Former Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives and Speaker of the House from Ohio.
Speaker Boehner Meets With Ford CEO Alan Mulally Official Photo by Bryant Avondoglio, Office of the Speaker May 31, 2011 Speaker Boehner met with Ford Motor Company CEO Alan Mulally this afternoon to discuss several issues, including jobs, trade, and the economy.
View photo of John Boehner and Alan Mulally - 3.6MB |
Speaker Boehner Meets With Ford CEO Alan Mulally Official Photo by Bryant Avondoglio, Office of the Speaker May 31, 2011 Speaker Boehner met with Ford Motor Company CEO Alan Mulally this afternoon to discuss several issues, including jobs, trade, and the economy.
View photo of John Boehner and Alan Mulally - 2.9MB |
Speaker Boehner & NASCAR Champ Tony Stewart Official Photo by Bryant Avondoglio April 18, 2012 Speaker John Boehner met with 2011 NASCAR Sprint Cup Champion Tony Stewart on the Speaker’s Balcony of the U.S. Capitol today.
View photo of John Boehner and Tony Stewart - 3.0MB |
Date | Article | Author/Source |
23 May 2007 | Democrats’ Energy Bill Will Increase Price at Pump | Congressman John Boehner |
31 May 2007 | Gas Prices Got You Down | Congressman John Boehner |
5 June 2007 | Boehner to Meet With Big Three U.S. Automakers Wednesday | Congressman John Boehner |
13 August 2007 | The No-Energy Bill that Will Raise Taxes, Force Higher Gas Prices | Congressman John Boehner |
14 November 2007 | Boehner Supports GOP Proposals to Deny Drivers Licenses to Illegal Immigrants | Congressman John Boehner |
26 February 2008 | Majority's "No Energy" Bill Will Raise Prices for Gasoline, Fail to Produce Any New Domestic Energy | Congressman John Boehner |
27 February 2008 | Majority Chooses Tax Breaks for Chavez Over Tax Relief for Middle-Class | Congressman John Boehner |
14 March 2008 | Congress Responds to Soaring Gas Prices by Raising Your Familys Taxes | Congressman John Boehner |
18 April 2008 | Fuel Prices Rising, Taxes Hikes Threatened No Relief in Sight From Wasteful Washington Spenders | Congressman John Boehner |
22 April 2008 | Boehner: "This is Not a Time for More Empty Campaign Promises of Hollow Legislation that Has No Impact on Lowering the Cost of Gasoline"  | Congressman John Boehner |
24 April 2008 | House Republicans Introduce Legislation Requiring Speaker Pelosi to Reveal Long-Promised Commonsense Plan to Lower Gas Prices | Congressman John Boehner |
25 April 2008 | It's Time for a Bipartisan Plan to Lower Fuel Costs | Congressman John Boehner |
8 May 2008 | Republican Bill Will Provide Gas Tax Relief, Establish Freeze on Taxpayer-Funded Earmarks | Congressman John Boehner |
9 May 2008 | High Gas Prices Causing Families to Give Up Summer Vacations | Congressman John Boehner |
20 May 2008 | Democrats Wave the White Flag on Gas Prices | Congressman John Boehner |
5 June 2008 | Boehner: With Passage of Chesapeake Bay Bill, Democrats Let Another Week Pass Without Scheduling Legislation to Bring Down Gas Prices | Congressman John Boehner |
9 June 2008 | Boehner Responds to $4 Per Gallon Gasoline | Congressman John Boehner |
10 June 2008 | Boehner: House Republicans Launch Effort to Force Pelosi, Hoyer to Schedule Legislation to Help Lower Fuel Costs | Congressman John Boehner |
13 June 2008 | Lowering Gas Prices By Increasing Supply | Congressman John Boehner |
18 June 2008 | House Republicans Launch Effort to Force Dem Leaders to Schedule Legislation to Increase Refinery Capacity and Help Lower Gas Prices | Congressman John Boehner |
24 June 2008 | Americans Want More American Energy, Not Flawed Schemes from Democrats that Do Nothing to Lower Gas Prices | Congressman John Boehner |
