wikinews |
17 May 2007 | Chrysler Acquisition Marks Cerberus' Expansion | Anthony Fontanelle |
18 May 2007 | Cerberus: Chrysler To Remain Intact | Anthony Fontanelle |
23 May 2007 | Cerberus Secures $62B For Chrysler's Recapitalization | Anthony Fontanelle |
24 May 2007 | Chrysler Group To Open New Engine Plant | Anthony Fontanelle |
5 June 2007 | Chrysler Sales Increases By Four Percent | Lauren Woods |
15 June 2007 | ‘Failure Is Not An Option' - Cerberus | Anthony Fontanelle |
15 June 2007 | Chrysler Invests Millions In Kenosha Engine Plant | Anthony Fontanelle |
28 June 2007 | Chrysler Invests 450M In Kenosha Engine Plant | Anthony Fontanelle |
28 July 2007 | Former Exec To Reunite With Chrysler | Anthony Fontanelle |
4 August 2007 | DaimlerChrysler: US-Tochter Chrysler für 7,4 Milliarden US-Dollar verkauft  | Wikinews |
10 October 2007 | Chrysler Auto Workers Begin Strike | VOA News |
10 October 2007 | Edwards Statement In Support Of Striking Chrysler Autoworkers | Senator John Edwards |
28 September 2007 | Jim Press Confident About Chrysler's Future | Anthony Fontanelle |
7 November 2007 | Chrysler Sets Used Car Sales Record | Anthony Fontanelle |
13 November 2007 | Chrysler Unveil Diesel Models | Anthony Fontanelle |
16 December 2007 | Chrysler still leads minivan market | Anthony Fontanelle |
18 December 2007 | Chrysler To Connect Soldiers With Families | Anthony Fontanelle |
19 December 2007 | Honda vs. Chrysler is the Minivan Segment | Anthony Fontanelle |
15 January 2008 | Chrysler Warns Canada Auto | Anthony Fontanelle |
5 February 2008 | Plastech Contract Dispute: A Threat To Chrysler's Stability | Anthony Fontanelle |
13 February 2008 | Chrysler's Engine Plant Receives Excellence Award | Anthony Fontanelle |
14 February 2008 | Chrysler Covets Plastech Equipment | Anthony Fontanelle |
28 February 2008 | Chrysler Launches Specialized Programs | Anthony Fontanelle |
17 July 2008 | Auch Chrysler setzt in Zukunft auf Elektroautos  | Wikinews |
21 December 2008 | US-Autokonzerne GM und Chrysler vorerst gerettet  | Wikinews |
3 February 2009 | GM, Chrysler offer buyouts and early retirement to workers | Wikinews |
18 February 2009 | US automakers GM and Chrysler seek more government aid | Wikinews |
30 March 2009 | Obama Administration New Path to Viability for GM & Chrysler | Obama Administration |
3 April 2009 | GM and Chrysler receive Canadian loans amid US restructuring ultimata | Wikinews |
30 April 2009 | Joint Statement on United States-Canada Support for Chrysler LLC | President Barack Obama |
30 April 2009 | Крајслер прогласио привремено банкротство по Члану 11 Закона о Банкротству  | Викивести |
1 May 2009 | Chrysler files for bankruptcy, Fiat Group SpA to run company | Wikinews |
1 May 2009 | شركة كرايسلر للسيارات تشهر إفلاسها  | ويكي الأخبار |
14 May 2009 | U.S. automaker Chrysler wants to eliminate 789 dealerships | Wikinews |
28 May 2009 | Chrysler comparece ante corte de bancarrotas  | Wikinoticias |
1 June 2009 | Odobrena prodaja većine imovine Krajzlera Fiatu  | Викивести |
1 June 2009 | Statement on Automobile Manufacturer Chrysler, LLC | President Barack Obama |
17 July 2009 | Boehner Statement On Resolution Seeking Answers From Administration On Influence Exerted Over GM & Chrysler Bankruptcy/Reorganization Proceedings Passing House Financial Services Committee | Congressman John Boehner |
30 July 2010 | Remarks at the Chrysler Jefferson North Assembly Plant in Detroit, Michigan | President Barack Obama |
30 August 2010 | Chrysler, LLC, Detroit Axle Plant, Including On-Site Leased Workers from Caravan Knight Facilities Management LLC, and Syncreon, Detroit, MI; Amended Certification Regarding Eligibility To Apply for Worker Adjustment Assistance and Alternative Trade Adjustment Assistance | Federal Register: DoL (Del Min Amy Chen) |
30 August 2010 | Chrysler, LLC; Twinsburg Stamping Plant, Including On-Site Leased Workers from Caravan Knight Facilities Management LLC, Wackenhut Security, CR Associates, and Syncreon, Twinsburg, OH; Amended Certification Regarding Eligibility To Apply for Worker Adjustment Assistance and Alternative Trade Adjustment Assistance | Federal Register: DoL (Del Min Amy Chen) |
16 September 2010 | Application Nos. and Proposed Exemptions; D-11603-07, Chrysler Group LLC and Daimler AG; et al. | Ivan Strasfeld |
29 September 2010 | Chrysler Financial Services Americas, LLC, a Subsidiary of Finco Intermediate Holding Co., LLC, Troy Customer Contact Center, Troy, Michigan; Notice of Affirmative Determination Regarding Application for Reconsideration | Federal Register: DoL (Del Min Amy Chen) |
30 October 2010 | Automaker Chrysler Opens $570 Million Plant In Mexico | VOA Breaking News |
23 November 2010 | Remarks at the Chrysler Indiana Transmission Plant II in Kokomo, Indiana | President Barack Obama |
January 2011 | EPA and Chrysler to Jointly Design and Evaluate a Hydraulic Hybrid Minivan | U.S. EPA |
4 January 2011 | Učešće od 51 odsto u Krajzleru moguće ove godine  | Викивести |