16 July 2008 | Boehner, GOP Leaders Accept Petition Calling for More American Energy Production to Help Lower Gas Prices | Congressman John Boehner |
16 July 2008 | Boehner: Latest House GOP Petition Would Force Vote on Bill to Roll Back Costly Government Fuel Mandates | Congressman John Boehner |
18 July 2008 | How Much Higher Do Gas Prices Have to Go Before Congress Acts | Congressman John Boehner |
23 July 2008 | House Republicans Introduce American Energy Act to Help Reduce Gas Prices | Congressman John Boehner |
24 July 2008 | Democrats’ SPRO Bill Another Ploy by Democratic Leaders to Run Out the Clock on Lower Gas Prices | Congressman John Boehner |
22 August 2008 | American Energy Act Will Promote Use of Alternative & Renewable Fuels | Congressman John Boehner |
15 December 2008 | Autoworkers and Taxpayers Deserve Better than Washington's Flawed Bailout | Congressman John Boehner |
19 December 2008 | Ask Boehner: Taxpayer Loans to Auto Manufacturers, Eliminating the Secret Ballot | Congressman John Boehner |
1 June 2009 | Boehner Statement On GM Bankruptcy | Congressman John Boehner |
9 June 2009 | Successful Chevy Dealer in Butler County Gets the Ax | Congressman John Boehner |
17 July 2009 | Boehner Statement On Resolution Seeking Answers From Administration On Influence Exerted Over GM & Chrysler Bankruptcy/Reorganization Proceedings Passing House Financial Services Committee | Congressman John Boehner |
4 December 2009 | Members of Congress, Delphi Retirees Question Government Hand in Pension Cuts | Congressman John Boehner |
11 June 2010 | Boehner Statement on Rose Chevrolet | Congressman John Boehner |
13 July 2010 | As House Field Hearing Collects More Testimony From Delphi Retirees Left In The Cold By The Obama Administration, Boehner Calls For Transparency, Accountability | Congressman John Boehner |
14 July 2010 | House Republicans Move To Cut Wasteful Stimulus Road Signs | Congressman John Boehner |
9 September 2010 | Boehner Meets with Delphi Salaried Retirees, Pledges to Continue Efforts to Force Obama Administration to Come Clean on its Role in Unequal Treatment | Congressman John Boehner |
22 September 2010 | What Theyre Saying About the Obama Administrations Role in the Treatment of Delphis Salaried Retirees | Congressman John Boehner |
5 October 2010 | GAO Agrees to Investigate Delphi Pension Treatment at Request of Wicker and Boehner | Senator Roger Wicker Congressman John Boehner |
31 January 2011 | Boehner and Wicker Seek Answers for Delphi Retirees | Congressman John Boehner |
24 February 2011 | Now at $100: Rising Oil Prices Fuel Skyrocketing Gas Costs, Economic Uncertainty | Congressman John Boehner |
8 March 2011 | Obamas Energy Freeze: Blocking American Energy Production that Would Lower Gas Prices, Create Jobs | Congressman John Boehner |
9 March 2011 | Stopping The EPA From Driving Up Gas Prices & Making It Harder To Create New Jobs | Congressman John Boehner |
10 March 2011 | American Energy Initiative: Stopping Policies That Drive Up Prices, Expanding Production | Congressman John Boehner |
14 March 2011 | Committee Vote Set on Legislation to Stop Backdoor National Energy Tax that Will Drive Up Gas Prices, Destroy Jobs | Congressman John Boehner |
15 March 2011 | Committee Passes Energy Tax Prevention Act to Stop EPA Plan That Will Drive Up Gas Prices, Destroy Jobs | Congressman John Boehner |
10 March 2011 | Congressman Boehner: American Energy Initiative Will Be New Majoritys Ongoing Effort To Address Rising Gas Prices & Help Create Jobs | Congressman John Boehner |
23 March 2011 | While U.S. Job Creators Struggle with Rising Gas Prices, President Obama Promotes More Energy Production In Brazil | Congressman John Boehner |
29 March 2011 | Constituent Mailbag: Plan To Address Rising Gas Prices, Expand American Energy Production, And Make Us Less Dependent On Foreign Energy  | Congressman John Boehner |
29 March 2011 | GOP Revs Up American Energy Initiative as Dems Recycle Same Old Job-Crushing Solutions | Congressman John Boehner |
31 March 2011 | Gas Prices Double As Obama Administration Blocks New Energy Production  | Congressman John Boehner |
31 March 2011 | Wicker And Boehner Continue To Seek Answers For Delphi Retirees | Congressman John Boehner |
6 April 2011 | House Moves To Stop The EPAs Backdoor Energy Tax that Will Drive Up Gas Prices, Destroy Jobs | Congressman John Boehner |
12 April 2011 | House GOPs American Energy Initiative Provides Relief for Families & Small Businesses Struggling With Skyrocketing Gas Prices, Helps Create Jobs | Congressman John Boehner |
27 April 2011 | Running on Empty: Obama Administration Does Nothing to Address Skyrocketing Gas Prices | Congressman John Boehner |
27 April 2011 | White House Calls for Tax Hikes, Admits It Won\’t Lower Gas Prices | Congressman John Boehner |
29 April 2011 | Dont Blame Us: Gas Prices Have Doubled on President Obamas Watch | Congressman John Boehner |
2 May 2011 | This Week, Republicans Set to Take Another Step to Address Soaring Gas Prices, Help Economy Create Jobs | Congressman John Boehner |
17 May 2011 | Regulatory Onslaught Threatens to Destroy Jobs, Drive Up Gas Prices | Congressman John Boehner |
18 May 2011 | GOP Working to Help Americans Suffering from High Gas Prices While Dems Campaign for Tax Hikes | Congressman John Boehner |
24 May 2011 | High Gas Prices Making It Harder for Americans to Find Jobs; House GOP Taking Action | Congressman John Boehner |
26 May 2011 | Think Gas Prices Are Too High Democrats Dont | Congressman John Boehner |
27 May 2011 | New Video Fact Checks Obama Administrations False Gas Price Claims | Congressman John Boehner |
3 November 2011 | House GOP to Move Jobs Bill Linking Increased American Energy Production to Infrastructure Reform | Congressman John Boehner |
17 November 2011 | American Energy & Infrastructure Jobs Act (H.R. 7) | Congressman John Boehner |
30 January 2012 | Congressman Boehner: No Earmarks in American Energy & Infrastructure Jobs Act | Congressman John Boehner |
1 February 2012 | Six Pro-Growth Reforms in the American Energy & Infrastructure Jobs Act | Congressman John Boehner |
6 February 2012 | American Energy & Infrastructure Jobs Act Reforms Needed to Help Address Rising Gas Prices | Congressman John Boehner |
6 February 2012 | H.R.7 Removes Barriers to Energy Production to Create More Than a Million New Private-Sector Jobs | Congressman John Boehner |
6 February 2012 | House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee Passes American Energy & Infrastructure Jobs Act Backed by Job Creators | Congressman John Boehner |
6 February 2012 | New Jobs Bill Reforms Infrastructure Spending, Directs 100% of Highway Resources to Highway Projects | Congressman John Boehner |
7 February 2012 | Congressman Boehner on PBS: Senate Dems Stalling Jobs Bills, Want No Part of Cutting Spending | Congressman John Boehner |
7 February 2012 | H.R. 7 Ensures Scarce Taxpayer Dollars Are Focused on High-Priority Infrastructure Projects, Not Wasteful Pork | Congressman John Boehner |
8 February 2012 | House at Work, The: Several Committees Help Craft Energy & Infrastructure Jobs Bill | Congressman John Boehner |