12 January 2011 | UAW-Chrysler National Training Center Technology Training Joint Programs Staff, Detroit, MI; UAW-Chrysler Technical Training Center Technology Training Joint Programs Staff, Warren, MI; Notice of Revised Determination on Reconsideration | Del Min Amy Chen |
22 February 2011 | Notice Pursuant to the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993--Cooperative Research Group on High-Efficiency Dilute Gasoline Engine II | Federal Register: DoJ (Patricia A. Brink) |
14 March 2011 | Chrysler Group LLC; Formerly Known as Chrysler LLC; Kenosha Engine Plant; Including On-Site Leased Workers From Caravan Knight Facilities Management LLC, Syncreon, Mahar Tool Supply Company, Waste Management, Quaker Chemical Corporation, K+S Services, Inc., G4S Secure Solutions, Crassociates, Inc., CES, INC., Evans Distribution Systems, Prodriver Leasing Systems, Inc., Teksystems, Inc., Arcadis and the PIC Group, Kenosha, WI; Amended Certification Regarding Eligibility To Apply for Worker Adjustment Assistance | Federal Register: DoL (Michael W. Jaffe) |
15 March 2011 | In the Matter of Certain Automotive Vehicles and Designs Therefore; Notice of Commission Issuance of Limited Exclusion Order and Cease and Desist Orders Against Infringing Products of Respondents Found in Default; Termination of Investigation | Federal Register: ITC (William R. Bishop) |
7 April 2011 | Chrysler Financial Services Americas, LLC, a Subsidiary of FinCo Intermediate Holding Co., LLC, Troy Customer Contact Center; Troy, MI; Notice of Negative Determination on Reconsideration | Federal Register: DoL (Del Min Amy Chen) |
22 April 2011 | Chrysler Group, LLC, Power Train Division, Mack Avenue Engine Plant 1, Including On-Site Leased Workers From Caravan Knight, Detroit, MI; Amended Certification Regarding Eligibility To Apply for Worker Adjustment Assistance | Federal Register: DoL (Del Min Amy Chen) |
2 May 2011 | Chrysler Reports First Post-Bankrputcy Profits | VOA Breaking News |
11 May 2011 | Chrysler Group, LLC, Power Train Division, Mack Avenue Engine Plants 1 And 2, Including On-Site Leased Workers from Caravan Knight, Detroit, MI; Amended Certification Regarding Eligibility To Apply for Worker Adjustment Assistance | Federal Register: DoL (Del Min Amy Chen) |
12 May 2011 | Notice of Negative Determination on Reconsideration | Federal Register: DoL (Del Min Amy Chen) |
24 May 2011 | Recovering Automaker Repays Emergency Loans | VOA Breaking News |
27 May 2011 | Amended Revised Determination on Reconsideration: UAW-Chrysler Technical Training Center, Technology Training Joint Programs Staff Including On-Site Leased Workers from Manpower, Detroit, Michigan; UAW-Chrysler Technical Training Center, Technology Training Joint Programs Staff, Including On-Site Leased Workers from Manpower, Warren, Michigan | Federal Register: DoL (Del Min Amy Chen) |
29 May 2011 | Fiat plans to buy majority stake in Chrysler Fiat announced on Friday that it intends to purchase the six percent of automaker Chrysler that the US government currently owns, which would give the Italian company a 52 percent majority stake in Chrysler. | News Article (text) Publisher: Topics: Fiat, Chrysler |
3 June 2011 | US to Sell Remaining Shares in Chrysler | VOA Breaking News |
4 June 2011 | The President's Weekly Address | President Barack Obama |
21 July 2011 | US Government Closer to Exiting Auto Industry | VOA Breaking News |
17 June 2011 | UAW-Chrysler Technical Training Center, Technology Training Joint Programs Staff, Including On-Site Leased Workers From Cranks, O/E Learning, DBSI, IDEA, and Tonic/MVP, Detroit, MI; UAW-Chrysler Technical Training Center, Technology Training Joint Programs Staff, Including On-Site Leased Workers From Cranks, O/E Learning, DBSI, IDEA, and Tonic/MVP, Warren, MI; Amended Revised Determination on Reconsideration | Federal Register: DoL (Del Min Amy Chen) |
5 August 2011 | Voluntary Termination of Subzone Status; Chrysler Group, LLC, Newark, DE | Federal Register: Foreign-Trade Zones Board (Andrew McGilvray) |
13 September 2011 | Withdrawal of the Notice of Proposed Exemption Involving Chrysler Group LLC (Chrysler Group) and Daimler AG (Daimler) | Ivan L. Strasfeld |
12 October 2011 | US Auto Maker Chrysler Reaches Labor Deal | VOA Breaking News |
1 February 2012 | Chrysler Reports First Yearly Profit Since 1997 | VOA Breaking News |
30 October 2012 | Petition for Exemption From the Federal Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Standard; Chrysler | Federal Register: NHTSA (Christopher J. Bonanti) |
31 October 2012 | Chrysler CEO Denies Plans to Shift Jobs to China | VOA Breaking News |
2 January 2014 | ФИАТ купује и остатак Крајслера  | Викивести |
25 January 2013 | Chrysler Group LLC Gives Sneak Peek Inside New Mopar '13  | Chrysler Group LLC |
29 January 2013 | Chrysler Group LLC to Park Garage at 2013 Chicago Auto Show  | Chrysler Group LLC |
7 January 2014 | Used Chrysler Engines Now Added to for Sale Inventory at PreownedEngines.com Website | PreownedEngines.com |