8 February 2012 | Pro-Growth: H.R. 7 Has No Earmarks & Eliminates or Consolidates Nearly 70 Duplicative Programs | Congressman John Boehner |
9 February 2012 | H.R. 7 Speeds Up Bureaucratic Approvals for Infrastructure Projects, Cuts Permitting Time in Half | Congressman John Boehner |
9 February 2012 | Nearly 70 Federal Programs Eliminated or Consolidated in American Energy & Infrastructure Jobs Act | Congressman John Boehner |
10 February 2012 | Boehner Column: Continuing to Advance Pro-Growth Legislation with the American Energy & Infrastructure Jobs Act (H.R. 7) | Congressman John Boehner |
13 February 2012 | American Energy & Infrastructure Jobs Act Stops the Highway Trust Fund Bailouts | Congressman John Boehner |
24 February 2012 | Debunked: President Obamas Misleading Energy Production Talking Point | Congressman John Boehner |
24 February 2012 | Economists Warn Rising Gas Prices Threaten Economic Recovery; Time for Senate Dems to Act on House-Passed Energy Bills | Congressman John Boehner |
28 February 2012 | Boehner Discusses Rising Gas Prices and Encouraging Job Creation with Brian Thomas on Ohios 55 KRC-AM | Congressman John Boehner |
28 February 2012 | Congressman Boehner: Presidents All-of-the-Above Rhetoric Belied by Record of Blocking American Energy, Driving Up Gas Prices  | Congressman John Boehner |
28 February 2012 | House GOP Acts to Address Rising Gas Prices Putting the Squeeze on American Families | Congressman John Boehner |
28 February 2012 | Running on Empty: New Chart Shows White House Plan for Higher Gas Prices & Fewer Jobs  | Congressman John Boehner |
29 February 2012 | Is Addressing High Gas Prices a Goal for the Obama Admin No | Congressman John Boehner |
29 February 2012 | Republicans Using Orchestrated Campaign, Coordinated Messaging Blitz to Put Heat on Obama Admin Over High Gas Prices  | Congressman John Boehner |
2 March 2012 | Boehner Column: Soaring Gas Prices Prove Its Time for an All of the Above Strategy on American Energy | Congressman John Boehner |
5 March 2012 | GOPs Coordinated Assault on Gas Prices Has Dems Anxious, Worried, Playing Defense | Congressman John Boehner |
7 March 2012 | Boehner Addresses Rising Gas Prices with Ohio Farm Bureau Presidents  | Congressman John Boehner |
7 March 2012 | Five Energy & Gas Prices Questions for President Obama | Congressman John Boehner |
7 March 2012 | Fox News Highlights Obama Administrations Hypocrisy on Energy Production, Gas Prices | Congressman John Boehner |
7 March 2012 | Speculation Scapegoat: Dems See Another Explanation For High Gas Prices Go Up in Smoke | Congressman John Boehner |
7 March 2012 | This Week: Republicans Continue Coordinated Attack Over Rising Gas Prices | Congressman John Boehner |
7 March 2012 | TONIGHT: Congressman Boehner Talks JOBS Act, Gas Prices with Greta Van Susteren  | Congressman John Boehner |
9 March 2012 | All of the Above Congressman Boehner Tells Fox News POTUS Rhetoric Doesnt Match His Actions on Gas Prices | Congressman John Boehner |
13 March 2012 | Democrats Feeling the Heat Over Rising Gas Prices Plot Bill to Make Gas More Expensive | Congressman John Boehner |
13 March 2012 | White Houses Gas Pains Arent Going Away | Congressman John Boehner |
16 March 2012 | #ObamaOnEmpty: Gas Prices Up, Federal Energy Production Down | Congressman John Boehner |
16 March 2012 | Week in Bad Headlines, A: Democrats Scrambling, Tanking, Playing Defense on Gas Prices | Congressman John Boehner |
19 March 2012 | On Defense: POTUS Schedules Energy Tour to Explain Why Gas Prices Have Doubled on His Watch | Congressman John Boehner |
20 March 2012 | As Gas Prices Soar, Extremely Challenging Regulations Making Things Worse for Refineries | Congressman John Boehner |
26 March 2012 | Experts Confirm Obama Administration Policies are Making Gas Prices Worse, Back GOPs All-of-the-Above Plan | Congressman John Boehner |
26 March 2012 | Congressman Boehner Highlights Obama Energy Gap Between the Presidents Words & Actions on Addressing Soaring Gas Prices  | Congressman John Boehner |
26 March 2012 | Out-of-Touch: Energy Secretary Lauds Obama Administrations Performance While Gas Prices Continue Climbing  | Congressman John Boehner |
2 April 2012 | Republicans Continue Coordinated Messaging Blitz to Press Obama Administration on Soaring Gas Prices | Congressman John Boehner |
4 April 2012 | Out-of-Touch Vice President on $4 Gas: Our Energy Policy is the Best Its Ever Been  | Congressman John Boehner |
6 April 2012 | Boehner Column: Time for President Obama to Reverse Course on Gas Prices, Energy | Congressman John Boehner |
6 April 2012 | With Gas Prices Doubling on His Watch, POTUS All-of-the-Above Rhetoric Not Adding Up | Congressman John Boehner |
10 April 2012 | #ObamaGap: POTUS Talks Tax Hikes (Again) While Gas Prices Soar | Congressman John Boehner |
17 April 2012 | Boehner Video on Gas Prices: POTUS Policies Have Only Made Things Worse  | Congressman John Boehner |
17 April 2012 | Not Letting Up: Republicans Focus on Gas Prices, Pounding the Pocketbook Energy Issue | Congressman John Boehner |
18 April 2012 | Congressman Boehner Challenges President Obama to Stop the Gimmicks & Starting Working with Republicans to Create Jobs & Address High Gas Prices  | Congressman John Boehner |
18 April 2012 | Presidents Perennial Gimmick to Deflect Blame for High Gas Prices Tanks | Congressman John Boehner |
18 April 2012 | Three Facts About Keystone XL & High Gas Prices | Congressman John Boehner |
24 October 2012 | Obama Admin Must Answer for Delphi Pension Scandal | Congressman John Boehner |
25 October 2012 | Congressman Boehner: White House Must Explain Its Role in Delphi Pension Scandal | Congressman John Boehner |
25 October 2012 | Obama Admin Must Answer for Delphi Pension Scandal | Congressman John Boehner |
1 November 2012 | Boehner Column: President Obama Owes Ohioans Answers on the Delphi Pensions Scandal | Congressman John Boehner |
27 February 2013 | Rosa L. Parks Statue Dedicated at U.S. Capitol | Congressman John Boehner |
10 June 2013 | First News Out of Ohio Delphi Retirees Hearing: Congressmen Pledge Unwavering Support | Congressman John Boehner |
14 June 2013 | Boehner Column: Why is the White House Still Stonewalling Delphi Retirees | Congressman John Boehner |
12 September 2013 | Government Report: GM Pressured to Favor Presidents Union Allies in Auto Bailout | Congressman John Boehner |
22 April 2014 | Boehner Tours Neaton Auto Products, Discusses Local Economy and Jobs  | Congressman John Boehner |
23 April 2014 | Boehner Visits Neaton Auto Products in Eaton, OH  | Congressman John Boehner |
14 May 2014 | Boehner Statement on Vice President Biden’s Visit to Cleveland, OH | Congressman John Boehner |
26 June 2014 | Boehner Applauds Congressman Turner’s Leadership in Latest Push for Delphi Answers | Congressman John Boehner |
9 July 2014 | Boehner Meets with Navistar CEO, Discusses Springfield Plant | Congressman John Boehner |
22 July 2014 | Boehner Statement on Five-Year Anniversary of Delphi Salaried Retirees’ Pensions and Benefits Termination | Congressman John Boehner |
26 September 2014 | ICYMI: The Push for Delphi Answers Continues | Congressman John Boehner |
16 July 2015 | Ohio Delegation Continues Fight for Final Benefits for Delphi Salaried Retirees | Congressman John Boehner |